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*Sometime later*

-Y/N's POV-

Is time to celebrate, everyone graduated and it's ready to get off from school and join bigger things. You chose to be a scientist like your father, and Song decided to go for a friendly job, a vet. Also, during these months that passed Mark and you had been well, nothing happened in between you two after you finally talked to him about your concerns and thoughts on Minhyuk.

Nowadays, you can say that everything is better, however, you aren't completely the same since you don't go out as often as you used to; you don't even want to take Chestnut out for a walk, so, Mark does it for you.

In this night you can hear music out loud while your friends are partying since at the end none of your friends went to the graduation ball, instead, they continued with the original idea of having an own party for the main achievement.

You are inside your room; you don't want to go out but there's Song trying to push you out to have some fun with the rest of the guys.

-You look grumpy and old – Song joked.

-Yah! I don't – You complained.

She chuckled. -Then, go out and have some fun – Song smiled.

-But Minhyuk is there – You told.

-You mean your best friend – She pointed out.

-He isn't – You said blankly.

-It wasn't his fault and you know that – Song stated.

You sighed. -I need to blame someone – You spoke.

-So, blame his father, not him – Song said. -Listen, this attitude is affecting Mark too; he isn't partying like everyone else because you are locked in here – She disclosed.

-You should go out; I promise to join later on – You said.

-No, I won't – Song sighed.

-JB might be searching for you – You pointed out.

-Y/N, JB and I are just friends. Nothing else is going to happen, and is not because of him; I feel that we are better as good friends – Song revealed.

-Wow, I never expected that to happen – You admitted amazed.

-Yeah, well, I think is better this way – Song spoke. -Now, can we go out together; I'll help you to get dressed – She smiled.

You sighed and thought once again, making you realize that Mark was out there waiting. -Okay – You nodded.

-That's the spirit – She said happily.

Song helped you out to get dressed, however, you remembered that Mark wanted to see you with a dress so you told her to choose a party long dress, after all, the party was formal even though you are at an apartment.

As soon as you were ready, you got out of your room and began to greet everyone who was there; GOT7 members and also Monsta X guys.

-Hey – You said while greeting BamBam.

-Hey! You look really good, Mark-hyung will love it – He smiled.

-Thanks – You smiled before looking at Minhyuk. -And, I'm sorry for acting so rudely to you – You said while looking down.

-Is okay, at least I have my best friend back – Minhyuk said before holding you tightly.

-Yeah – You said feeling happier. -By the way, do you know where is Jinyoung and Yugyeom? I wanted to greet them – You spoke.

-Oh, is better if you don't search for them- BamBam said nervously.

-Why? – You asked.

-Because, hmm, they are making out very intensely – Minhyuk said as he looked at the corner.

Jinyoung sitting on Yugyeom's lap while both of them were kissing each other really passionately.

-Oh! Alright – You said while looking away from them, then you chuckled along BamBam and Minhyuk.

-Then, I'll go with Mark – You smiled.

-He's on the balcony, good luck! – Minhyuk said while looking at you happily.

-Thanks – You said before walking away.

You went all the way to the living area you have after crossing the main TV area where the party is taking place, you saw Mark looking at the sky while reloading his arms on the fence.

You started to walk towards him which made him immediately turn around, he looked at you amazed and you instantly blushed. As soon as you reached him, you looked at him happily.

-You wanted to see me in a dress, so, here I am – You smiled.

-You look fabulous – Mark smiled.

-Don't you think it's too formal? I mean, you have a leather jacket on – You chuckled.

-You look perfect, just stunning – He said before holding your hand. -How are you feeling? – Mark asked.

-I talked with Song, she made me change my mind even though I already planned to go out tonight – You smiled.

-I'm glad, I was worried about you but I guess I forgot how strong you are – He said while putting your hair behind your ear.

-You contributed to that – You admitted. -And to make me realize a lot of things – You sighed.

-Like love? – He teased.

You giggled. -Yes, like love – You said.

-In this night the stars are shining bright, it might be because we start a brand-new chapter in our lives – Mark spoke.

-Yeah, now that college is over, we have to take very important decisions – You told.

-Aha, and that involves the two of us – Mark pointed out. -Are you planning on staying here with me? – He asked.

-Of course, I can't take Chestnut away from you – You joked.

-Yah~ that was a low blow – Mark chuckled.

-I'm just kidding – You said while you stared at his eyes.

-Why are you looking at me like that? – He asked.

-Do you mind? – You questioned.

-Not at all but, you can provoke things – Mark spoke.

-Like what? – You asked as he kept on getting close to you.

-Like this – He whispered before placing his lips on yours.

He started to kiss you softly while holding your cheek gently, he started to intensify the kiss which made you hold onto his shoulder. Mark held you tighter against him as the music could be heard, you were getting lost in his moments until you two stopped since you were running out of breath.

-Will you be with me forever? – He whispered while holding both of your hands.

-Always – You said while looking at him with a settle smile. -I love you – You whispered.

-I love you even more – Mark said before he started to kiss you again.

The end.

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