8 || Always with you

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-Y/N's POV-

You've been awake since some hours now and the only ones there are Mark and you, he's been really quiet and he hasn't spoken up in a while now. Something else might be bothering him but you feel something else that isn't right, you can feel that he's having tough times but you don't really know why.

-Are you okay? – You asked concerned.

-Sure – Mark said bare.

-Mark – You called out his name.

-I'm sorry, but I can't tell you – He said.

-Why not? You don't trust me? – You asked.

-I do – Mark said before he sighed, then you felt how he sat next to you. He started to hold your hand while hiding his face against your shoulder and you could hear him breathing heavily which made you worry a lot.

-Are you crying? – You asked worriedly.

-No, but I could – Mark said while caressing your hand.

-What happened? – You asked before Chesnutt sat next to you.

-It's about your father – Mark finally said.

-You know where he is? – You asked with hope.

-H-He – Mark shuttered. –He's in heaven – He said before he started to hold you tight.

-W-What..? – You asked surprised while feeling your heart beating slower and your breath getting heavier.

-I'm here, I'll always be here and I won't leave – Mark said before he kissed your head.

You are speechless at this point and you don't really know anything, you always felt that something was missing and now you know why. You started to hold Mark tightly against you while hiding your face under his embrace, without even noticing your tears started to fall down while Mark was trying to console you somehow.

-How? – You asked.

-No, no Y/N. Don't do this to yourself – Mark said while caressing your head.

-Mark, please – You sobbed.

-H-He was killed by someone who's now in prison, okay? I won't say more, you don't deserve this – Mark said before his voice started to crack.

-Oh God – You sobbed while holding Mark tighter.


-Mark's POV-

After a while of hearing her cry, cleaning up her tears and consoling her, Y/N finally fell asleep again. Such a tiring day, full of negativity which Y/N hates and to top everything up a lot of work needed to be done. That's why I'm currently doing homework for me and for Y/N since I know she's not going to be able to do it herself, she's way too devastated to even think about college right now.

To calm me down Jackson is on the phone, just doing a video call with me. I couldn't talk with Jinyoung nor Yugyeom since I'm still upset about what they did, and it might sound stupid but I can't just let this slide. They know that I'm so united with Y/N and I wanted to be the first one to help her with her illness, however, I won't deny that after all, what they did really make her happy and I'm grateful after all.

-So what are you doing prince? – Jackson asked while writing down on his notebook.

-Don't you see that I'm doing homework? – I said while looking at him a bit annoyed.

-Hmm, sorry – Jackson said. –How is she doing? – Jackson asked while looking at Y/N who's sleeping on my bed which is behind me.

-Not great – I said while Chesnutt laid down beside her.

-And the cute buddy? – Jackson asked while pointing at Chesnutt.

-Not good either, he doesn't want to eat nor to play but honestly who wants to – I said before I kept on writing on the notebook.

-I want to go but I don't know if it's the best time – Jackson said concerned.

-That would be great, honestly, Y/N needs company – I said.

-*Sigh* poor girl, she doesn't deserve any of this – Jackson said while reloading his chin on his palm.

-I know, I feel terrible for telling her... but it just came out of my mouth – I admitted feeling really guilty.

-You needed to tell her at one point so don't worry, we'll be there for her – Jackson said as he tried to cheer me up.

-Yes, absolutely. But I don't think she'll come on Monday to College, she needs time, a lot of time – I said before looking at Jackson who was looking at me too.

-Mark-hyung, Y/N is strong and I know that if you stay by her side she'll get better each day – Jackson said as he smiled at me.

-Hmm, I hope you are right – I said with a settle smile. –So are you coming?

-Yes, I'll finish this up over there so wait for me – Jackson said while picking up his things.

-Okay, see you bro – I said.

-See you – Jackson said before he ended the video call. I left everything I was doing once the video call was over I wanted to continue with him since I can't think clearly right now, so I got towards Y/N and Chesnutt and I just laid down next to her. I started to caress her hair while thinking about how she might be feeling, and how much her high hopes are now buried down. I don't know what I can do for her aside from being with her for everything she needs, and on top of that, I don't know how I'm going to tell her about the plan I did with the guys.

I saw Y/N moving towards me, she started to hug me tight against her while I started to embrace her too.

-Hey – I whispered kindly.

-Hey – Y/N whispered back while hugging me tighter.

-You should sleep a little more – I said while looking at her.

-I slept twice today, I don't think I can sleep again – Y/N said sadly.

-I wish I could do something to make you feel happier, I really wish I could – I said before kissing her head.

-I know but I just need time, that's the only thing that can help me now – Y/N said while tears started to drop down her cheek, I cleaned them gently with my fingers while Chesnutt started to lay down closer to me.

-You are strong, and I know you can get out of this – I said as I tried my best to cheer her up.

-I'm not that strong if you're not with me – Y/N said while hiding her face against my chest. –Don't leave me – She cried.

-I could never leave you, are you kidding me? – I said concerned while patting her back gently. –Why do you think of that?

-Sometimes I think that you are just bored of being with such an ordinary girl who's blind – Y/N said sadly.

-You're not ordinary, at least not for me – I said while caressing her head. –You are the most important person I have, and I could never leave you behind.

-Thank you, I love you too.

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