Chapter 55

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Shai was laying down on the hospital bed. She had bandages around her head and her grandmother sat beside her. Shai was quiet and didn't want to tall about the incident
"Shai...dear please tell me what happened..." Her grandmother pleaded as she held her hand. Shai just kept staring at the ceiling with a dull expression
There is nothing to talk about. I rather not talk about it...
She looked at the corner of the room and saw her father. Shailung looked at her with a sad expression and shook his head. Shai just looked away not wanting to see him
Don't look at me like that...
Suddenly the door opened and Kallen came in running inside the room
"Shai!? Are you okay sweetie?" Kallen asked and walked up to her. Shai gritted her teeth and looked away
Leave me alone...I don't want to see you
"Why are you here?" Shai asked
"I'm your mother. I was so worried when I heard you were at the hospital" Kallen said
"Stop with your god damn lies..." Shai said
"Shai" Her grandmother said sternly
"Can I be left alone for now? I need to think..." Shai said
"Shai...please sweetie. I'm sorry for what I said back there. I-I was just in pain. It just came out of my mouth. I wasn't thinking straight. Please Shai...forgive me..." Kallen said
"I still need to think about it..." Shai said. Kallen looked at her and looked down as she teared up. Shai's grandmother stood up and walked up to Kallen
"Let's leave her alone for now..." She said. Kallen nodded and they both walked out of the room. On their way out Kallen saw a woman walk pass her and her eyes widen realizing it was Celeste's daughter Himeko. Himeko walked passed them avoiding their eyes and walked to Shai's room. Himeko stood in front of the door and took a deep breathe before knocking
"Shai? Can I come in?" Himeko asked. Shai's eyes widen hearing her voice and trembled. She clenched the blanket tightly and sighed
"Yes you may come in" Shai said. Himeko walked inside and closed the door. Shai groaned a bit and sat up in the bed
"H-hey..." Shai said. Himeko looked at her and walked up to her getting in bed too with her
"H-himeko?" Shai asked and Himeko kissed her. Shai blushed deeply and kissed her back. Himeko pinned her down on the bed and licked her bottom lip slowly. Shai blushed and grabbed Himeko's shoulder pushing her away
"H-hey what the hell?" Shai asked
"Don't you want to continue?" Himeko asked
"W-we're in a hospital" Shai whispered
"So? I know you want to continue" Himeko whispered
"I-I do but...but you're still into that other woman" Shai said and Himeko grabbed her wrists holding them above her head.
"H-huh?" Shai asked
"Shut up and forget her. I'm making you mine" Himeko whispered. Shai trembled and Himeko kissed her passionately. Shai kissed her back and moaned a bit. Himeko licked her bottom lip slowly asking for entrance and Shai had no other choice but to open her mouth. Himeko slipped her tongue inside her mouth and licked her tongue slowly. Shai moaned softly and Himeko wrapped her tongue around her tongue. Shai fought back and played with Himeko's tongue. Himeko kept kissing her and released her wrists. She pulled away slowly with a strand of saliva between their lips then leaned towards her neck. Himeko bit down on her neck gently and licked it slowly
"M-mmm~" Shai moaned softly and held Himeko closely. Himeko sucked on her neck hard and roamed her hands around Shai's body. Shai moaned softly and panted softly. Himeko pulled away and watched Shai's adorable submissive expression. Shai's face was completely red and her crystal blue eyes were filled with lust. Himeko blushed and pulled down the blankets then lifted the hospital apron from Shai's body revealing her area
"H-himeko..." Shai whispered and trembled. Himeko rubbed her clit slowly in a circular motion
"M-mmmm~ Himeko~" Shai moaned softly and trembled. Himeko rubbed her clit until she was extremely wet. She pulled her finger away and placed her head between her legs. Shai's eyes widen and trembled as she felt Himeko's hot breath against her pussy
"H-himeko wait I-I don't-Ahhhhh~" Shai moaned as Himeko licked her clit hard and sucked on it gently. Shai grabbed Himeko by her hair and pushed her face further in
This is bad right? Fucking around with her in a hospital. Shit it's bad. It's worse than fucking in school
"Haaah~ Ahhhhhh~" Shai moaned and trembled. Himeko shoved her tongue inside her pussy and licked her all around. Shai rolled her eyes back in pleasure and drooled. She moaned loudly as Himeko hit her sweet spot
"H-haaaah!~ Fuck!~" Shai moaned loudly and trembled. Himeko moaned at the taste and kept licking her all around. Shai's eyes widen hearing footsteps nearby that she grabbed the blankets covering Himeko and herself only revealing her upper body. Himeko kept licking her all around not stopping or caring she was going to get caught. The feeling of getting caught excited Himeko for some reason that she wanted to keep eating Shai out. Shai trembled looking down then looked up seeing the nurse
"Miss Shai I heard a couple of loud noises from this hallway. Was it you?" The nurse asked
"N-no ma'am" Shai said almost out of breath
"Is everything okay?" The nurse asked and walked a bit close to Shai but Shai nodded
"Y-yes ma'am! I-I'm perfectly f-fine haha" Shai said and smiled trying to hide the pleasure. The nurse looked at her for a moment and nodded
"Very well. Call me if you need anything" The nurse said and walked out closing the door. Shai bit down on the covers and muffled her moan as she came. Shai panted heavily and trembled
"Wh-why did you h-have to keep going?" Shai asked and whimpered a bit. Himeko sat up and took the blanket off herself. Cum dripped from her face and Himeko blushed in embarrassment. Shai looked at her and blushed deeply
S-so hot...
