Chapter 1

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"You excited for your first day of school tomorrow Yuzuko?" Her grandmother asked
"I guess..." Yuzu said. Yuzu was in the living room reading a book but not just any book. It was a book filled with rules for the Aihara Academy
"That didn't sound excited" Her grandmother said
"Yes I'm excited" Yuzu said focusing in her reading
"Especially since you've been invited to the Aihara Academy. I heard that Academy is for high class and straight A students" Her grandmother said
"Isn't it an all girls school?" Yuzu asked
"Yes dear" Her grandmother said
"Good" Yuzu said
"Huh? I thought you would be upset" Her grandmother said
"Why should I be? Boys would just distract me from my studies. I don't have time to be with boys" Yuzu said. The phone rang and her grandmother walked up to it to answer
"Hello? Oh Yuzuko it's for you" Her grandmother said. Yuzu closed her book and stood from her couch then walked up to the phone
"Hello?" Yuzu answered
"Hey Yuzu-chan!" Matsuri said
"Oh hi Matsuri" Yuzu said
"Can we hang out? I mean I think you should take a break from those books" Matsuri said
"Sure" Yuzu said
"Let's meet up at the park" Matsuri said
"Okay see you there" Yuzu said and hanged up
"I need to go now grandma. Bye" Yuzu said heading for the door
"Okay dear. Be careful out there and come back before dinner" Her grandmother said
"Yes grandma" Yuzu said and left. She headed out the door and left the apartment then walked towards the park. She arrived at the park seeing a pink haired girl wearing headphones sitting on the swings. Yuzu walked up to the swings and tapped Matsuri's shoulder
"Yuzu-chan you're here!" Matsuri said and pulled her headphones down to her neck
"Hey Matsuri" Yuzu said and sat on the swings
" still with your studies?" Matsuri asked
"Of course" Yuzu said
"Aren't you bored reading books?" Matsuri asked
"No but you should worry about your studies. You were lucky that you passed 7th grade" Yuzu said
"Pfft I don't care about my studies. All I love is music" Matsuri said
"You should really focus on your studies if you want a music career. I don't think I'll be able to tutor you" Yuzu said
"Why not? You were my tutor last time and you were a really great help" Matsuri said
"You just asked me to do your homework for you and besides I'm heading to a really advanced Academy. It's the Aihara Academy" Yuzu said
"Ooooooh I heard it's an all girls school. So are you intrested in dating any girls or at least...fuck one of them?~" Matsuri asked smirking
"Shut up. You know I'm not into dating" Yuzu said
"Yeah yeah you're already taken by your studies. That's the only thing you're dating" Matsuri said
"What about you?" Yuzu asked
"Hm? What about me?" Matsuri asked
"Are you ready to go back?" Yuzu asked
"Ugh I hate school. Do you really think I'll be excited to go and suffer? No..." Matsuri said
"I heard you usually get into fights" Yuzu said
"Because assholes are bothering me and my crew" Matsuri said
"Just please try to at least focus on your studies" Yuzu said
"You know the reason why I'm like this..." Matsuri said. Yuzu sighed deeply and nodded. Matsuri's parents never paid attention to her whenever she did well in school. Her mother always works and smokes as well while her father is an alcoholic. Her grandparents are the only ones that pay attention to her and care for her while her parents usually argue every single day
"But love music don't you? Then at least focus on your studies if you want to have a music career in the future" Yuzu said and ruffled Matsuri's hair
"Yeah...I'll try" Matsuri said
"You better and I'll try to be your tutor again so I can help you do your work okay? I'll be here for you like a good big sister" Yuzu said
"Thanks Onee-chan" Matsuri said and smiled softly at her. After spending time with her Onee-chan Matsuri headed her way home wearing headphones. She was walking on the sidewalk heading back to her home. Something caught her eye and spotted her father was in a bar hitting on some sexy young girls. Matsuri rolled her eyes and kept walking to her home where her mother was just smoking. Matsuri arrived and the smell of smoke came to her hitting her right in the face. Matsuri walked in and headed upstairs while her mother was ignoring her. She got to her room and locked the door. She laid down on her bed with her headphones still on listening to music while staring at the ceiling. Her phone vibrated getting a message and she checked her phone seeing Lina messaging her

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