23 || Like always?

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*A few days later*

-Minhyuk's POV-

I always noticed the things my father did in order for me to get a girlfriend, he wanted me to have one since he thought I could make our name burn; I never understood why marriage and having someone by your side needed to be well seen in our family, still, I think that is stupid nowadays.

At these times I already know what I want; I already find someone to love. I can guarantee that my father won't be happy with my decision and he'll want me to quit to the feelings I have for that person, but, it's too late for me to change the way I feel. And I'm happy to say that we feel the same way for each other.

-You are thinking a lot – BamBam said while looking at me concerned.

-I'm sorry, just the same old things; you don't need to worry – I smiled before he laid down on the couch beside me.

-I need to, I really do – He spoke. -Y/N and Mark-hyung are better than ever, still, they are afraid of the files and what's going on with them – BamBam explained.

-This has to end, now or never, what do you think? – I questioned while holding his hand, then I kissed it.

He nodded with a smile. -I'll go with you; I can't let you be there by your own – BamBam added.

-Are you sure? Things might get a little bit crazy over there – I said while placing his hair behind his ear.

-Yes, and I don't mind a little bit of action before the next week of classes – BamBam chuckled.

-Let's get going then – I sighed. -We'll let Y/N and Mark know during the way – I said.

-Got it – He smiled before kissing my cheek.

-Y/N's POV-

-How are you feeling? – Mark asked before he got inside the kitchen.

-Good, why are you asking? – You questioned before he sat beside you.

-Because you've been going out with your brother lately, and that scares me a little bit – Mark admitted while taking your hand.

-I've been hanging out with him and Song; not alone – You pointed out.

-True – He nodded.

-You shouldn't be scared; nothing has happened since we reunited – You stated.

-I know – He sighed. -Sorry, I think I'm just thinking about a lot of things at the same time – Mark chuckled mournfully.

You kissed his head before looking at him with a smile. -You shouldn't worry about me, I'm alright – You caressed his cheek.

Golden Whispers || Mark TuanWhere stories live. Discover now