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-Y/N's POV-

You are at with the ophthalmologist right now, Jinyoung and Yugyeom never left your side during the exams you did. They were really supportive in all terms, you got scared at some points and Yugyeom was trying to calm you down while making some jokes, and Jinyoung was holding your hand with a smile on his face. They were really nice to you during the whole process of finding out your disease through the different exams, and you already know what you need to do for you to recover your sight completely.

-So you need an operation, right? – Jinyoung asked just to make sure about the whole situation.

-Yes, someone needs to donate a retina for me to have to the operation – You said.

-Do you think I can donate? – Yugyeom asked.

-Yah! No, are you crazy?! – You complained as you tried to hit his shoulder.

-*Chuckle* okay, I was just asking – Yugyeom said before he patted your head.

-That was a stupid question – Jinyoung said a bit serious.

-Right, sorry hyung, sorry Y/N – Yugyeom said.

-It's okay, but don't joke with that – You said with a settle smile.

-So Mr. Trouble, what's the excuse you had prepared so far? – Jinyoung asked as he kept on driving towards college.

-I actually do have one, a really good one – Yugyeom said proudly.

-Ooh, which one? – You asked curious.

-Maybe we can say that you were having a terrible headache, then since we noticed that Jinyoung and I took you to the infirmary – Yugyeom explain while Jinyoung started to park the car.

-Well, you better prepare that excuse because we are going to go in class just right now – Jinyoung said as he untied the seatbelt, then he got out of the car and helped you to get out from the car as well.

The three of you went towards your next class and you were acting totally normal about it, after all, one class is left since you really took a while at the hospital but it was totally worth it. You could hear Yugyeom and Jinyoung arguing about the whole "excuse situation" since Jinyoung though that it wasn't convincing at all.

-Where were you!? – You heard Mark yelling through the distance.

-Oh, damn – Yugyeom said concerned.

-You know what to say Y/N, stay cool – Jinyoung whispered near your ear.

-Got it – You said while nodding, then you heard how someone was coming fast towards you and right after that, you felt a warm embrace.

-I got so worried – Mark said while hugging you tightly.

-I'm okay, don't worry – You said while hugging him back.

-Where did you take her? – Jackson said upset.

-She was feeling bad, so we took her to the infirmary – Jinyoung said calmly.

-Yes, she had a terrible headache – Yugyeom added.

-Hmm, is that truth Y/N? – Jackson asked.

-It is, I don't know why but I started to feel dizzy and my head was hurting so they offered to take me to the infirmary – You said while nodding.

-Do you feel better? – Mark asked concerned.

-Yes, I'm better now – You said with a kind smile.

-So right now we have classes to attend, see you later – Yugyeom said as he left in a hurry.

-*Sigh* I'll go too, see you – Jinyoung said happily.

-Goodbye Jinyoung – You said happily.


You are back to Mark's department, you already had lunch and right now you are listening to some music while thinking about what happened at the hospital. You were so happy to know that you have a possibility of recovering your vision and that Yugyeom and Jinyoung were there with you when you needed them the most, however, you feel a bit guilty for lying to Mark since you never had done it before. It wasn't a big deal but you were feeling a bit bad about it.

-Here, we came back – Mark said while walking towards you.

-Hey buddy! – You said happily as you felt Chesnutt's fur, he was so energetic and really happy. –How was the walk? – You asked.

-Walk? This dog ran with me, it was our work out – Mark said happily.

-I'm glad, even if you always work out – You said.

-Not always, but I try – Mark said as he sat next to you. –So how are you feeling? – Mark asked.

-Good, why do you ask? – You questioned as Chesnutt laid down next to you.

-Because you were feeling bad at college – Mark said.

-Oh, yeah but I told you that I was better after Jinyoung and Yugyeom took me to the infirmary – You said with a smile.

-Did you really go to the infirmary? Like I believe you but I can't trust Yugyeom, he's way too mischievous – Mark questioned.

-We really went, don't worry about it – You said while smiling at him.

The silence started to appear in between you both, everything was calm and the only thing you could hear was the wind coming inside your window. You didn't know what Mark was doing at that point. Is he looking at you? Or is he just looking away? You don't have any idea but you do know that he is thoughtful since he isn't talking too much as he's used to. After some seconds you started to feel how his hand started to slide next to your cheek, which made your heart beat a bit faster.

-You really worried me, I thought something bad happened to you – Mark said as he started to caress your cheek.

-No, you left me with two guys who really took good care of me – You said with a smile. –Honestly, I have to thank you, after all, you are taking care of me now that I'm no longer in the same house as your sister.

-*Sigh* I'll always be here, I think you already know that – Mark said. –And you don't have to worry about Jess, she's not going to hurt you anymore and the same with my mom – Mark said before he started to hug you.

-Are you okay? I can feel that something bothers you – You asked concerned.

-I-I – He stuttered, then he took a deep breath. –I don't want you to change me – Mark whispered near your ear.

-Hmm, I won't – You said kindly. –I could never, how can you think about that?

-Because I want you to just be with me – Mark said before he chuckled. –I know that you don't love me as I do, but I still want to be with you – Mark said as he started to hide his face against your shoulder.

-I do love you, but I don't want to be a burden to you – You said. –I'm sorry.

-You don't have to apologize, I know how you feel but you'll never be a burden to me Y/N – Mark said before he gave you a gentle kiss on your cheek, then you felt how he started to get away from you.

-Don't go, please – You said as you grabbed his hand, then you pulled him against you and started to hug him tight.

-*Chuckle* alright, I'll be here – Mark said before he started to caress your head.

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