The End

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"Hello everyone. It's nice to see you all" Alyssa said and smiled. Everyone trembled and Sho just teared up
"Alyssa...I thought y-you were killed" Sho said
"You really are stupid. I never died. I was able to escape that bastard. Of course he ended up paying the price" Alyssa said and giggled
"Are you talking about my father?" Yuzu asked
"Hm? Oh so you must be Yongi's daughter Yuzuko right?" Alyssa asked
"Were you the one who killed my parents?" Yuzu asked
"Hm? Hehe maybe or maybe not" Alyssa said
"Stop fucking with me!" Yuzu said
"My my my such foul language. We are in church" Alyssa said and walked up to Mei but noticed a small little girl in the corner. Alyssa smirked and teleported towards the little girl. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled as the woman stood in front of her
"Don't hurt her!" Soha said as she immediately stood up from her seat. Alyssa stopped and glared at the Taniguchi
"Hehe Soha! Hey bestie!" Alyssa said and grabbed Matsuri by her hair
"Hey leave her alone!" Yuzu said and ran up to her but Alyssa teleported taking Matsuri with her and appeared near Soha
"Let her go!" Soha said
"Oh calm down Soha. Why care for this adorable little cinnamon roll?" Alyssa asked and let go of Matsuri. Matsuri ran up to Soha and hugged her. Soha hugged her back and held her closely
"Awww how adorable but why care for a stranger?" Alyssa asked
"Just leave her alone" Soha said as she glared at her
"Hehe...guess she's irresistible. Right girls?" Alyssa asked and looked at the two Taniguchi sisters
"Shut up" Harumin said
"Hm? Don't you want to tell your mother about your relationship with your "little sister"?" Alyssa asked. Matsuri's eyes widen and gripped onto Soha's dress
Shit...they're going to find out
"Harumi...what is she talking about?" Soha asked. Harumin looked down avoiding her mother's eyes and shut her eyes tightly
"Don't you want to admit to the world that you're a sick pedophile? Awwww guess the Taniguchis are a bunch of sluts. Especially with their big titties" Alyssa said. Suddenly Matsuri ran up to the woman and attacked as she punched her knocking her down. Alyssa stood back up and glared at the girl
"Don't start kid..." Alyssa said
"Leave my mother and my sisters alone you whore!" Matsuri shouted. Alyssa chuckled softly and stood back up
"What a caring girl..." Alyssa said and dodged another attack that came from Sho
"Hm? Sho why are you attacking me? I thought you loved me" Alyssa said
"GO TO HELL!" Sho shouted and attacked as he ran up to her. Alyssa dodged his attack then kicked his legs making him fall back
"Leave father alone!" Mei shouted and Alyssa glared at her as she raised her palm unleashing her magic. Mei fell back and tried to get back up to run up to her until blood was splattered everywhere. Mei froze and teared up as her father got killed. Alyssa looked at Mei and smiled
"Aren't you happy that I killed him for you? You did say you wanted to murder him after your wedding..." Alyssa said
"Y-yeah but..." Mei paused and trembled
"Hm? What's wrong?" Alyssa asked and walked up to her. Mei looked down as she felt the same fear when she was around her mother before. Alyssa grabbed her by the hair and made her look up at her. Mei just glared at her and growled
"Are you still afraid of me?" Alyssa asked. Suddenly Alyssa backed up as Yuzu ran up to her then attacked. Yuzu groaned in pain as she clenched her chest tightly's pain..
