11 || I'll help you out

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-Y/N's POV-

Already the next day and it seems that you still stuck in your same place; on the bed while looking outside through the window, Chesnutt by your side while you can smell the breakfast Mark did.

Today Mark needed to go early to college since the rest of his friends wanted to finish up a project they are doing, however, you won't go today. The principal thinks that is way too soon for you to go, so she told you to stop worrying about it and just try to adjust to real life again.

-Princess, I'm going now – Mark said while getting inside your room.

-Yes, take care – You smiled while looking at him.

He's so perfect, I wonder why he picked me in between all the girls out there.

-I will, and if you need something just call me, okay? – Mark said while going towards you, he hugged you and then he kissed your head.

-I'll be fine, don't worry – You assured.

-I know you will – Mark smiled. –See you later buddy – He caressed Chesnutt's fur happily.

-I love you – You said while he started to walk away from your room.

-I love you more, Y/N – Mark smiled before going out of your room, you heard the entrance door opening and as soon as it got closed you jumped out of bed and grabbed your phone from your desk.

I need answers now, and he's going to help me even if he denies everything.

You went through your contacts and pressed his number, you didn't wait longer since he answered immediately.

-Y/N, what's up? – He said happily.

-Yugyeom, I need you now – You said.

-Why? What happened? – He asked concerned.

-I need to talk to you right now, you need to help me – You added a bit nervous.

-*Sigh* I know what it is... I'll be there in ten, okay? – Yugyeom said.

-Thank you – You said before hanging up.

There's something that has been in your mind since you knew about your father's departure, something is been just bothering you since that day. You are sure that it wasn't an accident or an assault, someone wanted him dead and you want to know why, and end up with the one who ordered to get him killed.

Supposedly, the guys who are in prison are the ones that killed him, however, you know that there has to be more people involved than just them.

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