[ f ] You've Mislead

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Your brother's gonna be Dino/Chan from the kpop group SEVENTEEN for this one shot. Go check them out.

Running into his arms, I scream happily as I squeeze his ribs. "Y/N... you're crushing me." He mutters, air returning to his lungs as I let go with a bright smile. "I just can't believe you're back." I say, now giddily jumping. My brother, Chan from the kpop group SEVENTEEN, just came back from Korea for a visit.

I then suddenly slapped his arm, having him give an agitated gaze towards me. "What're you doing back?" I question. Chan gives a sheepish grin. "I wanted to come back to see you and the family..." He trailed off at the end, which caused me to perk an eyebrow. "And...?" Chan fiddled with his fingers. "I know you may not like this idea, but..." Chan stopped, not looking me in the eye, "I'm going to school with you."

I aimlessly gazed at him before flicking his forehead. "You idiot. You left your group to go to school with me?" I say, shaking my head. "S.Coups hyung encouraged me, along with the rest of the group and manager nim. Some of the others went to their families too. I didn't fully leave the group, just a little holiday." He reasoned, hiding behind his hands in case I went to flicked him again.

Sighing, I waved my hand so he could go inside the house. "Your choice." Chan smiled at me before greeting mum and dad inside with happiness.


Chan and I arrived at the school, hopping off the train together. Since Chan went into the kpop industry young, he didn't get to do a lot of schooling so he's new to my high school. Walking together into the courtyard, a lot of people gazed at us skeptically and some with agape mouths, most likely recognising Chan.

I ignored the expressions as we walked towards the office to get my brother's schedule. Along the way, I felt a stare that felt different from the rest. I turned around, meeting c/e/c eyes with an envious glare. I tilted my head to my classmate, C/N, getting a red hued face and a head turning. I shrugged it off, entering the office filled with students and staff.


First period came around and I was excited since Chan was put into the majority of my classes. Walking into the room, the chatter dies down as everyone in the class stares at Chan and I. Pushing Chan gently towards the back of the room, hoping that the attention would die down.

Oh, how I was wrong.

A group of girls came up to Chan and my desk. They gave flirty smirks and batting of eyelashes to Chan as I got the snarling and the sneering. Lowering my head and rolling my eyes, the teacher finally enters into the classroom, having the group of girls get back to their seat.

"Okay everybody. Today we have a new student, Chan L/N, please make him feel welcome. I'm going to put you into pairs for our next task so everybody get ready to move around." The teacher said, who I forgot what their name was. "First off, C/N and Y/N, Chan with Aster..." The teacher rambled on as I made my way to sit next to the c/h/c haired boy.

He glanced up, then instantly adverted his c/e/c eyes away from me. A sinking feeling erupted in my stomach, but I just shrugged it off as a sign of being hungry.

C/N and I were working on the task as C/N dropped his pen with an aggravated sigh. I peeked over at him, a bit surprised since we hadn't said anything in the last ten or twenty minutes. I gaze at him expectantly as he streaked his hands through his hair. He seems agitated and distracted by something that bothered him.

I went to ask him about it when he beat me to it. "Who is he?" C/N asked, gazing at me through the fallen locks over his face. I attempt to keep down a blush as I take a mental photo on how gorgeous he looked in that pose. "Who's who?" I question, oblivious. He rubbed his eyes, nodding towards Chan who was working well with Aster at their task.


He glared at Chan with a glint in his eyes. "Chan, you mean?" I ask. He meekly nods while he glared. "Who is he to you? What are you to him?" He questioned curiously, eager to find out my answer. I was taken aback by his eagerness towards the relationship between Chan and I. "He's my brother and I'm his sister?" I say, kind of making it sound like a question by perking my eyebrow towards him.

His c/s/c face paled as he softened his glare on Chan and swapped it to me, our eyes locking. "Oh..." I tilt my head, now fascinated by his sudden mood change. "You seem..." I trailed off, thinking for the right word as he gazed at me, "Relieved." I say. His cheeks tinted pink as he darted his c/e/c eyes away. "What'd you think Chan and I were? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" I joke, nudging his arm.

When I didn't get a response back, the penny dropped on what he was thinking about. "Oh... You actually thought..." C/N nods, a dark pink blush dusting on his cheeks. "Yeah..." I bring my fingers under his chin, making him look at me. "Were you jealous?" I straightforwardly ask, locking my e/c eyes with him to get the honest truth.

Sighing, C/N answers, "Yes..." I grin, having my heart beat faster. He took my hand from his chin, now playing with my fingers as he gazed down at my hand. I bring my other hand up, swiftly brushing the strands of c/h/c hair that covered his face. "Do you love me?" I quietly ask, having C/N to stop fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yes..." He answers shyly, a visible blush on his cheeks. My smile becomes wider as I grip his hand.

C/N both leaned forward until a cheer beside us caused us to jump away from each other. Gazing over at the voice, I saw Chan furiously clapping his hands as Aster dazed at Chan with a dopey smile.

"Are you two together?" Chan called, having the whole class advert their eyes to C/N and I. Blushing, I placed my hands in front of my face. "Yeah, we are." C/N answers with a cheeky grin. I grin back, gazing at Chan. "I'm telling mum." He states before going back to face Aster. I gasp, "I'll tell mum you're dating Aster then." Aster's whole face went red as she shrunk back in her chair.

Without facing me, Chan replied. "Okay. At least you won't be lying." C/N, Aster and I gasped as we all watched Chan lean over and give Aster a kiss. I watched with delight as my brother and one of my friends kissed. I got thrown out of my amazement when C/N coughed, directing my attention to him.

He smiled, tapping his lips. "My turn?" I shrug, connecting our lips together. It was a short yet sweet one. "I should get more jealous over you more often if you're gonna kiss me like this." He jokes, holding my hand under the table. I roll my e/c eyes, "No need for waiting."

C/N went to kiss me again when the teacher cleared their throat, a raised eyebrow and a small smile placed onto their face. "More work, less sucking." I cringed at her words as the class bursted with laughter. I heard C/N quietly mutter something under his breath that made my whole face turn beet red.

"Should be the other way around."

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