Chapter 2

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Beep Beep Beep
Yuzu groaned at the sound of the alarm and turned it off. She looked at the ceiling the turned to look at the curtains. She saw the sunlight brighten up her room a bit. She sat up and stretched her arms. She stood up from the bed and started to get ready for her first day of school. She headed to the bathroom to get herself ready just by brushing her teeth and brushed her hair. After that she put on her school outfit and grabbed her bag. She walked out the door finding her grandmother preparing breakfast
"Hey sweetie. I made you pancakes for your first day of school" Her grandmother said
"Thanks grandma" Yuzu said putting her bag on the couch and sat down to eat her pancakes. After finishing breakfast Yuzu kissed her grandmother's cheek and grabbed her bag
"Bye Yuzuko. I hope you have a wonderful first day" Her grandmother said
"Bye grandma and thanks" Yuzu said and headed out the apartment. She walked down the streets heading to the Academy. She had a dull expression with her dull emerald eyes. She spotted in a restaurant a young girl with her parents.
"I love you Mama and Papa!"
"We love you too Yuzu!"
Yuzu clenched her fists and let out a growl. She felt tears build up in her eyes but she wiped her eyes
Forget it...stop being such a crybaby
Yuzu kept on walking heading to her Academy
"Yuzuko!" She heard a girl nearby. Yuzu's eyes widen recognizing that voice. She turned around seeing her cousin Shai
"Sh-shai..." Yuzu mumbled. Shai smiled brightly and ran up to her hugging her
"Yuzuko! I'm so glad to see you again. Hey how's it going? How have you been doing lately? Are you excited for your first day? Are you nervous? Did you sleep well? Have you-"
"Woah Shai...stop with the questions" Yuzu said
"Oh sorry...I mean when I heard you were heading to the Aihara Academy I was so happy for you. Hehe...anyways how are you and grandma?" Shai asked
"We're good. How about you?" Yuzu asked
"I'm doing good as well. I'm so excited for school. What about you? Are you excited?" Shai asked
"Yeah I guess..." Yuzu said
"Hehe yeah" Shai said
"Hey Shai-chan!! Let's go!" A girl said calling Shai
"Coming! Sorry Yuzuko but we can talk later. If you want we can hang out after school. What do you say?" Shai asked
"I'll think about it..." Yuzu said
"Alright! Bye Yuzuko! Have fun!" Shai said waving goodbye at her cousin. Yuzu waved goodbye and turned to walk to head to her school. She watched other girls that wore the same uniform as her and stopped to look at the Academy
"Out of my way bitches" She heard a familiar voice. Yuzu turned to find her enemy...Raina
"What is she doing here?" Yuzu asked herself. Raina was Yuzu's first enemy back in elementary. Raina usually bullied Yuzu because of her being so lonely and not fitting in with no one. Yuzu never cared about what she said but if it had to do something about her parents...she would end up fighting her...just like she did in elementary. Yuzu looked away when she noticed Raina was looking at her. Yuzu just headed to the Academy as quickly as possible to avoid Raina. She wasn't in the mood to fight today. All she wanted was a peaceful first day of school. She arrived at the Academy and stood there watching the girls enter. She saw their smiles and laughs with one another. Yuzu just rolled her eyes and headed inside the Academy. Yuzu looked around the huge Academy and stood in the middle of the girls walking passed her. She was lonely which reminded her...
Yuzu was in the cafeteria and looked around to find a seat. Yuzu found a couple of girls and walked up to them
" i-if I sit-"
"Ew! No way outcast!"
"Yeah get out of here"
"Besides this seat is taken for my friend"
A girl came over to them and glared at the young trembling girl
"Get lost loser"
Tears build up in Yuzu's eyes and walked away with her tray. She clenched her tray tightly and sat down on the floor leaning against a wall then her tears rolled down her cheeks
"I-I want them...d-dead..." Yuzu mumbled
End Of Flashback
"Excuse me..." A girl said tapping on Yuzu's shoulder. Yuzu turned to looke at a girl with grey hair and brown eyes
"S-sorry..." Yuzu said
"O-oh no it's fine. I-I'm Phila Virgil..." Phila said shyly
"Yuzuko Okogi...but you may call me Yuzu" Yuzu said
"That's a cute name" Phila said smiling at her. Yuzu looked at the girl and was surprised to finally make a friend
"Y-yeah...thanks" Yuzu said
" you know where your class is?" Phila
"Yeah I guess..." Yuzu said
"Do you know who's your teacher?" Phila asked
"Yeah...someone named Aihara or something like that" Yuzu said
"A-aihara?! You mean the daughter of the Chairman?" Phila asked
"Um...I don't know. What was with that reaction?" Yuzu asked
"Don't you know the Aihara are the founders of this Academy. They are really cold and strict. You probably have the worse teacher in this Academy" Phila said
"Pfft...I've dealed with plenty of teachers before. This one won't be different like the other ones" Yuzu said. After Phila left to her classroom and Yuzu walked to her classroom
"I'm so scared..."
"Yeah I know..."
"I've heard this class is hard"
"I've heard the teacher is really tough on you"
Yuzu just took her seat in the back row and the classroom went silent as a woman with long black hair and lavender eyes walled in. Yuzu looked at the teacher and admired her looks. She never had a teacher this pretty before.
"Hello class. Some of you might already know me if you've met my father before. I'm Miss Aihara" Mei said. Yuzu looked at the teacher and felt something wierd inside her heart
What the hell? What is this? Am I getting sick or something?

