Chapter 58

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Mitsuko growled running up to her father. Hojo prepared himself and once Mitsuko was close he attacked. Mitsuko attacked as well and growled furiously
The day has come...finally the day where I get to kill this bastard!
Hojo stepped back and dodged Mitsuko's attacks. Mitsuko lifted her leg and tried to kick him but Hojo grabbed her leg then lifted her body throwing her to the ground but Mitsuko teleported and appeared behind him. Hojo turned around quickly earning a critical attack from Mitsuko. Mitsuko attacked him and punched him across his face. Hojo grabbed Mitsuko's wrist then attacked her chest punching it hard. Mitsuko coughed blood out but it was no big deal for her. She was used to his beatings anyways. The way her father always yelled at her and grabbed her aggressively that he even left bruises on her. She had many flashbacks about her childhood. She still remembered the fear she felt that she could even see it in her eyes. That feeling of loneliness and fear inside her. Tears rolling down her cheeks. Her cries for help and fear...but not anymore. The old Mitsuko was gone now. She was now strong and brave. Her eyes showed fury and anger. Her heart filled with love and care for her family that gave hers strength to defeat this asshole. Hojo just blocked her attacks and punched her hard with a kick on her stomach. Mitsuko fell to the ground but stood back up on her feet. She panted heavily and wiped some blood off her both as she glared at him
"Guess you're use to this. Getting beaten up" Hojo said
"Of course you asshole. I've gone through worse though and survived" Mitsuko said
"I hope you die after this..." Hojo said
"It's you who'll die" Mitsuko said and ran up to him. Hojo blocked her attack as Mitsuko tried punching him. She kept pushing him using her fist trying to break his defense. Hojo kept his shield and felt his body move a bit back but kept standing with his shield. He used his aura and began to push her back. Mitsuko felt herself almost lose her balance but kept standing as she overused her dark magic
"Face it Mitsuko. You can't defeat me. You're just a little piece of shit. Though I did help you turn out to be a successful person. You could've had everything but this brat took it all away. even turned into a fuckin pedophile for her. How will your new girlfriend take it? Heh...I bet she'll think you're disgusting..." Hojo said and kicked her. Mitsuko blocked his attack then tried to throw him to the ground. Hojo stood up shaking his head and ran up to Mitsuko
"Are you into incest relationships? Did you enjoy it when that kid moaned out 'Onee-chan'? Ha! Who's next? Harumi? Will you fuck her?" Hojo asked and unleashed a powerful aura attack. Mitsuko teleported dodging the attack and ran up to him as she used her magic then attacked. Hojo blocked the magic and glared at Mitsuko
"Mitsuko stop this nonsense and let's go back to our normal lives. Join me and we can both rule this shitty world and these pathetic humans. We can make them our slaves and do whatever we want with them. Even makes them our sex slaves" Hojo said. Mitsuko gritted her teeth and her eyes glowed
"I am nothing like you..." Mitsuko hissed
"You're nothing like your mother either" Hojo said
"Mother is a strong and brave person I've ever met. I always wished to be like her. She likes to help others and cares for them no matter what. Now...I am going to help these girls out and protect them from you. YOU FILTHY BASTARD!" Mitsuko shouted. Hojo growled and teleported behind her. Mitsuko turned around and saw his fists glow
"No one will miss you...pathetic little shit. Not even your own sister...though it would've been better if I killed her back then...she was useless. The only useful thing about her is probably use her as a toy...she reminds me so much about your mother. Sometimes I always get the feeling to touch her..." Hojo said as he attacked. Mitsuko growled and blocked his attack.
"YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE! LEAVE MY SISTERS ALONE AND BURN IN HELL!" Mitsuko shouted as shadows came out from her chest and stabbed through Hojo's chest. Hojo coughed blood out and Mitsuko finished him as she ended his life. Hojo's body trembled and fell on his knees then on his stomach. Mitsuko breathed heavily and gritted her teeth
This asshole...he's finally dead...dead...
Mitsuko panted heavily and fell on her knees trembling. She looked down and gasped
"O-onee...chan..." Matsuri mumbled that Mitsuko was able to hear her. Mitsuko transformed back to normal and immediately ran towards Matsuri. Shai let go of her and allowed Mitsuko to hold her
"Don't worry'll be okay" Mitsuko whispered and buried her head against her chest. Matsuri was breathing a bit slow and used her left arm wanting to hold Mitsuko
"Hey! Can one of you just get rid of these chains?" Yuzu asked
"I-I'll help" Shai said and stood up while holding her side
"Y-you okay Shai?" Yuzu asked
"Y-yeah just a little scratch..." Shai said and reached up to Yuzu breaking the chains. Yuzu stood up and walked up to Mitsuko to check up on Matsuri
"E-excuse me? Is she going to be o-okay?" Yuzu asked. Mitsuko didn't answer since she was in tears. The sight of her sister in this state made her scared. Scared of losing her again
"'ve done your job" Lady Liana spoke and walked in
"Huh? You!? What are you doing here!?" Yuzu exclaimed
"I came to help the Mizusawa. Even though I warned her....she kept fighting for you. I'm impressed" Lady Liana said and kneeled down placing her hand against her chest as she healed her
"Did you knew this would happen?" Yuzu asked
"Of course" Lady Liana said
"Th-then why didn't you help us!? Aren't you suppose to protect us!?" Yuzu exclaimed. Lady Liana just turned around giving her a glare
" the tine you fight him...I might not be by your side. That's why you'll have Mitsuko to train you. She was my student but now she's a master" Lady Liana said and removed her hand from Matsuri's chest. Matsuri trembled a bit groaning slightly as she regained consciousness. Matsuri looked around and moved her right arm
"'s fixed" Matsuri said lifting her right arm. Mitsuko held her closely as she hugged her. Matsuri blushed deeply and trembled a bit
"Wh-what's gotten into you?" Matsuri asked
"I was so worried...I thought I'd lost you again..." Mitsuko whispered
"I-I'm fine. Really I am" Matsuri said and tried to stand on her two feet. Her legs trembled and collapsed but grabbed onto Mitsuko's arms
"Your body is still not completely healed. It's best if you rest for today. Tomorrow you'll feel good as new" Lady Liana said
"Great..." Matsuri mumbled. Mitsuko kneeled down with her back facing her
"Get on my back. I'll carry you" Mitsuko said. Matsuri blushed a bit and sighed since she had no other choice. She got on her back wrapping her arms around her neck. Mitsuko stood up and held Matsuri's legs that were on her waist
"Alright you girls should get out of here. This place is on fire" Lady Liana
"What!?" The girls exclaimed except for Mitsuko who was the one setting the place on fire in the first place
"I only did that so people would believe that the asshole took you. Now everyone gather up. I'll take us out of here safely" Mitsuko said as her body glowed. They all teleported near the entrance and once they got out the police and firefighters arrived with an ambulance. Lady Liana just vanished as she left the girls alone. Mitsuko and the rest walked up to the police officers
"Is everyone okay? Is there anymore else inside the house?" He asked
"We're fine sir and there is no one else in the building. The only people in there is my father and his assistant" Mitsuko said
"What!? Hey we have two-"
"Sir there is no need to rescue them. They're ready dead. I only managed to save these girls who were victims of my father" Mitsuko said
"I see. Well enter the car. I'll take you back home" The police officer said. The group entered inside the car and Mitsuko kept holding Matsuri as if it were her baby. Matsuri didn't mind since she did want to rest on Mitsuko reminding her of her past whenever Mitsuko carried her. Mitsuko smiled a bit and stroked her hair softly
You're safe little sis...