"You can't do anything about that heart. It's been broken" Alyssa said. Yuzu trembled and coughed blood
"Y-yuzu!" Mei exclaimed and ran up to her as she held her. Yuzu breathed heavily and trembled
"M-mei...I-I...ugh..." Yuzu groaned and the dark magic began to spread throughout her body
"'s all your fault Mei. Not only have you lost one but two people...hehehe...such a pathetic little bitch" Alyssa said. Yuzu growled as she transformed again and pushed Mei
"You fuckin Aihara...don't touch me..." Yuzu hissed as she removed the ring. Mei held the ring and teared up
"Y-yuzu...please..." Mei mumbled. Yuzu just glared at Alyssa but her eyes landed on the Taniguchi woman as her scythe appeared in her hand. Yuzu ran up to Harumin as she raised her weapon
"DON'T HURT HER!" Matsuri shouted as she teleported and used her powers to protect her loved one. Yuzu attacked and a huge explosion happened that made everyone take cover. There was a bit of smoke and once it vanished everyone gasped not seeing Matsuri. Harumin teared up and trembled as she walked up to the spot where Matsuri was. Mitsuko's eyes widen and gritted her teeth
"What the hell did you do!?" Mitsuko exclaimed and ran up to the queen as she was going to attack but Yuzu growled and swinged an attack at her knocking her back. Mitsuko stood back up and charged up her power but Mei grabbed her tackling her down not allowing her to attack Yuzu
"What the fuck Aihara-san!?" Mitsuko exclaimed and punched Mei across her face. Mei fell and just glared at Mitsuko
"Leave it to me..." Mei mumbled and stood up. She trembled as she walked up to the queen witch
" filthy Aihara...go to HELL!" Yuzu shouted and Mei just stood there holding the ring tightly
"Yuzu...forgive me for being stupid. For being a total bitch and not realizing that you were right in front of me. I'm sorry Yuzu. I really am sorry. I want to fix your broken heart and be together with you forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please...forgive me for now and during our time together I can prove to you that I really do love you. I will only think about you and be by your side forever" Mei said
" k-keep mentioning her" Yuzu said
"And that was a terrible mistake. It won't ever happen again. I don't love her anymore. My heart belongs to you. I love you Yuzu. Please...forgive me and give me another chance. I promise this will be different" Mei said. Yuzu hissed but felt the warm feeling again. It was like Mei had some sorta powers that helped Yuzu's pain in her chest. Yuzu just growled and hissed trying to get rid of this feeling but the feeling slowly began to consume her body. Alyssa gritted her teeth and ran up to Yuzu as she attacked her once more
"Leave her alone!" Mei shouted and tackled her own mother. Alyssa grabbed Mei by her hair and slapped her hard across the face. Mei fell down and held her cheek
"You little bitch..." Alyssa said. Immediately Soha ran up to her as she grabbed her then punched her
"You fuckin slut!" Soha shouted
"You big titted bitch!" Alyssa shouted and attacked. Soha avoided her attack and kicked Alyssa knocking her down. Celeste ran up to Soha helping her out with Alyssa
"You fuckin midget! Get off me you sluts!" Alyssa shouted. Mitsuko took this opportunity and ran up to Alyssa attacking her. Mei stood back up and looked at Yuzu who was still fighting that dark magic. Yuzu growled and hissed as Mei walked close to her. Yuzu's eyes widen as a circle formed on the floor and chains appeared wrapping themselves around Yuzu's body bringing her down
"YUZU!" Mei shouted and ran up to her. Yuzu reached her hand out trying to hold her hand but the chains brought her down taking her some place. Mei shut her eyes tightly and clenched her fists tightly with the ring in her hand
Damnit I'm too late...
Alyssa just laughed and teleported using the last of her powers she had inside her. Mei stood up and clenched her chest tightly. Harumin had tears rolling down her cheeks and ran up to Mei
"You fuckin bitch! It's all your fault!" Harumin shouted and turned Mei around before giving her a punch across the face. Mei grabbed Harumin tackling her down and punched her back
"Harumi! Mei! Enough!" Soha shouted and ran up to them separating them. Mei panted heavily and wiped her mouth
"It's your fuckin fault that Matsuri's dead!" Harumin shouted. Mei just glared at her giving her the coldest glare that even Harumin felt shivers go down her spine
"I regret dating you or ever meeting you. What was I thinking? I was so stupid...besides Yuzu is much more better than you in so many ways" Mei said and turned to leave. Harumin couldn't help but feel her heart ache
"So was I just a toy to you back then?" Harumin asked
"You want to talk about the past now? Just forget it...the past is the past. Besides...I can tell you're still into me" Mei said. Harumin's eyes widen and gritted her teeth
"Still into you!? Are you serious!? I was never into you! You fuckin bitch!" Harumin shouted. Mei just glared at her before walking out and leaving the church. She was met up with rain and lightning. She trembled as she was still afraid of lightning. She just looked down and started walking down the empty streets. The door opened and Harumin came out. She turned to look at Mei and growled
"MEI! COME BACK!" Harumin shouted and tried to go after her but Mitsuko grabbed her
"Don't Harumi...just leave her" Mitsuko said. Harumin just looked down as she cried and hugged Mitsuko
"Sh-she's gone..." Harumin cried. Mitsuko held her sister and hugged her back. Meanwhile Mei kept walking not caring if people saw her in a soaked wedding dress or why she was outside in the storm. Mei walked all the way to the bridge and looked down
