Chapter 34

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"Give this heart to someone that love me? But whose gonna love me? I don’t think that someone will ever love me with this look.” Angered boiled in her body and a puff of smoke coming out from her nostril and soon maybe her fire started to burn the cave.

“Calmed yourself. To break your cursed you need to give that dragon’s heart of yours to someone that falling in love with you and crushed it. The person that have your heart must not
use it for power but instead they crushed it for you because he loves you.”

“But how do I know that person is going to love me? Don’t you want your daughter’s heart

“Eeva is always in my heart but most importantly she was inside you know and I can’t hurt you. Soon or later you will know to someone will love you with their deepest heart.”

And everything went into darkness again. All the light from the other dragon’s heart are gone including Inka too. Aari stay unconscious again and she went into a very deep sleep, only accompany with silence and darkness cold.

Aari didn’t remember when was the last time she ever felt awake. She event can’t open her eyes to see where she was or what had happened to the outside world? What happen to Inka and the other dragons? Are they left her here in the cave full with treasure of diamonds and jewelry?

But none of that she knew because all of her sense of touch and feeling like she was in the dark sky. She can feel a cold breeze gust of wind on her face and she heard a swoop of wings flying in the open stars. She also felt the very hard and scaly surface.

The scale has a black and red like blood colour on it. She doesn’t know if she was right or not but it seems like she was riding on the dragon. Before she knew more about it, she went blank again and the darkness accompanied into the deepest sleep.

“Aari…” Suddenly Aari heard someone whisper her name. who whisper and call her name?

“Aari it’s me. Wake up, please.”
Someone begged her to wake up.

She really wants to open her eyes but she can’t. she doesn’t have much energy to open her eyes. She is trying it again to open her eyes but she failed again.

She wants to know who the voice belonged to and she feeling scared now. She might lose everything and she might lose to person who had help her, Lionel.

Lionel, why she even didn’t think about him? She almost forgot about him. What had happened
to him? The last time she saw him is when she fell off from the cliff of the mountain while they are hiking.

He yelled her name and try to grab her hand but didn’t got a chance to grab her, instead she fell, into the dark pitch black.

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