[ s ] One Sided

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I had this thing called reality slap me in the face recently, caused me to write this oneshot to kinda express what I feel-ish.

I gazed at him from afar, admiring his glinting c/e/c eyes and his tousled c/h/c hair. His smooth c/s/c skin made me jealous, wanting to know what lotion he used. I had every class with him, and in every class I sat behind him. I dazed at his gorgeous locks, the teachers words flying over my head.

I dopily smile when he smiles, I give a soft laugh when he doubles over on laughing, when he got sad I couldn't bare it.

I just loved him.

But he never loved me.

He went on living with a shiny smile sprouted on his face, scanning over me. I was another person in a crowd. He never talked to me, never made eye contact.

He loved someone else who's better than me.

And I couldn't get myself to stop drowning in a world I'll never get to make reality. No matter how hard I tried. Every night I cried myself to sleep knowing he'll never be mine but someone else's. Everyday I wake up knowing he'll never be sleeping by my side but will be sleeping next to someone else's.

I know he doesn't love me, I know he knows I don't exist in his world of vision.

But that fatal hope that can swerve me downwards keeps me going to try and have him in my arms.

That fantasy that I want as reality keeps me going.

Even though I don't exist to him, he means the world and everything in it to me.

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