Chapter 9

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Harumin walked out of the school and headed towards her car
"Harumi! Wait!" Hunton said as he ran up to her panting heavily. Harumin gritted her teeth then sighed deeply and faked a smile
"Hi Taki-san" Harumin said sweetly. Hunton blushed and nodded
"G-good afternoon Har-I meant sensei. I just wanted to ask...about my work. I-I uhm...I'm having trouble with a few problems and I don't get any of them. Will you please help me?" Hunton asked
"I would love to but I'm busy right now. I already have a student waiting for me so if you would excuse me. I have to get going" Harumin said and got inside her car
"W-wait! Can I get your number please?" Hunton asked
"I'm sorry. I have to go now" Harumin said and left driving away. Hunton stood there and clenched his fists tightly
Wh-what the hell!? Why isn't she falling for me at all!?
"Haha! That was great!" Brono laughed as he left with Lina and Sakira. Hunton just turned to glare at them and let out a low growl
She is already seeing someone else...could it be...that gay Mizusawa bitch?
Meanwhile Harumin sighed in relief and drove towards Matsuri's place. Once she got there she stopped seeing a woman and a young blonde haired teenage girl. She tilted her a head a bit and got out the car
That girl...she's wearing the Aihara Academy uniform. What is she doing here?
"Get lost brat" Jinai said
"Where's Matsuri? I know she's in there. What did you do to her?" Yuzu asked
"Listen Okogi-san... I have no clue what's up with her okay? So stop asking me and leave me alone" Jinai said
"You're her mother...why don't you take care of her for once!? She is your daughter! You should love her and care for her!" Yuzu shouted which caught a few people's attention that walked by the streets. Harumin stood there seeing the scene that was happening
"Tck. Don't waste my time you brat" Jinai said as she turned to leave but bumped into a tall and big chested woman
"Excuse me but are you Matsuri's mother?" Harumin asked
"Why do you want to know?" Jinai asked glaring at her
"My name is Harumi Taniguchi and I'm Matsuri's teacher. I'm here to see her because she mentioned that she was sick" Harumin said sternly as she looked at her with cold eyes. Jinai's eyes widen and clenched her fists tightly
This bitch! A Taniguchi!? That must mean she must be that model in those beauty magazines and the woman next to her must be her sister or something
"I see Miss Taniguchi. I'm very sorry for the way I behaved but Matsuri is fine. She is just in her room resting for today. She'll be back in school tomorrow" Jinai said. Yuzu glared at her and growled
"You liar! I know Matsuri isn't doing fine! You're just a lying bitch!" Yuzu shouted
"Stay out of this Okogi-san. You're not her real sister anyways so get lost and go home" Jinai said sternly
"And may I ask who are you?" Harumin asked
"I'm Yuzu Okogi, ma'am. My apologies for using inappropriate language but she is lying. She has never cared for her daughter and always leaves her alone" Yuzu said. Jinai just glared at her and sighed
"Okogi-san stay out of this. Besides you should be home by now. It's dangerous for someone so young like you to be out here all by yourself" Jinai said
"I'm not going anywhere until I talk to Matsuri" Yuzu said and noticed the door open slightly. Her eyes widen seeing half of Matsuri's face. The other half she covered it with the door where she hid her eye that had an eye patch
"M-matsuri? Matsuri!?" Yuzu exclaimed and headed towards the door. Matsuri was about to shut the door but Yuzu placed her foot to stop the door from closing. Yuzu walked inside and her eyes widen seeing Matsuri's face with a couple of cuts and a eye patch
"What are you doing here Yuzu-chan?" Matsuri asked
"What am I doing here!? To check up on you! What happened!?" Yuzu exclaimed as she grabbed Matsuri by her shoulders
"It's fine..." Matsuri mumbled as she looked down. Yuzu hugged her and teared up
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Yuzu asked
"I didn't want to worry you..." Matsuri mumbled
"I'm your big sister! Of course I'll always worry you! You shouldn't keep these things to yourself! Seeing you hurt like this hurts me too!" Yuzu shouted as she had tears rolling down her cheeks. Matsuri looked at her as she was about to tear up until she saw someone she'd never expect to see
"Is everything alright?" Harumin asked as she opened the door. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed immediately seeing the beautiful and kind teacher. Yuzu looked at Matsuri noticing her strange behavior. Of course she knew what that strange behavior meant
D-does she like the teacher or something? I mean that's how I act-wait! Woah wait Yuzu! Was I about to admit that I like my teacher after that kiss!? N-no way right? I mean...I don't know if I'm I? Maybe...but that kiss...I can't stop thinking about it...her lips against mine...her tongue...our bod-gaaaaah! Stop it! Don't think about it!
"U-uhm...why did you came?" Matsuri asked
"Because I wanted to check up on you. I was worried..." Harumin said
"Yeah right..." Matsuri said looking down. Harumin gritted her teeth then walked towards her pushing Yuzu aside gently. Matsuri gasped and felt something warm and soft. Of course her face was in between her boobs but that wasn't important. Matsuri's face was completely red feeling her soft and warm chest. She wrapped her arms around her hugging her back. She teared up as she enjoyed this warm feeling and that it reminded her of her past. The last time she saw that wonderful lady. The only random person that cared for her
During daycare the young girl was all lonely with no friends. She usually got pushed around and didn't belong anywhere with anyone. Matsuri cried as she was on the floor. She sniffed and tried calming herself down. The other kids ignored her and did their own thing playing with the toys. Suddenly a tall big chest young woman walked up in front of her
"Dear what's wrong?" The woman asked. Matsuri sniffed and looked down as she kept crying. The woman grabbed her as she carried her in her own arms. She held her closely towards her chest like a small little baby
"'s okay Matsuri. Calm down" She whispered softly. Matsuri looked at the woman meeting with her bright hazel eyes. The woman smiled at her and wiped her tears
"Don't cry Matsuri. I'm here. You see? I'm here" The woman whispered softly as she comforted the small young Matsuri. Matsuri whimpered softly and nuzzled her chest. The woman smiled at her and kissed her forehead softly. Matsuri blushed and enjoyed her warmth and scent
"M-mama..." Matsuri mumbled as she closed her eyes. The woman just giggled at her and smiled softly
"You're so adorable Matsuri-chan" The woman said. Matsuri slept peacefully as she was comfortable in the woman's arms. After a couple of minutes sleeping Matsuri woke up and saw the kids were playing and she was in her small sleeping back with the blankets. She looked around whimpering like a small little pup
"M-mama...where's mama?" Matsuri asked as she whimpered
"Oh hey Matsuri just lay back down. Mama will be back" A lady said. Matsuri looked at the lady and teared up
"Oh no...please don't cry. She'll be back soon" The lady said. Matsuri threw herself back on her back and cried loudly as she kicked and threw her hands
"M-mama! Waaaaah! Mama! M-mama!" Matsuri cried
"Oh dear..." The lady groaned and carried her
"There there Matsuri. Just-"
"Waaaaah! Mama! M-mama!" Matsuri cried as she kicked her legs. Suddenly the doors opened and the woman came back
"What's going on? Is Matsuri okay? I can hear Matsuri's cry all the way out there" The woman said
"Soha! Thank goodness you're back!" The lady said
"Mama!" Matsuri cried and squirmed around trying to escape the woman's arms. Soha walked up to her and carried her. Once Matsuri made contact with her arms she instantly shut up then wiped her tears. Soha smiled and kissed her forehead softly
"M-mama..." Matsuri mumbled. Soha just held her closely and sighed deeply
"She's so adorable..." Soha whispered
"Wow I can't believe you're able to calm her down that quick" The lady said
"Hehe she's probably just comfortable in my arms" Soha said as she smiled softly
"You really are the favorite here. All the kids love you but it seems this one is much more clingy towards you" The lady said
"Yeah...I hope one day I get to see her all grown up" Soha said and stroked her hair softly. Matsuri sucked on her thumb as she began to fall asleep in Soha's arms again. Soha just looked at her and smiled
"I won't forget you Matsuri-chan..." Soha whispered and kissed her forehead softly
End Of Flashback