Matsuri was looking through her phone and felt someone grab her headphones. Matsuri looked up seeing Brono and snatched her headphones back
"What do you want now...asshole?" Matsuri asked
"Jeez calm down Matsuri. I just came to see if you heard of the new teacher we have" Brono said
"New teacher?" Lina asked
"Yeah I heard about a new teacher as well" Sakira said
"Who is she?" Lina asked
"Something with Taniguchi and they say she's extremely sexy especially because she has some big boobs that you can squeeze and suck" Brono said and smirked
"Shut up you pervert" Matsuri said
"You're just 15. I bet the teacher is like 20 something" Sakira said
"She's 22 and what's wrong? I may be underage but that won't stop me from getting that sexy teacher in bed. Every guy has been trying to hit on her" Brono said
"Woah what?" Lina asked
"What?" Brono asked
"Students have been hitting on her already? Since when?" Lina asked
"When she walked in to school this morning. You guys know the popular jock in this school?" Brono asked
"Yeah we do" Sakira said
"Is it the asshole named Hunton?" Matsuri asked
"Yep. He broke up with his girlfriend" Brono said
"What!?" They exclaimed
"But he was dating the hottest girl. The one who does cheerleading" Sakira said
"Did he really dump her for the sexy teacher?" Lina asked
"Hell yeah he did. Everyone was so surprised. People have been talking and posting it in social media" Brono said
"Damn...that teacher must be really hot" Matsuri said
"Hell yeah she is. I had to go to the bathroom to release my cu-"
"Shut up baka! You don't need to tell us about your nasty shit!" Lina exclaimed smacking his head hard
"Ouch! Okay okay! Calm down" Brono said and rubbed his head
"Hey what happened to Hunton?" Matsuri asked still curious about the whole break up thing
"Hunton showed off his muscular body to the teacher and she didn't blush or show anything. She just glared at him and left" Brono said
"So she rejected him" Lina said
"Yep! It seems like she's a tough one to get" Brono said
"Or maybe she's just secretly a lesbian and a pedophile" Matsuri said
"No way! She doesn't look like a lesbian or a pedophile. She's just so fuckin sexy hot-oh shit! My dick is hard!" Brono exclaimed
"BAKA! Not in front of my children!" Lina said and smacked his head hard knocking him down
"Lina don't be so mean to him" Sakira said
"I don't want my Matsuri to learn that disgusting stuff" Lina said
"I already know shit like that. Besides I have a slutty cousin so it's cool" Matsuri said still looking through her phone
"Ugh my fuckin head..." Brono groaned
"Hey what happened to the cheerleader? Is she upset?" Sakira asked
"She is so fuckin pissed like hell. You can feel her glare from miles away. She's not happy at all" Brono said
"She's pathetic" Matsuri said
"Anyways I'm going to succeed!" Brono said
"Huh? What do you mean?" Lina asked
"It means that I'll be the first guy to date a teacher and have the sexy teacher's virginity" Brono said
"What the hell? She's a virgin?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah surprisingly. She comes from a wealthy family" Brono said
"How do you know all this stuff about her?" Matsuri asked
"People found out about her social media account" Brono said
"Stalker" The girls said
"I'm not a stalker...well maybe but anyways I hope I get that teacher. I just can't wait" Brono said. Once the bell rung everyone headed to their classes
"Wahhhhhhh! I didn't get her class!" Brono cried out
"Jeez don't be such a baby about it" Lina said
"Yeah grow up already. Hey Matsuri who did you end up getting?" Sakira asked. Matsuri groaned seeing the name 'Harumi Taniguchi'
"What?! No way?! Matsuri let's trade classes!" Brono said
"And be stuck with an old hag as a teacher? Hell no I rather stick to this one" Matsuri said
"Matsuri! Please that old lady fuckin hates everyone who she meets! She'll make me suffer and not allow me to have my future wife!" Brono said
"You're crazy and obsessed with this teacher" Matsuri said
"Yeah and are you planning on marrying her?" Lina asked
"Yep! She'll be my wife. I can see us together in the future" Brono said and blushed deeply
"Yeah keep on dreaming because it'll never happen" Matsuri said
"Awwww that sucks. We don't have classes together" Lina said
"We could eat lunch together though" Sakira said
"Yeah hopefully..." Matsuri said. Everyone headed to their class and Matsuri sighed knowing she had no one she recognized in this class. She headed to the back of the class to sit in the back row seat. The teacher walked in the classroom with a sweet soft smile. Matsuri noticed all the students were drooling over her because of her body. Matsuri looked at the woman who had long dark auburn hair and her eyes were beautiful hazel eyes. Matsuri looked at her body and noticed her big chest.
"Morning class. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Miss Taniguchi" Harumin said. All the students smiled loving their teacher...mostly the guys. Matsuri just looked at the teacher and chuckled softly
Not bad...she seems pretty

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