14 || Trust me, I'm here

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-Y/N's POV-

Yugyeom left you at Mark's place some hours ago, he didn't want to leave you since you were really bad after founding out the files your father had. However, you told him that tomorrow everything will be back to normality since you'll return to your studies, and you won't need his help anymore.

Currently, you are on the bed with Mark, both of you are watching some TV before going to sleep. You aren't in your best right now, but you don't want to tell anything to Mark yet.

Mark was laughing so hard while having his arm around your shoulder, he's having a blast while watching the TV, which makes you feel like a party pooper since you aren't in the mood.

-I'll go to sleep – You said while getting away from him, then you stood up from the bed.

-Hey, I thought tonight you wanted to sleep here with me – Mark questioned surprised.

-I changed my mind, I'll go to my room – You said mournfully.

-Princess – Mark said while standing up from the bed, he turned off the TV and walked towards you. –What's wrong? – He asked.

-Nothing, I'm just tired – You spoke.

-Don't you trust me? – He questioned.

-I do, I really do – You said before hugging him. –Do you really love me? – You asked.

-What? Of course! Why do you think I don't love you? – Mark asked

-I-I don't know, sometimes I think there are more people out there and it's surreal to be with you – You said.

-Don't doubt about my feelings for you, I really want you next to me and I'm lucky to have you – Mark assured.

Before you could say something to him, knocks on the door started to be heard. Immediately, Mark got towards the entrance and opened the door.

-We need to talk with Y/N – You heard a raspy and deep voice.

-Why? – Mark asked.

-Where is her? – Another person said, a male with a slightly higher voice than the other guy.

-Why do you want to know? – Mark asked once again.

-This isn't your business, it's the country's security on the game here, sir – The guy added.

I recognize that voice, but it's been ages since I saw him.

You went out of the room and walked to the entrance, you stood beside Mark and looked at the guy you've been away from since a while now.

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