16 || Rewrite the end

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-Y/N's POV-

You didn't think twice on taking Song to Mark's apartment, you wanted her to know everything about your life and what you've been through; she's the first friend you make after recovering your vision, and the only one that knows about the experiments.

-Everything was made up, and now I get why my mother-in-law was so obsessed by keeping my life miserable – You said while showing off the files to Song.

-Golden... the experiment about love – Song read out loud. -You know, they make love sound scarier – She joked.

-I know, right? I think they took love to the next level – You chuckled.

By passing each page of the files, you could see Song smiling from time to time; she's remembering what she lived before, and how everything was at Daejeon.

-Do you miss your old life? – You asked while looking at her.

-Maybe, I'm not sure – She admitted. -I've been running away ever since I found out about this – Song spoke.

-Do you miss JB? – You questioned while elbowing her side.

-*Chuckle* yeah, he's definitely in my list of the things I miss the most – Song claimed. -It seems that the experiment worked with you – She smiled.

-Kind of, I also thought everything was fake – You said.

-True – She nodded. -I know it's a dumb question but, do you think he remembers me? – Song said emotionally.

-I bet he does, I know we barely met but by looking at you and knowing the few things I do, I believe he thinks about you more than you think he does – You said sincerely.

-Thanks, that means a lot – She smiled before hugging you tightly.


-Mark's POV-

I'm back at the apartment, tired of everything and just wanting to sleep more than a few hours. At the same time, I feel that today was a fun day, we enjoyed the time with Ahgases and the performance went better than we expected, which is always good.

-I'm home! And tired! – I shouted while laying down on the couch tiredly. Suddenly, I felt Chesnutt next to me, and he started to cuddle next to me.

-Hey, my star! – Y/N said happily before jumping on me.

-*Groan* Y/N! No, get down – I complained.

-As you wish – She giggled while getting off me, then she sat beside me while placing my head on her lap. -Welcome! – Y/N said before kissing my lips gently.

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