"Is this how you want to end your life?" A woman asked. Mei's eyes widen and turned around
"Wh-who the hell are you?" Mei asked
"Lady Liana" Lady Liana said
"What the hell do you want?" Mei asked
"I'm here to help you though you did break that Okogi" Lady Liana said
"I's my fault...I screwed up" Mei said as she looked down
"You know...there is a second chance. Another opportunity..." Lady Liana said
"Another opportunity?" Mei asked
" are the chosen Aihara to fix that Okogi's heart" Lady Liana said
"Chosen?" Mei asked. Lady Liana explained the Okogi curse and the dark magic
"I I was meant to make her happy but I only messed it up" Mei said
"But you still have a chance. The reason I brought those chains was because we can't let her be loose with a broken heart like that and because people know about this magic. I will have to erase some of their memories about magic and what happened today...but I won't completely erase their memories" Lady Liana said
"So you won't erase their memories about Matsuri?" Mei asked
"Yes...and my time has come as well" Lady Liana said
"W-wait...what?" Mei asked
"I will transfer that last bit of my powers to you Aihara. Promise to use this power for good and to protect many innocent people" Lady Liana said
"Protect?" Mei asked
"After 6 years those chains will be broken and Yuzu will come back fully grown. The problem is with that broken heart of hers...the witch inside her might want to take over and have her fun" Lady Liana said
"So...after 6 years...she'll come back?" Mei asked
"Yes will be difficult to fix a broken heart. You will be facing many challenges in trying to get Yuzu back to her original self" Lady Liana said. Mei looked down at the ring and held it tightly
" doesn't matter how many challenges I have to face. I will get my beloved Yuzu back" Mei said
"You really are different from the other wonder you're the chosen one" Lady Liana said and her palm glowed. Mei looked at the glowing palm and her eyes widen as some kind of aura entered her body then gasped as she trembled feeling a painful sting in her chest
"Wh-what did you..d-do?" Mei asked
"For hurting Yuzu you will be punished by feeling the same pain Yuzu felt. Everyday you will feel the pain three times a day. At night you will be having nightmares over and over again. That's your punishment for hurting the poor girl and remember...use your powers for good" Lady Liana said and her body began to fade. Mei just looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks
Yuzu...I will get you back. I promise...I doesn't matter if I have to go through this...I will get you back. I will make you mine again. We will live happily together. I promise. I will wait for you and once you come back. I will look for you...

Shai sat there in the chair and cried. After hearing Diane's message about Yuzu and Matsuri, she didn't know what to do. The one thing that truly hurt her was that Diane said that Himeko was never going to visit. Of course Shai reacted crazy again and was taken back inside. She ended up going to some sorta mental hospital to visit her doctor. Shai didn't want this life at all. All she wanted was Himeko by her side in her arms
No no no no no...lies right? H-himeko promised...even if I turn into would still love me...she hasn't visited
"Hey newbie. You're in my seat" A girl said. Shai just ignored her and kept mumbling. The girl just groaned and kicked Shai off the chair
"Newbies are pathetic. If I tell you something then you should obey unless you want me to beat you up" The girl said and took her seat. Shai was on the floor and ignored the girl
"Hey bitch are you fucking ignoring me?" The girl asked and stood up. Shai immediately stood up and grabbed the girl smashing her face against the table and ended up breaking it. All the girls gasped and some trembled
"Ugh...y-you asked for it" The girl said as she wiped her nose. Some girls who were her friends ran up to Shai as they all were ready to fight her. Shai smiled and started laughing as she ran up to them. The girls stopped and Shai punched them hard then grabbed them by their hair throwing them to the ground hard
"Hahahahaha!" Shai laughed as her crystal blue eyes were filled with insanity. The officers came in and took Shai out of there. They handcuffed her and took her back to her cell. They put her inside and Shai sat on the cold floor. She smiled and started rocking herself back and forth
"Lalalalalalalalalalalala..." Shai mumbled and sung her favorite lullaby that her father made for her. She laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks and smiled insanely
"Papa...we will escape and kill Damon Momokino..." Shai giggled as her blue eyes glowed

Well this ended bad obviously. Thanks for reading everyone. I really loved working on this story but the one thing I loved the most were your comments. They gave me some ideas and some just made my day. Thank you all for commenting and voting for this story. Some of you might be impressed and wondering how in the world am I able to publish my chapters daily and be able to deal with my studies. It's because of all of your love and support for my stories that keep me going. All of your support are the reason why I keep working and creating many stories for all of you. Thank you all so much! Love you all! The sequel for this story will be published tomorrow so be ready for another story. It will be called "Don't Need You, Leave Me". I hope you have a good day or night 😊😊😊😊😊😊

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