13 || Just a toy, nothing else

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-Y/N's POV-

Once again you find yourself inside Mark's apartment, he isn't there with you since he got out with JB and Jackson; you are taking advantage of that since you want to keep on going with the plans you had already. Yugyeom is about to come anytime soon, he'll pick you up, and finally, you two will go to search for more information about your father.

It sounds surreal what you are doing, you know that this shouldn't be done by a simple girl who's in the middle of her university years, therefore, no one else should be involved with this, and Yugyeom is.

While wandering around your thoughts, you heard your phone ring so you checked who it was.

-"I'm already down here, hurry up" – Yugyeom.

You sighed and looked at Chesnutt next to you.

-Don't worry, Chestt. I'll come back – You smiled while patting your dog's fur

You took the keys of the apartment, your phone, and sunglasses, briefly enough you made your way out of Mark's place.

Calmly, you began to walk all the way down to the reception; you can see the people next to you, they are happy and others are just passing by careless. It feels so weird to you to finally be able to see everyone's movements and expressions, and you are surprised to even be capable of still feel their auras even though, you aren't blind anymore.

-Hey – You said as soon as you got inside Yugyeom's car.

-Hey, Y/N – Yugyeom sighed.

-Are you annoyed that I'm asking you so many favors? – You asked while looking at him.

-No, no of course not – Yugyeom assured. –I'm just worried about you, this isn't something you should do by your own – He spoke.

-I have you, and after this, I promise to go with the police – You lied.

-Hmm, sure – Yugyeom rolled his eyes with a settle smile. –Just don't die in the process – He said before patting your head.

-Fine – You nodded with a smile.

-To HSSK, huh? – Yugyeom questioned.

-Yes, please – You said.

-What do the letters even mean? – Yugyeom asked as he started to drive off.

-Hmm, if I remember correctly it stands for: Human Science of South Korea – You explained.

-Oh, now that makes sense – Yugyeom realized.

-Yeah – You sighed.

-Are you worried? – He asked.

-A little, you never know what you can find at an abandoned laboratory – You admitted.

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