7 || Here we are now

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-Mark's POV-

Sometime has passed by since Y/N started to live with me and since I introduced her to the guys, I have to say that Y/N enjoys to be with everyone a lot and she feels less lonely. At least she tells me that her mood is better and that she tries to stay positive more than before because of the good energy the guys are always giving, and I couldn't be happier for her, honestly, but... I have to say that I've been more jealous than before. When it was only Jackson, her and me I was a little jealous but now I'm more than before, luckily, Jinyoung is there to calm me down before I say something or when I start to look at the rest of the guys in a bad way.

Right now I'm going to see my mother since she wanted to talk with me, I don't know why she wants to but I accepted anyways. Even if it's the weekend and I have homework to get done I still want to know what she wants to tell me.

-Come in Mark – My mother said while opening up the door for me, I got inside and as soon as I looked around the house everything was normal. Nothing has changed since I took Y/N away from this place and it's odd since my mother loves to decorate and that type of things.

-So you wanted to talk to me? – I said while looking at her.

-Yes, but it's going to be quickly – My mother said while looking at her nails.

-Okay – I nodded.

-First of all, do you see a difference? – My mother asked while looking around.

-Everything seems normal to me – I said.

-Let me try again, do you feel the house emptier? – My mom asked.

-Yes, a lot – I admitted. –Isn't Jess here? – I asked.

-She went to a friend's house, but I'm talking about me – My mom said.

-You don't have a lover – I murmured surprised.

-Bingo! That's right – My mom said before taking a deep breath. –The last boyfriend I had wasn't really anything for me, how can I say this? I just used him – She explained.

-Why? – I asked confused.

-Because that was my plan – She said. –That man was the worst person I ever met, he was a really close friend of Y/N's father.

-What? – I said amazed.

-The thing here son is that he was a bad man – My mom said sadly. –You know we always told Y/N that her father left her time ago but that's a lie, her father died and the man that I was dating killed him – My mom explained.

-You are kidding me, right? – I said while looking away from her concerned.

-I wish I was, I did this because I loved Y/N's father but not because of her – My mom clarified. –I'll give you the worst work to do and that's to tell Y/N about it, I don't know what are you going to do but you are the only one that can help her – She added while patting my shoulder.

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