4 || Just you and me

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Mark took you in between his arms and then he started to carry you all the way down stairs until you felt the wind hitting your face, letting you know that you were outside of your house. He placed you on the seat of the car as you heard how he opened the trunk and the back door, then when you heard everything closing again you knew that it was to leave.


You already got inside Mark's department, you could sense that it was a wide open space since the sound of the place was making kind of an echo effect.

-You'll stay here, okay? – Mark said as he left you on top of a soft mattress, and as a response you just nodded while looking down. Then Chesnutt laid down next to your legs, so you started to caress his fur.

-Are you okay? – Mark asked concerned as he looked at you.

-I just want everything to be better, and that includes my sight – You said hopeless.

-You'll recover it, don't worry. I promise you that we'll find a way – Mark said while holding your hand kindly.

-I hope I do – You said before you chuckled. –Thanks.

-I told you I was here for you, right? So you don't have to thank me.

-*Sigh* right – You said while caressing Chesnutt's fur.

-Mark's POV-

-Here, you want to sleep? – I asked while looking at her with a settle smile.

-Mm, I don't want to but we have college tomorrow – Y/N complained then she sighed, "So cute" – I thought while smiling at her.

-It's better if you sleep Y/N, you'll need it – I said before kissing her cheek then I stood up and started to cover her up with the blankets of the bed, she started to get comfy in my bed that I didn't even realised that she was going to sleep here tonight.

-Good night – Y/N said while smiling and cuddling up with the pillows.

-Sweet dreams – I said while looking at her happily, then I caressed her head gently and got out of my room.

As soon as I was out I took my phone and started to call Jackson. Poor him he might be sleeping and I'm just bothering him, but oh well it's a really important thing we have to discuss before tomorrow.

-Mark...? Don't you see the hour it is? – Jackson complained with a sleepy voice.

-You better stop complaining, this is serious – I said while looking at Y/N sleeping calmly on my bed.

-Why? What happened? – Jackson asked.

-Jessica slapped Y/N on the face and she got totally crazy – I said while reloading my arm on the sofa's back.

-Hyung... are you sure about that? – Jackson asked confused.

-Man! She's here at my place, do you think I'm lying? – I said a bit annoyed.

-Geez! I got it, so... if she's with you, what's the problem then? – Jackson asked. He wanted to seem interested in every single thing I say but I know for sure that he's just freaking going to dream land again.

-The problem? She's going to be alone until her father appears, and I don't want that – I said concerned.

-You want her to meet the guys then? – Jackson asked before he sighed.

-Yes, I think it's time – I said while walking around the living room.

-Okay, if it's for the best – Jackson said. –I mean, we know how they are so they'll probably accept her – He added.

-I hope you are right man – I said a bit concerned.

-Don't worry hyung, everything will be alright – Jackson said kindly.

-Sure, well I'll let you sleep then. See you tomorrow at the gate – I said.

-Got it, sleep well and take care of her – Jackson said before he hanged up.

-*Sigh* Pff~ why? – I complained while looking up to the celling.

Thinking about the fact that Y/N has to meet the rest of my friends, scares the shit out of me, like I know they'll love her and that's the issue. I don't think they'll care about her decease because they are really polite and they are actually pretty cool but... I'm afraid that Y/N might like one of them.

While thinking about tomorrow I got inside my room, I could see Chesnutt sleeping next to Y/N's legs and she was looking so comfy just there.

I took off my jacket and I placed it on top of the chair from my desk, then I got on bed right next to her. I started to look at her with a settle smile while caressing her cheek gently, I looked at her hand and without thinking twice I grabbed it and started to press it gently. Little by little I started to close my eyes, and then just like that I went to sleep while taking Y/N's hand.


I woke up earlier that Y/N since she doesn't know that we slept together, and I think I won't tell her since I don't want her to freak out nor tell me again that she's not into me.

-Hmm, good morning – Y/N said while going out of my room.

-Hey, morning – I said while serving Y/N's favorite breakfast on the bar. Then I got right towards her and helped her to sit down on the stool, then Chesnutt greeted me happily while going out of my room. I gave him his plate of food and then I just sat next to Y/N to enjoy a little breakfast time before going to college.

-You made me breakfast, huh? – Y/N said surprised while smelling the plate in front of her.

-Yup, I did. I can cook you know – I said while taking my coffee.

-I know you can – Y/N said while smiling.

-Oh, you want me to help you? – I asked while looking at her.

-Hmm, I usually can do it myself but... if you want to – Y/N said a bit shyly.

I grabbed the fork and started to give her pieces of her breakfast, she was actually smiling so shyly which made me blush instantly. Damn why she's so cute in every single way?

-Yum – Y/N said happily.

-I'm glad you are enjoying it – I said while looking at her.

-I am. By the way... don't you think we'll meet Jessica at college? And maybe she will ask about where I was last night? – Y/N asked a bit concerned.

-Yes, I guess she will but you don't have to worry – I said before I took a sip of my coffee.

-Why, because you'll be there? – Y/N asked with a smirk.

-Exactly – I said before I fed her again. –Even if she's my sister she needs to know that you deserve to be respected Y/N.

-Do I?

-You do.

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