[ f ] Sickbay Meeting

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I got inspired when I went to sickbay at school with head pains, so while I was sitting there I came up with this idea.

"Uhm... excuse me?" I quietly mumble as the office lady's head pops up. "Yes, miss? What would you like?" I quickly hand the slip, sliding it against the counter. She hums, placing it on the desk in front of her as she taps the keys to her computer. "Name?" I stutter, "Y/N L/N." The office lady nods, gesturing me to go to the sick bay.

I enter the small room, seeing two lounge beds on opposite sides, a mini fridge and cabinets. My e/c eyes glance to the bed on the left, connecting with a pair of c/e/c ones. I quickly glance away as I place my backpack to the side of the bed, my cheeks a tint of pink. I lay on the bed, my stomach aching as I try to soothe it by rubbing. I wince, feeling a bruise forming.

"Would you rather eat horse crap or crap a horse?" Aster asks, popping a cheese stick in her mouth. I give her a bewildered look. "What kind of question is that?" Aster shrugs, "A rhetorical one, probably a hypothetical one, too." I shake my head as I rub my temples. "Nerd alert." Aster hits my shoulder playfully as she pops another cheese stick in her mouth. Someone from afar suddenly screams out. "Watch it!" Before I could react I get smacked in the stomach with great force of a soccer ball, knocking me back, tumbling a few feet.

I take a shaky breath as my stomach creates a heart beat of its own. "You don't sound okay." I gaze over at the opposite bed, seeing the same c/e/c eyes. There placed onto a messy c/h/c headed boy who had an innocent gaze. I shake my head, "I'm fine." I reply, soon wincing at the pain. "Uh-huh," He says, "Fine, you say?" He gets up, moving my way. He stands over me, a contagious smile taking up his face.

"I'm C/N C/L/N." The c/h/c said, stretching his hand out. "Y/N L/N." I reply, taking his hand. It was warm and comforting, just the right size for mine. I dark red blush crawls to our faces as we awkwardly let go of each other's hands. "So, where hurts?" C/N asks, examining me. I point to my stomach, "I kinda got kicked in the stomach by a soccer ball." He nods, a sudden blush taking over his face as he delivers his next words. "Is it okay if I check?"

My face goes beet red, causing C/N to stutter.

"I-I-I didn't mean it in that way! I j-just-" I stifle a laugh as I lift up my top just above my stomach, exposing my newly bruised skin. He grimaces, glancing at me.

"That's pretty bad." I roll my eyes, "Wouldn't take a genius to tell."

C/N moves his hand so if hovers above my stomach. The blush courses through his face, "Is it okay if I feel?" I hesitantly nod, feeling warmth erupt on my stomach. He slides his fingers up and down my stomach, bringing a chill to my spine. He glances at me before slightly pressing down. I give a small squeak as I shut my eyes closed.

"I'm sorry!" C/N instantly apologised, retracting his hand away from me. I pull my top down, "It's alright. It'll heal." He nods, keeping the eye contact between us.

"Mr C/L/N?" A nurse pops her head around the corner, causing us to brake our contact.

"You're allowed to go back to class now." C/N nods as the nurse scurries off. He glances my way, "Guess I gotta go..." He says, sadness evident in his eyes, "get well soon, okay?"

I nod, giving a small smile. C/N throws his backpack on his shoulders and walks out, leaving me in the silent room. No more than seconds later, C/N comes back running in the room. He rushes over to my side and kisses my forehead, smiling, then running out of the room again.

I give a small laugh, caressing the area he pecked me, a tint of a blush covering my cheeks.

Getting hit by a soccer ball wasn't all that bad.

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