[ f/s ] Muted I

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Kinda based on that scene in IT when Richie is getting angry at everyone and Beverley puts the middle finger up at him before Richie and Bill get into a fight.

"Honey, please..." My mum sighed, trying her luck for the hundredth or so time today. I was currently sitting on my bed, my mum sitting on my desk chair facing me with a pleading expression. "You're a hero, Y/N." She says, rubbing circles onto my hands.

My mum shakes her head, placing my desk chair back and leaving my room. When she leaves, I fall back onto my bed. I've stopped talking ever since that incident that happened eight months ago. My friends and I went out to a café, having a nice time with each other. Then, out of nowhere, a masked man walks in with a gun shooting people. A person tackled him from behind, causing his gun to drop. I instantly grabbed the gun as the person who tackled him got thrown to the ground. Just as that happened, I shot him.

I went silent ever since, the thought of me killing someone being reminded to me everyday even though I was praised a hero and my acts of courage being shown as self defence. To this day, I haven't spoken a word to anyone, not even my parents, my closest friends. No one.


My friends and I were walking down the street, messing around and just hanging out together. C/N, who was one of my friends and the guy I kinda had a crush on, started getting agitated while everyone was talking about something I zoned out on.

Before I knew it, they were all yelling at each other. "We all have school too, C/N. Not just you." My friend, Austin said, his voice firm. "Don't you think I know that? But it's not my fault I have friends that are just thinking about just one person being oblivious to everything else." C/N shot back, his fists balling.

My other friend, Hana, stood up straight, glaring at C/N, "What're you trying to say, C/N?" His face was red depth anger, "I'm saying that you're all being ignorant and caring too much about a self-centred binch who doesn't give a damn about other people and doesn't even talk anymore." C/N yelled, gestured his hand to me with an angered glare.

Lester put his hand on my forearm, "Take that back." He growled. They all knew how much C/N and I were close with each other, and C/N saying that didn't make sense. My e/c eyes brimmed with tears, having what C/N said linger in my mind. My body visibly shook as C/N's c/e/c eyes dart to me, his face softening, realising what he said. "Y/N I- I didn't-" "Fock. You." I said, barely above a whisper.

I shrugged Lester's hand off my arm before running the opposite direction, ignoring the pleads for me to come back. I kept running, not looking back. It started raining, first lightly then down pouring bucket fulls. I hand gripped around my wrist, tugging me around to be faced with a guilty C/N. I growled, ripping my arm away from him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just so angry and paranoid about everything." I scoff, hoping my voice wouldn't bail out on me now. "If you were going to be sorry in the end, why do it at the start?" I question him, looking for answers at his darkened eyes. I didn't even stutter, my voice was firm and that was the second time speaking in ages. "I-I don't know..." C/N trailed off. "Exactly."

That was the last thing I ever said to him, the last time I ever saw him and the last time I'd ever be in that town. It's been three years since I'd left, now I'm sitting at my desk at my grandma's house, leaning against the wooden table as warm tears rolled down my eyes at the sudden flash back at one of my saddest and heart wrenching memories.

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