[ s ] Warped Away

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I may or may not have teared up while writing this.

I clenched her s/c hand as I gazed into her e/c coloured eyes with affection. Y/N and I smiled at each other as we walked down the sunny streets of our local area. I leaned into her as my h/c hair blew with the wind.

I noticed something dark on the road, almost like a swirling black mist. Cars kept driving threw it, so I assumed it was smoke from the cars.

I gazed at Y/N, seeing the black swirling mist now next to her, closer to the footpath rather being in the middle of the road. I shrugged it off once more.

That was the worst mistake in my life.

The black swirling mist hurdles towards Y/N so fast that once I blinked, she was gone.

I stopped in my place, my c/e/c widened as my mouth agape with no words. My mind was buzzing as my breathing started to go ragged along with my sight becoming blurry with tears brimming my eyes.

The reality of the situation settled in as I slowly stretched my hand out to where she was previously standing, grasping nothing but the soft breeze. I choke back a sob as I slowly fall to my knees. I shook my head, not accepting that Y/N wasn't next to me. The tears started as I clenched my shirt, letting out a scream with pure agony laced through it. People came to my side, asking what's wrong and if I was okay.

"She's gone..." I say, barely audible for anyone to hear. "Who's gone, honey?" One of the strangers asked me while they rubbed circles on my back to try and calm me down. "My baby... my girl..." I choke out, now pulling at my hair, "Y/N, she's gone. My girlfriend's gone." I yell, startling the people crowding around me.

I tried to explain the situation that just happened, and people thought it was best that I went to the hospital by the way I was acting and how badly my physical and mental health was at the time.


I now sit in a therapist room, the clock ticking on the wall annoyingly as I fiddle with my fingers. No matter how many times people tell me that I'm going crazy or hallucinating, I refuse to believe any different.

"C/N." I snap my head up, seeing my therapist giving a soft smile that I knew that was filled with sorrow for me. "You need to accept that she wasn't there. You're hallucinating because of you're state." I vigorously shook my head, my c/h/c locks flying over my eyes. "She was with me." I state.

The doctor shook their head with sadness. "Please understand that we've been searching for your loved one for eight years now. No one has gotten a trace and we've asked everyone who you claimed to know Y/N L/N. We researched about Y/N's supposed family, they died nearly twenty years ago now."

The tears started racing.

"Then what was I seeing?" I say angrily, "What happened to me?" They sigh, "Your brain had a malfunction and you went into a panic state." Every time I asked the same question, she'd give me the same answer.

It's been like that for eight years now.

No one believes that she'd ever been alive, ever been born. They believe that my brain had like a shock, and I went into panic mode about someone who I believed was real from someone's past life. I refused to believe everything they were telling me because I remember those days I spent with


The memories.

The laughter.

The pain.

The sadness.

The happiness.

I remember every single one, I've told every single person who believes otherwise.

"Then how do you explain the memories I have? No one can just hallucinate for eight years." I whisper, streaking my hand through my hair. The doctor stands up, gazing at the clock. "We can't get into your memories so only you can retell them. But please C/N, it's been eight years like you said. Don't you think-" "You don't know what I've been going through for the past eight years, do you?" I harshly question, raising my head with a hardened glare.

They stayed quiet. "WELL DO YOU?" I yell, my face wet with hot tears. I choke on my own words that leave my mouth. "So you're telling me that the undying love I have for the girlfriend I had was all fake? Was just a lie that my brain made up along with all these memories that I remember in detail about Y/N were all fake?" The doctor remained quiet for some more.

Getting up, I march my way to the door. "You can't fake memories and love that you remember in every detail. You can't fake seeing someone disappear before your eyes." The doctor went to say something else before I cut them off.

"Y/N got warped away. And I will warp away with her even if it kills me." I say, opening the door. Before I close the door, I turn around, meeting the therapist's sad gaze.

"I love Y/N, and I will stick by that whether she was real or not."

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