[ f ] Dropping Hints

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Does anyone have that friend you haven't told you like someone, and when you do they gasp and say, "You have the ability to like someone?" Yes, I do. I have too much of that ability.

I slammed my lunch plate onto the table, spooking my friend Aster. "Jisoos, Y/N. Wanna make your anger any more noticeable?" I threw her an eye roll along with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. It's just I've given him so many hints, yet he's still oblivious!" I said, a bit too loudly since people around Aster and I were giving off looks.

"Are you talking about C/N?" Aster questioned, causing me to nod. She sighed, pushing her black brown hair out of her face and behind her ear as she fixated her charcoal coloured eyes on me. "Trust me, he'll soon realise all the hints you've dropped and swoop you up and away into fairyland." I scoffed, rolling my e/c eyes at my best friend.

"Please. You know how many times I've basically said 'I like you' but in a different way?" I asked, causing her to shake her head with a smile. I sighed, grabbing Aster's bag of chilli chips and placing them down to have her fully pay attention to me. "I even said 'I like you' in French, Aster." I said, causing her to quirk an eyebrow. "But we learn French." She said, having me nod. "Exactly. Oblivious."

She went to say something when she closed her mouth and gave a smile, aiming it behind me. I gave her a confused expression before turning around, seeing the one and only C/N standing behind me with a lunch tray and a shy smile. "Hey Y/N, Aster. Can I sit here? Noah and Cameron are away." Before I could decline, Aster already swooped in for me.

"Yeah, no problem." C/N took a seat beside me as I threw a dirty look at Aster who just kept smiling as she crunched on her chilli chips. "What were you talking about before I came?" C/N questioned, causing me to cough and grab my drink bottle to help me survive while Aster chuckled before answering C/N.

"About Y/N's crush." I slapped Aster hard on the arm to the point her arm was red. She squealed, having her glare at me while rubbing her arm. "I don't have a crush. Aster's lying." I said quickly, hiding my red face. "Really now?" C/N spoke, obviously unconvinced. I nodded, not giving eye contact to him.

"I can tell you're lying, Y/N." C/N said, pushing back his c/h/c locks as his c/e/c eyes were glued onto me with a smile. "I'm not lying." I reassured him by giving him a look with a raised eyebrow before going back and eating my food. I noticed Aster was eating her popcorn while innocently watching all this play out in front of her.

"Okay, whatever you say." C/N said, standing up and grabbing his lunch tray. But before he left, he stopped and gazed at me with a playful smile that made me cautious. "Je t'aime." C/N left me stunned as he walked off with a victorious smile back to his friends Noah and Cameron who were cheering him on from the distance.

Aster nudged my arm with a smile, "Told you he'd pick up those hints you dropped." I rolled my e/c eyes with a smile and a light blush on my cheeks.

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