15 || Unaware of reality

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-Y/N's POV-

The day is not as it used to, now, you are able to see the students walking through the hallways; they are talking in between each other, some others are going to classes while looking at their phones. You imagined something else, maybe a bit brighter, and more people running late to class. But everything seems normal, distant, and boring.

You were excited for this day to come; however, no one knows you since you couldn't talk easily with the rest of the students. Your only friends are Mark's. Idols.

Thankful to have them, afraid to lose them.

-You seem so lonely – Jackson said while walking beside you.

-Do you think so? I feel normal – You said with a settle smile.

-Anything you want to tell me, I'm here to listen – Jackson grinned.

-Really? – You questioned.

-Of course! That's why we've been friends for so long because I love you and care about your wealth being – Jackson assured.

-Well – You sighed. -I feel that I should have friends, like my own – You admitted.

-You should definitely open up to others, but don't forget that all the guys are with you because you are amazing – Jackson patted your head.

-Thanks – You smiled shyly. -Talking about other things; do you know if today we're going out earlier? – You asked.

-Hmm, I don't know – Jackson said thoughtfully. -Honestly, the one who takes care of the schedule is JB-hyung – He chuckled.

-Right – You grinned.

-But, why are you asking? – He questioned.

-I just wanted to know, I might stay at the library today – You explained, which is an absolute lie.

-Oh, okay – Jackson said before you two got inside the classroom.

You walked to your respective place and Jackson sat in front of you; for the first time you can see everyone inside the room, you can hear those people who judge you, others that are just laughing at random things, and another crew just listening to music before the teacher appears.

So, is this what I was missing out?

-Good to see you, Y/N – Youngjae said before sitting next to Jackson.

-Hey, how was this morning? – You asked.

-Well, your boyfriend almost blew us up in the chemistry laboratory, but BamBam came to the rescue – He said in relief.

-Mark-hyung and fire, huh? That's a very bad combination – Jackson chuckled.

-Agree – You laughed.

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