21 || Truths are out

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-Y/N's POV-

The morning was great, Mark and you had a lot of time to talk about the things you couldn't before since both of you are apart when the noon comes. It was good to take some time and actually be with him, once again, he made you remember why you fell in love with him since the very beginning.

During your day, Mark received a call from Jackson asking him where you two were at the moment. You admitted that you decided to skip classes and hang out for a while, and of course, Jackson couldn't control his emotion and started to scream like a fangirl. After all, he was happy for both of you, and in the end, he just said that he'll give both of you the notes from class.

At this moment, Mark and you are inside the apartment just playing some dress up together. You two were laughing out loud while Chestnut was actually having a lot of fun too, just barking and jumping around.

-Now! GOT7's Mark! – You said before clapping happily.

-Thank you, thank you, Ahgases – Mark said after he got out of the restroom, then he started to model.

-Fabulous Mr. Tuan – You clapped.

-Oh, thank you so much Ms. Y/N – Mark said before looking at you sassily which made you laugh immediately.

-Next outfit! – You smiled before getting up from the floor in a hurry, then you started to pick another combination for Mark to wear. -Do you like this, Chest? – You asked while looking at your furry friend.

He just barked while moving his tail happily.

-I agree – You giggled before gathering all the clothes. -Here you have it, Mr. Tuan – You spoke before throwing the clothes inside the restroom.

-Thank you – Mark chuckled, you sat down on the floor while waiting for him to be done. Suddenly, the restroom door got opened and Mark got out from it looking very handsome; black jeans, white tank top, black shoes, and a fluffy jacket.

You were speechless as soon as you saw him, and you were actually impressed that everything looked so great after choosing everything randomly.

-I guess I don't need to model – Mark teased before getting towards you. -Or do you want a close-up? – He asked while getting towards you.

-Hmm, are you really playing with me, Mr. Tuan? – You questioned while getting away with him with a settle smirk.

-Maybe – Mark chuckled before he leaned closer and started to kiss your lips softly.

He placed his hand on your cheek and began to caress it gently, and you were about to surround his neck with your arms but Chestnut got in between you two which broke the kiss instantly.

You giggled as Chestnut got on top of Mark. -He wants to be noticed – You smiled while looking at Mark battling with the dog.

-Yah, buddy! You always ruin the best part – Mark complained while caressing Chestnut's fur.

-Just doing his job – You grinned before the doorbell rang. -Are we waiting for someone? – You asked.

-I don't think so – Mark said before getting up from the floor, then he took of the fluffy jacket before going out of the room.

He walked to the entrance of the apartment and Chestnut followed him from behind, however, he began to smell against the door and there's when he began to bark. Mark got confused by Chestnut's sudden reaction since he never barks like this, so, he opened the door to see who was there.

-I come to see Y/N – You heard a familiar voice say.

Not again.

You rolled your eyes and went with Mark, you looked at the guy in front of you very upset and then you just sighed.

-What do you want, Jared? – You asked while getting in front of Mark. -You know, I was having such a great day before you got here – You spoke.

-I do not care, now, give me the files you stole from the lab – Jared ordered.

-I already gave them to you – You said.

-Y/N, don't lie to me – Jared shouted.

-Hey! Don't you dare to talk to her like that – Mark said upset while looking at Jared madly.

-Relax – You whispered near his ear, then you returned to Jared. -Why do you think I stole something? – You asked.

-I know when you are lying, Y/N – Jared spoke, then he sighed. -Listen, I know you don't trust me and that you think I'm just a bad person but, I'm trying to help you out here – He assured.

-Help, from you? – Mark questioned.

-You never helped me out when we were young, and now you are here to tell me you want to help me? – You said confused. -Sorry, but I don't believe in your words anymore – You told.

-You are just like me, sister – Jared spoke. -Keeping secrets from the people you love, involving your closest ones in things they shouldn't, and forgetting your roots. Yes... I've been there too – He said.

-What is he talking about? – Mark asked confused.

-Oh, he doesn't know anything, does he? – Jared questioned.

-Stop it, just don't say anything else – You said while looking down to the floor while closing your fists tightly.

-Y/N, I'm here without anyone knowing I searched for you again, and just looking for forgiveness after everything I did to you – Jared explained. -He needs to know what things you are exposed to – He said while pointing at Mark.

You looked at him upset, then you stood aside and let him come inside. Everyone walked towards the kitchen's bar and sat down, Jared was just looking at you and for the first time in years, he was looking at you concerned.

-Do you want to start? – Jared asked.

You just nodded before taking a deep breath. -After I recovered my sight, I had just one objective: find the reason why my father died. I did a lot of research and I found out that he was killed and that I had something to do with it, and then I remembered a laboratory he used to work at HSSK. I told Yugyeom to take me there and help me out with everything, he accepted and actually, his father helped us too. After getting inside the lab I found an archive with my name on it, I looked at it and everything it contains is about me. – You explained.

-I got scared time later when I saw it all; pictures of my friends, of you and me, and everything involved with my life. The file is called "Golden", and each file has a mission to complete; all of them are the same and all of them involve love. – You spoke. -My mission got completed, the objective was getting out of the house I lived in with the person I wanted as my companion, and here we are – You teared up.

-Another thing that I discovered was that the files are needed since they want to keep on going with these experiments, and it doesn't make sense after all the things that had happened ever since the files went missing – Jared added while looking at Mark.

-And why you waited so long to tell me this? – He asked, very hurt by the sudden confession.

-Isn't it obvious? – Your brother said as soon as he noticed you started to sob. -She doesn't want you to think of her as a fake person, do you think she can live normally knowing that all her life was faked and controlled by someone else? – Jared questioned upset.

You didn't say anything, instead, you stood up and went to your room. After your brother's words, everything makes sense now; he was under the same situation as you are.

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