3 || The time is tonight

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You slept for a while after Mark left the house, you were feeling sleepy so you rested for a while. Right now you are barely waking up and you couldn't tell if it was day or night, "did I slept that much?" – You asked yourself while feeling the cold breeze against your skin.

As you tried to settled down to sit on your bed your head was hurting bit, you were feeling a settle headache, when suddenly you heard someone coming inside your room which made Chesnutt growl.

-We came back little blind – Jessica said while walking inside your room.

-How everything went? – You asked politely.

-As you can see, oh sorry, you can't – Jessica said while laughing. –No, but for real now. I came back alone since my mom stayed with daddy, can't you even tell that it's already too late for you to be awake? – Jessica continued.

-No, I can't – You said with your head down.

-You should be smarter than this, I mean you go to my college – Jessica said as you felt how she sat next to you. –Are you even awake? – Jessica asked before she slapped your cheek hard.

-You shouldn't worry, college year is almost over – You said while feeling your cheek in pain, so you started to hold it with your hand gently.

-Hmm, you don't deserve Mark – Jessica complained serious.

-What? – You asked confused.

-My brother could find something so much better! Something worth it! – Jessica shouted as she stood up, then she started to walk away from you.

-I don't know what are you talking about, Mark and I aren't together – You said worried.

-Oh, sure! I'm not stupid little blind! – Jessica said before she started to break things, you couldn't see what she was breaking but by the sound you could tell that she was tearing apart your drawings.

-No! Stop! Jessica! – You shouted while tears started to run down your cheeks.

-So don't you ever try something with Mark! Leave my brother alone! – Jessica said madly. Then she grabbed something from the drawer next to your bed, you thought that she was looking for Mark in your phone contacts but since you can't see nothing was clear at all.

-What are you doing? – You asked in between sobs.

-I don't want you to have his number anymore – Jessica said as she continued to search for Mark's number when suddenly you felt Chesnutt going away from you, and right after you could hear Jessica screaming.

-Chesnutt?! – You shouted concerned. You couldn't see what was going on which at this point was good since your dog was attacking Jessica, she of course tried to get free from his grip but Chesnutt was really mad. As soon as she got free Chesnutt got towards you and then he left the phone on top of your lap, then he just barked once again.

-Your dog is going to pay! Y/N! – Jessica shouted before leaving your room.

-Chesnutt, why you did that? – You said while a few tears kept going down your cheek. As a response Chesnutt barked and then he placed your hand on top of the phone, you tried to deduce what he was trying to do so then you realised that he wanted you to call Mark.

-You are smarter than me – You said as you started to clean up your tears. Just like that you tried to call Mark, it wasn't that difficult since Jessica left the contact profile there it was just to search for the button.

-Mark's POV-

I heard my phone ringing so I thought immediately that Yugyeom forgot something at my department, but as soon as I took the phone I looked at the screen and it was Y/N's phone. So I quickly picked up the call.

-Y/N? – I said concerned.

-Oh... I did it? Am I calling you? – Y/N said surprised but at the same time, I could hear little sobs coming out from her.

-What happened? Are you okay? – I asked while standing up from my bed.

-I-I want to go, I can't stay here – Y/N said as she started to sob.

-Okay, stay there. I'll be soon with you – I said before hanging up. I took the department's keys, and jacket and I ran towards the entrance, I quickly put my shoes on and I went out of my place in a hurry.

As soon as I reached the reception area I ran towards the parking area, and then I got inside my car. I started to drive towards my mother's house, for some reason I felt that something bad happened with Y/N and that she wasn't just crying for nothing.

After some time of driving, I finally got to the house, so I immediately got inside the house's parking spots and I just opened the door in a hurry and started to run towards the entrance. I opened the door with the keys and then I ran upstairs where Y/N's room is.

-Y/N! – I said while going inside her room. While looking around I saw her room was a mess, papers everywhere and the bed sheets of her bed were all over the place. She was there sitting down on her bed as usual but she had her head facing down, Chesnutt came towards me and he started to look at me concerned... even the little dog knows what happened.

Without saying a word I started to open Y/N's closet and drawers, I took out a bag for her and then I started to put all her clothes inside as well as some other important things for her. Then I placed it on my shoulder, and then I looked at her once again, I got towards her and I just caressed her hand gently.

-I'm not leaving you here again – I said while looking at her.

-Mark... - Y/N sobbed before she started to hug me tight.

-What happened? – I asked while holding her tight. Then I noticed that Y/N had her cheek red which made me think about my sister. -Did she hit you?

-I-I couldn't do anything, I'm sorry – Y/N said while tearing up.

-Hey, relax. Is not your fault, okay? – I said before I kissed her forehead. –Let's go – I said while looking at her concerned.

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