[ f ] Human Knot

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Another real life experience. Can't get enough of them.

I clicked my pen out of boredom as the teacher talked about some activity that we'd be doing. I kept feeling stares from the side of me, so I glanced over at my friend, Aster, who death glared me then my pen. "Stop clicking the pen." She said, swiping the pen from my hands. I smirked, seeing one of my other friend, Carter turn around.

"Aster, stop touching the pen." He said with a country accent. I started laughing, causing Aster to throw the pen at me with a bewildered look. "I'm not touching the pen. You can though." She retorts, shaking her head. Carter waves his hand, "Yeah, I wanna tou-" "Nobody's touching anything." I clarify, placing my pen in my pencil case.

"Everyone get into a circle in the middle of the room." The teacher says, having everybody make their way to the middle of the room. "Now, stretch out your hands out in front of you. Once you do that, you're going to grab someone's hand." The whole class groaned, doing as they're told either way.

I grabbed onto Aster's hand as everybody else latched onto someone else. I still had a free hand that I waved in the air aimlessly. "Okay, so Y/N doesn't have a partner." The teacher says, instantly gazing at a boy with c/h/c hair and c/e/c eyes. "C/N and Y/N, grab onto each other's hand."

I looked at the boy, seeing that he wasn't fazed by it. Gripping his hand, I quickly look away to see Aster and Carter smirking my way. I threw them dirty looks. "Y/N, we know you wanna touch-" "Carter, don't you even finish that sentence." I threaten, using Aster's hand that was connected with mine to point at him.

Carter shrugged, talking to someone else in the class.


Once everybody had gotten out of the human knot, we got to stop holding hands. I went to let go and wipe my hand on my shorts since it was sweaty, but C/N only gripped my hand, not allowing me to let go. I adverted my eyes his way, seeing a light blush on his cheeks. "You can let go now..." I awkwardly say. I feel him hesitantly let go of my hand with a saddened face.

Class went on while we did different activities. By the end of it, as C/N went to walk back to his seat, I grabbed his hand so he could sit next to me while sitting next to Aster and Carter.

In the corner of my eye I could feel the smirk on Aster's face as I saw Carter mouth 'touch him' with a smirk. Rolling my e/c eyes I grip

C/N's hand, enjoying it. 

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