Shai's face redden and she looked away covering her face. Himeko cleaned herself up and crawled up to Shai. Shai blushed deeply and looked at her
" I uh...s-sorry..." Shai said
"Hm? Sorry for what?" Himeko asked
"B-back know..." Shai said looking down
"I'm the one who should be saying sorry..." Himeko said and cupped her cheek
"N-no but...I l-lost control of m-myself...and...mother is-is right. I-I'll become a psychopath like him...I-it's best if you stay away from m-me" Shai said and teared up
"I'm not leaving..." Himeko said
"Huh?" Shai asked
"It doesn't matter if you turn into a psychopath...I'll still love you. I promise. I want to be with you. I really do love you. Don't think I'll ever leave your side because it won't happen" Himeko said and leaned in pressing her lips against hers. Shai teared up and kissed her back wrapping her arms around her
And I promise that you'll be mine forever

Yuzu was in the bathroom and thought what happened back there
What was Mei saying back there? She said Haru...
Yuzu thought for a moment and clenched her fists tightly
Of course...her ex...she was about to say that bitch's name. What the actual hell!?
"I thought you loved you still like that bitch? What does that bitch have that I don't!? Do you think about her when we have sex!? Are you just using me as a god damn toy for sex!? What the hell Mei!? Damn you! Fuck you! I hate you!" Yuzu cried and covered her face. Yuzu's eyes widen hearing someone inside the bathroom with her. She sniffed and turned to look around but saw no one
Was it me or...or is there someone in here too?
"H-hello? Is there someone there? S-sorry for disturbing" Yuzu said but saw no one. She looked at the mirror and her eyes widen seeing a man appear behind her. The man grabbed Yuzu and covered her nose using something to make her fall asleep. Yuzu's eyes widen and tried to get him off but she slowly fell asleep and collapsed. The man grabbed her then pulled out his walkie talkie
"Sir we've got her" The man said
"Perfect. Now bring her here immediately" Hojo said
"Right away sir" The man said and hanged up. He ended up escaping pretty easily with the help of a certain someone transferring his powers to him. Yuzu was taken away in a van and all tied up. The man got in the car and drove away taking Yuzu with him. Meanwhile Mei was outside waiting and thinking about what she'd done back there. She sighed and leaned against the wall
Something is definitely wrong with me. She'll probably ask me about it. Damnit...why Mei? Why are you so stupid? Hopefully she'll understand...
A few minutes passed which worried Mei. Mei pulled her phone out and checked the time
What is taking her so long? What is she doing in there? Please don't tell me she's crying...
Mei immediately went to the bathroom and opened it. Her eyes widen seeing Yuzu's phone on the floor. She trembled and felt her phone vibrate. She grabbed her phone and answered
"What the hell did you do!?" Mei exclaimed
"Don't raise your voice at me and what on earth are you talking about?" Her grandfather asked
"Where's Yuzu?! I know you have her!" Mei exclaimed
"What the hell are you talking about? Is this about the Okogi?" Her grandfather asked
"Yes and I know you had something to do with it!" Mei shouted
"Seriously? You think I'd do something to that delinquent? Well you're wrong. I have no idea where that girl is" Her grandfather said
"Lies! You're a liar!" Mei shouted and clenched her fists tightly
"I don't care if you believe me or not but I had nothing to do with it. I'm guessing you were with her...hmm. I thought I made myself perfectly clear that you would leave that girl alone and stop living this lesbian life thing" Her grandfather said
"I don't care anymore! I just want Yuzu back! