Chapter 18

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Shai panted heavily as she was running away from home not knowing where she was heading. She stopped by a bar and panted heavily catching her breathe. She teared up again and clenched her fists tightly
I fuckin hate her! I don't want to go back home! That's not my home anymore!
Shai just wiped her tears and looked up then gasped seeing Riana smoking with other people
Shit! Riana's here!
Shai just turned around and tried going the other way but bumped into someone
"S-sorry" Shai said and tried leaving but that someone grabbed her
"Hey Riana look who I found?" The person said and laughed. Riana looked at the girl and smirked
"Shai what a surprise? I've never thought you'd be out here all by yourself" Riana said and dropped her cigarette then stepped on it. Shai gulped and clenched her fists tightly. Riana smiled and walked up to her
"Hey we should hang out. This is your first time being out here outside at night on your own right? Hehe then I should show you how to have fun out here" Riana said
"U-uhm sure" Shai said going with the flow or else she'll get beat up even though she already knew she'd get beaten up anyways. Riana smiled and wrapped an arm around her
"Hey guys meet my new bestie Shai. She'll be our new punching bag. Right Shai?" Riana asked and giggled. Shai looked down and trembled
"Y-yeah..." Shai mumbled
"Hmm? Want me to get you a drink?" Riana asked
"N-no thanks. I-I don't dr-drink..." Shai said
"Huh? Hey bitch we're friends and this is how you treat me? I'm buying you something because we're friends...right?" Riana asked. Shai nodded slowly and Riana smiled
"Hey guys we should take Shai some place else. Maybe to our hideout right? She deserves to be welcomed in our gang" Riana said. Riana and the group took Shai to an alley where they always hanged out. Riana grabbed Shai and pushed her to the ground
"Hey Shai...remember back there at the Academy? I was really impressed you know..." Riana said. Shai looked down not wanting to look up and felt this painful hit as one of the group members hit her hard across her face with a metal pipe
"It's payback time. Guys...beat her up" Riana ordered and the group began to grab their weapons then began hitting Shai with metal pipes and bats. Some just kicked and punched her leaving Shai covered in bruises and cuts. Shai just didn't care and cried
"Come on you little bitch. Fight back" Riana said and stood there watching. Shai just got hit all over and fell to the ground groaning in pain
"Pfft...your so pathetic just like your cousin. Both of you losing your parents. Heh Yuzu is such a bitch but she's much more different than you. You're just a weakling who can't do anything but stand in her shadow. Besides...I bet your parents never loved you. I guess that's the reason why you're out here right? You're a loser and good for nothing. Miss Eyebrows even had to help you out on a fuckin problem that everyone knows. I bet even a middle schooler can solve a problem like that. You should just kill yourself. No one here cares about you...nor will help you" Riana said. Shai had tears rolling down her cheeks and slowly stood up growling feeling her body move on it's own again. She reached to her pocket pulling out a pocket knife
"Pfft! Hahaha! Do you really think a knife will scare us? Get her guys. I think this bitch still needs to learn a lesson" Riana said and pulled out a cigarette as she wanted to smoke. The gang held their bats and pipes as they ran towards her. Shai looked at them as a insane smile formed on her lips
This is going to be fun...
She ran up to them and grabbed one of their pipes then used it on them hitting their head hard and cut their necks open then stabbed their shoulder
"What the hell!?"
"Get that bitch!"
Shai laughed and stabbed someone's stomach then used the pipe piercing it through that person's stomach through the wound
"A-aaaaaah! Shit!" The person cried. Riana stood there watching Shai attacking her group of friends. Shai panted heavily and one of the members hit her across the face with the metal pipe but this time it didn't affect her at all and punched the asshole's face breaking his nose. The members groaned and some were bleeding a lot leaving a puddle of blood. Riana just ran away and left her friends alone with the crazy bitch. Shai looked at the pocket knife and held it tightly
"Hehehehe...hehehehehe...hahahahaha...hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!" Shai laughed and looked down as she let out a sigh. She looked at the group on the ground slightly groaning and she placed the knife near her mouth then licked the blood off
"Hahaha...let the real fun begin" Shai whispered as she walked up to their bodies. Meanwhile Kang was walking by while smoking and noticed a girl running away
Huh? What the-
His thoughts were interrupted by a laugh coming from the alley and he immediately ran up to the alley wanting to see what was happening. He hid and took a small peek then gasps. His body trembled and smiled
Haha yes like him. Let your father's blood run through your veins!
"Hahaha! You guys scared? Well you should be! Because you're fuckin dead!" Shai shouted and grabbed their bodies cutting open their chest and stomach. She grabbed their organs and felt this rush go through her body
"Hehehehe...I never knew this be so much...much...much...f-fun?" Shai gasped snapping out of that side of hers then trembled. She dropped the organ and stood up. She teared up and covered her mouth but pulls her hands away from her mouth realizing it was covered in blood
Wh-what!? What did I do?! What happened to me!? Shit! I killed them! I'm going to jail for this! Fuck fuck fuck!
Shai just cried and ran away. The guy spying on her backed up and watched her run away.
Damnit...well just like Shailung I guess
He looked at the alley and walked up to the dead bodies the grabbed the bloody pocket knife
She forgot her's best if I talk with her. She still has a lot to learn since she'll be taking the lead of the clan...

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