After explaining everything and what happened in the fire, the parents of course came to them hugging and kissing them. Yuzu and Shai just groaned as their grandmother were holding them and telling them how worried she was about them
"Grandmother we're fine" Yuzu said
"Y-yeah you have nothing to worry about" Shai said
"You two are still my little babies" Their grandmother said and held them closely. Shai noticed her mother coming as well and Shai just glared at her
"Shai! You're okay!" Kallen said. Shai just buried her face on her grandmother's chest
I don't want to see you!
" least do it for me" Her grandmother said. Shai just looked at her and her mother. She clenched her fists tightly as she pulled away from her grandmother. She walked up to her mother and looked at her with a soft expression. Kallen wrapped her arms around her and cried. Shai couldn't stand her mother's cries. It only made her want to cry too. Shai wrapped her arms around her mother and buried her face on her chest. She pressed her lips together as she tried to hold in her tears. Kallen just smiled as she was able to finally have Shai in her arms again. Shai just teared up and held her tightly
"I-I'm sorry..." Shai whispered
"No...I'm the one who has to be sorry" Kallen whispered and stroked her hair softly. Yuzu saw her cousin reconcile with her mother and smiled a bit but she still felt upset. Especially since she had no family but her grandmother and she knew it wasn't going to last forever. And Mei. After that situation with Mei, Yuzu didn't want to see her or talk to her
"Yuzu did you say thank you to her for saving you?" Her grandmother asked. Yuzu looked at Mitsuko and Matsuri who were with their mother. Yuzu walked up to her them bowed down
"Thank you so much for helping me back there Miss" Yuzu said
"Your welcome kid" Mitsuko said and smiled. Yuzu looked up at her and smiled as well
"Yeah big sis was able to beat his ass" Matsuri said
"Matsuri watch your language" Soha said
"But it's true" Matsuri said
"Yes but there is no need to use such foul language" Soha said
"Sorry mother" Matsuri said
"Have you told Harumi and told her about this?" Soha asked
"I was about to..." Mitsuko said and sent a message to Harumin's phone. Back in the Aihara mansion, Mei was ready to fuckin kill someone. Harumin's phone vibrated and pulled it out seeing a message from Mitsuko
"Mei they found her!" Harumin said
"Really!? Where is she!?" Mei exclaimed
"Mitsuko said that they're heading to the Okogi's apartment" Harumin said
"Let's go" Mei said and walked up to the door. The body guard just stepped aside and allowed the girls to leave
"Wait Mei-" Sho shut up as Mei gave him a cold glare. Mei just walked out with her two friends and they all headed to the Okogi apartment to check up on the girls or more like their girls. Sho just stood there with his grandfather and clenched his fists tightly
"I don't know how you're going to do it but I don't care. As long as Mei inherits the family name then I'm good" His father said as he walked away. Sho just looked down and looked at his palm
Did Hojo seriously get beaten up by her!? I gave you a simple task Hojo! I transferred my powers to you! What a waste...what a fuckin waste of my time and powers! He'll definitely punish me if I don't get him the girl...shit...and now Mei's fallen for that stupid kid. Mei can't you see I'm protecting you! Seems I have to get rid of her with my own two hands...

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