"M-mama..." Matsuri mumbled as she pulled away and looked up at Harumin. Harumin's eyes widen for a moment and looked at her confused
"Wh-what did you say?" Harumin asked
"You look like look like mama..." Matsuri said as she still had tears rolling down her cheeks
"Um Matsuri? Are you feeling okay?" Yuzu asked
"Where's Mama...?" Matsuri asked as she still looked up at Harumin. Harumin just looked at her confused and a bit uncomfortable. Yuzu just stood there looking at Matsuri and back at the lady. Matsuri backed up from Harumin then headed to a shelf and pulled out an image that was hidden. She handed it to Harumin without looking at her. Harumin took the picture and looked at it then her eyes widen seeing her mother holding a very young and small adorable Matsuri
Th-that's my mother! Wait...why is she calling my mother like it's her mother or something?
"Can you do me a favor...please? If you do this...then I'll tell you about my life and these injures. Just please...let me see Mama again" Matsuri said looking at her with teary eyes

Shai walked down the sidewalk heading to the library. She kept thinking about Yuzu's reaction towards the teacher
She really was acting different. Yuzu never stuttered like that before...nor have I seen her stutter. Well at least she's doing okay right? long as she doesn't want to hurt herself or anything everything is fine and okay
Shai smiled softly and bumped into some guy
"Watch where-h-huh?" The guy suddenly looked at her and trembled. Shai looked down at him and reached her hand out to help him
"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm really sorry. You're not hurt are you?" Shai asked. The guy just stood up and ran away. Shai just stood there and shrugged as she headed towards the school library. Once she got there Shai walked inside the library. She sat down and put her bag down. She looked around feeling a bit uncomfortable and scared. She laid her head down and sighed deeply
Maybe she isn't coming...I mean it was odd for me to do that right? She wouldn't want to waste her time on someone so pathetic like me....hehe...I'm so stupid...
Shai's lips trembled and pressed them together as she felt like crying again
I'm so stupid! Crying like this! Crying for some dumb reason!
Suddenly she felt someone touch her shoulder and looked up at them. Her eyes widen and blushed a bit
"Hey were you crying again?" Himeko asked
"N-no ma'am" Shai lied as she shook her head and rubbed her eyes
"I-I was just sleeping..." Shai said looking away. Himeko just looked at her and sighed
"Fine. Let's start working" Himeko said
"Y-yes ma'am" Shai said a bit nervously
Why the hell am I nervous!? Nervous of what!? Her!?
Shai gulped and could hear her own heartbeat. Her heart beated fast and hard that anyone could here it. Himeko looked at her a bit confused
"You feeling okay?" Himeko asked
"Y-yes" Shai said as her face redden
"Are you sick?" Himeko asked as she reached to touch her cheek but Shai backed up
"I-I'm fine" Shai said as she looked away. Himeko just looked at her oddly and nodded
"If you say so..." Himeko mumbled.

Meanwhile the guy who ran from Shai entered in an alley. He panted heavily and fell on his knees
"S-sir...I saw him. H-he...Shailung...he has a daughter!" He exclaimed. The leader looked down at him and walked up to him
"What? A daughter? N-no way...he never mentioned about having a child" The leader said
"B-but sir...she looks exactly like him. H-his white hair a-and his crystal blue eyes..." He said. The leader's eyes widen and smiled
"S-so what he said was true? About him coming back...?" The leader mumbled and laughed softly
"Our leader is back!" He shouted as he laughed

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