20 || Blooming love

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*1:20 a.m.*

-Mark's POV-

I barely arrived home a few minutes ago, I already changed into my sleepwear, however, I stood inside my room for some minutes because I said goodnight to all the members. Now, I'm going towards Y/N's room.

I got inside and I saw her sleeping peacefully on one side of the bed, I looked at her happily while getting closer to her. I took my place next to her and then started to embrace her warmly.

-You know, if you wanted to arrive later, you should've told me – Y/N spoke.

-Hey! Don't use my words with me – I complained which made her laugh immediately.

-I'm just kidding – Y/N said cutely before grabbing my cheeks, then she pecked my lips. -Yah~ you are truly a grumpy cat – She chuckled.

-I'm not – I blushed.

-Aha – She said sarcastically before caressing my hair. -Just sleep, you must be tired – Y/N whispered near my ear.

-But I want to know what you did without me – I told.

-I'll tell you tomorrow, it wasn't that fantastic – She smiled. -Now, sleep and get some good rest – Y/N said before kissing my cheek, she laid down again and let me hug her from behind.

-I kind of want to skip classes tomorrow – I admitted.

-We can, but we shouldn't do it – Y/N spoke.

-I know – I sighed. -Will you do it for me? – I asked before I felt Chestnut laying down in between our legs.

-We'll see in the class during the morning – Y/N giggled.

-You are the best – I smiled before kissing her cheek. -Goodnight, princess – I whispered.

-Goodnight – She smiled while holding my hand.


-Jinyoung's POV-

We were at dancing class, the instructor told us to do a duet with someone, so a random girl from our class picked me; Yugyeom blew up steam after what happened and he ended up picking Song, I didn't care at that point and just stick to my partner. We danced the choreography the instructor was guiding us to do, and it was very touchy at some parts, however, everyone did it in a professional way.

Yugyeom didn't get that, he didn't get that everything that was inside the choreography was obviously staged, and right after that, he took me with him to the restrooms since he told the instructor for a break time.

-Hey! Stop it! – I said upset before he pushed me towards the wall.

-What do you think you are doing? – He asked madly before closing the door from the restrooms.

-Me? I'm just following the stupid dance, you, dumbass – I claimed.

-Don't fool with me! I saw you! – Yugyeom shouted upset while prisoning me against the wall.

-Can I remind you who's the eldest in here? – I asked while looking at him madly.

-Does that even matter right now? So, since you are my hyung, that means you can do anything you want? – He questioned madly jealous.

-Get away – I said as he started to get closer to me.

-Do you prefer to be with her? – He questioned madly.

-Shut up! You know I'm not into girls – I said angrily.

-Are you sure? – He asked before crashing his lips against mine, he started to move roughly against me while holding my hands against the wall, he wasn't letting me take a breath and I felt how he was trying to get dominance in between us.

-Y-Yugyeom, s-stop – I stuttered in between kisses.

He didn't care and began to kiss my neck passionately letting some moans come out from my mouth.

-I-I get it, just let me b-breathe – I stuttered.

Yugyeom got apart from me, he just looked at me and let me breathe at last. As I tried to catch my breath, Yugyeom walked away from me and began to clean his hands on the sink.

-I hate to love you – He spoke. -You are loved by all the girls in school, even boys are behind you... why did my feelings change for you? – Yugyeom questioned madly at himself.

-I want to know why you fell for me, I thought you weren't into boys – I told.

-I wasn't until you became my roommate, that's why I wanted Youngjae-hyung to change rooms with you – He admitted.

-That would've been painful – I said.

-Really? Is just a room, hyung – Yugyeom claimed while looking at himself on the mirror.

I walked towards him and started to back hug him, I left settle kisses on his neck and then smiled at him.

-In that room, we became closer to each other, and my desire to kill you were growing more – I chuckled. -I think I wanted to kill you because I was falling for you – I admitted.

-What a beautiful way to demonstrate it – He chuckled.

-I know, right? It was the best I could do – I smiled, I took his hand and made him look at me. -I want you to stop with your jealous acts, someone will notice – I said while caressing his cheek.

-But hyung, I don't want to share you – Yugyeom complained.

-*Chuckle* you won't share me with anyone, I'm only yours, I promise – I grinned before kissing his cheek. -Or, don't you trust me? – I questioned.

-I do, I really do – Yugyeom said before holding me tight against me.

-Let's go back before someone notices – I said before cluttering his hair.

-Alright – He grinned while looking at me.

-Y/N's POV-

You are running downstairs with Mark by your side, both of you escaped from class and now you are on your way out from College. You two agreed on having some time together since it's been a while now after the last official date you two had.

-First, to the restaurant to have a nice breakfast! – Mark smiled.

-Then to the park to enjoy the sunlight – You added.

-And then to the coffee shop to keep on talking while having a nice brew drink – Mark said happily.

-*Giggle* we are crazy – You grinned while taking his hand.

-I'm crazy, but crazy in love with you – Mark said before kissing your lips softly. -Let's have the best day ever, okay? – He questioned while holding your face in between his hands.

-Baby, all days are the best if you are with me – You blushed.

-Aw, thank you! I love you – He said happily before kissing your cheek sweetly.

-We are so corny today – You giggled.

-The adrenaline – Mark chuckled.

-Don't start with chemistry things – You complained cutely.

-I learned that from you – Mark chuckled. -My little chemist – He bothered.

-Yah! It's cool – You claimed cutely.

-Aha, sure, sure my nerdy – Mark teased before pocking your cheek. -Come on! We have a lot of things to do – He said while taking your hand happily.

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