18 || A little jealousy

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-Y/N's POV-

The day is becoming late once again, Mark and you barely arrived from his day at work which went really good for him. He's exhausted so today it was your turn to take Chesnutt out for a nice walk around the streets.

Right now, Chesnutt and you are walking while the night started to arrive; the cold breeze started to appear, and the lights from the streets began to light up.

-Y/N? – You heard a familiar voice from behind.

You stopped walking, and then looked right behind you. Of course, Chesnutt started to bark until he recognized the person too.

-Minhyuk? Oh my god! That's you! – You said surprised while looking at him happily.

Without hesitation, you hugged him, and he hugged you back.

-It's me – He chuckled happily, then he kneeled down to greet Chesnutt. -Hey buddy! Did you miss me? – Minhyuk smiled while caressing your dog's fur.

-I bet he did – You grinned. -Do you want to take a walk? – You asked.

-Sure – Minhyuk nodded.

Both of you started to walk together, and he even asked you to take Chesnutt for you which you accepted happily. Minhyuk is one of the friends you had since a while now, he was there with you when you were feeling down and even if he's an idol too; he was always taking care of you.

-How you've been? – You asked.

-Very good, haven't you seen the performances? – He questioned surprised.

-Ha! Of course! That was the first thing I did after recovering my sight – You admitted.

-Wow~ I feel honoured – Minhyuk chuckled. -I'm happy you recovered your vision, and that now you are living happily – He spoke.

-I am, and it's all thanks to you and Mark who never gave up on me – You smiled.

-Silly, nobody gave up on you; Jackson and the rest of your friends also were cheering you up – Minhyuk added.

-Yeah – You sighed. -By the way, are you still in contact with them? – You asked curiously.

-Hmm, just with Mark-hyung and Jinyoung-ssi – Minhyuk told. -But don't worry, I'll probably talk with everyone again – He added.

-Why do you say that? – You asked confused.

-Hmm, my group will have a collaboration on stage with GOT7, so, we'll be close again – Minhyuk smiled.

-That's awesome! – You said excitedly. -Oh, sorry. I started to fangirl – You said embarrassed.

-*Chuckle* it's okay, to be honest, I'm excited too – Minhyuk admitted.

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