[ f ] New Neighbour

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I met my neighbour today. Most awkward conversation I've ever had.

Waking up to a crash and a mouthful of unfamiliar curses is sort of unsettling. Sitting up on my bed, I threw on my light grey jumper over my black singlet with my black shorts. I place my h/c into a messy bun and walked downstairs to outside, checking out what the crash was.

I gazed over at next door, seeing a green car and a big moving van. "New neighbours." I mumble to myself. "Hello dear." I snap out of my daze to see a lady with c/s/c skin and dyed orange hair along with c/e/c eyes. "Oh, hi." I say, becoming a bit awkward. "You're our neighbour, presume?" The lady asks with a kind smile. I nod before the lady screams into the house, "C/N, come here."

After the lady called, a boy taller than the what I think was the mother came into view. He had disheveled c/h/c with piercing c/e/c eyes and smooth c/s/c skin. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw him, my mind not making sense on how beautiful a person could be. "This is C/N, oh and I'm Katherine his mother, Kathy's fine." I nod, understanding. "I'm Y/N."

C/N nods towards me with a small smile and blushed cheeks. I scratch my cheek, gazing elsewhere than his eyes. "Can you help us, Y/N?" Kathy questions towards me. I shrug, making my way towards them. "Sure." Walking into their house, I was surprised at how they've been able to add everything in this morning. "Y/N you can help C/N with his unpacking."


He leads me to a room that had all white walls except for one that had a nice sea green paint coating it. C/N room was empty excluding the boxes in the middle of the room. "Mum and I still need to get stuff for my room, so for now we can just put everything on the floor." C/N says, glancing at my figure. "Okay." I mumble before sitting down, crossing my legs and started opening a box- C/N doing the same.

As I was unpacking, I came across an empty frame that hasn't seemed to be used before. "Why do you have a frame?" I ask, causing him to stop unpacking and give a sheepish smile. "Might sound stupid but I'm wishing to frame a photo that'll be very special to me and whoever's in it." I smile at him, "That's a cute idea."

C/N shrugs. "We need to take a photo together." He says, adverting his eyes towards me with grin. "Then I can frame it." A tint of pink arrived on my cheeks as continued unpacking, lightly slapping his leg that laid next to me. "I wouldn't mind that."

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