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-Y/N's POV-

Weeks ago you had your surgery, it was a complete success and you got the chance to spend time with all of your friends; during those days you felt on ease a bit more, however, you aren't totally recovered from your father's departure and it's something you still wonder about more than ever.

Currently, you are at the hospital with all of the guys, today it was time for you to finally see the world again and that's pretty nostalgic since it's been so long since you last saw a single thing, a person, an animal and even the colours.

-Are you ready Y/N? – The doctor asked.

-I am – You nodded as the doctor started to remove the bandages from your eyes; little by little you started to see bright lights, it seems like the sun and then you felt how the bandages were off your eyes. You opened your eyes completely and at first, you saw everything blurry but with each second everything started to be clearer, you looked at your hands while moving your fingers and then you looked in front of you. Everyone is there looking happily at you, they were curious to see if you could actually tell who is who since you never saw them in person, and you barely remember Mark and Jackson.

-M-Mark – You shuttered while looking at him, he's right in front of you while you are sitting down on the bed.

-Y/N – Mark said while looking at you happily.

-Oh god! She recognizes you! – A black haired guy said happily; you know who he is, the mischievous one, Yugyeom.

-Yugyeom? – You asked while looking at him; he was next to a guy with a blue shirt, you can tell that he's Jinyoung.

-You recognize everyone? – The tall guy with brunette hair asked.

-I do Jackson – You smiled. –I can finally see you all – You said happily.

-This will make me cry, I swear – Youngjae, the tall and smiley guy said.

-I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need everyone out of the room – The doctor said which made the guys complain.

-Come on, out – The nurse said while opening the door for them.

-Okay, okay – BamBam, the blonde guy said. And following him was JB, wearing a black hoodie and some jeans.

Everyone got out of the room and the doctor started to check your eyes; he told you some instructions to take care of your sight, he also gave you some eye drops and other things you should know now that you have your sight again. But there's something else you want to know and that you actually are anxious to ask.

-Doctor, who gave me the retina? – You asked.

-Excuse me? – The doctor asked while looking at your medic history.

-Who gave me my sight back? – You asked again. –I think I deserve to know – You added.

The silence appeared in the room while the doctor and the nurse exchanged glances in between them; he was nervous, you can't see it but you can feel the energy he has. Something you learned when you were actually starting with your illness.

-Your father – He finally said. –He specifically said that he wanted his organs to be donated and he saved his eyes for you – The doctor explained with a concerned look on his eyes.

Which means that he knew all the time he was in danger, but why?

You looked back at the doctor and you just smiled trying to cover up what you truly are feeling at that point, he just smiled back and told you that everything was ready for you to go back home. And home right now for you is Mark's apartment.


After hanging out with the rest of the guys and enjoying a good time with them you were back at Mark's place, he wasn't there with you since he was saying goodbye to the guys while you were inside your room with Chesnutt laying down next to the chair you're sitting on. It's so odd to be able to see where everything is at, to identify the forms and colours, and even it's weird to see yourself in the mirror again.

My father knew that he was in danger, he was aware that something was wrong. He was ready for the end.

You kept repeating those words inside your head while you kept drawing forms on a piece of paper; lines, letters, anything that you could remember and things that you could actually see inside your mind when you couldn't see the real world.

-How is my princess feeling? Huh? – Mark said as he started to back hug you.

-Whoa! I didn't notice you were there – You said amazed.

-That's because you are too focused on making forms – He chuckled, Mark started to hide his face against your neck which made your whole body shiver.

-It's odd to be able to actually see you – You admitted while holding his hands.

-Hmm, you'll get used to it – Mark smiled happily.

-You smile so beautifully – You said surprised while looking at him.

-Yah~ Y/N – Mark said shyly.

With your hands you started to hold Mark's face gently, you were touching every angle and every single part; you closed your eyes while doing it so, breathing calmly in and out just trying to get used to his skin. You opened your eyes and smiled happily at him, he started to rub his cheek against your hand and then he took it and kissed it happily.

-Are you okay? – He asked while smiling at you.

-Yes – You nodded before he started to hold your head; he placed it against his chest while you started to surround his body with your arms. After all, you two are dating and you understood that he did love you since the beginning even if you couldn't see him.

Both of you got towards the bed and along with Chesnutt you laid down with Mark; he started to caress Chesnutt's fur happily while you were laying down on the bed, you were ready to go to sleep again even if it's not even late.

-You are a little sleepy potato, aren't you? – Mark said while grinning.

-It's my usual mood – You smiled sleepily.

-We can relate – Mark chuckled while looking at Chesnutt.

-Hey buddy – You caressed Chesnutt's fur gently while looking at his honey eyes, such an adorable dog and such a great companion.

Mark started to hug you tight against him while smiling brightly at you, he was happy, he was pleased that you finally could see as you always wanted. That makes you happy.

My father was killed by someone who's in prison, but there has to be more. There has to be a reason why this happened, I don't believe Mark's mother, I don't believe that it was an assault.

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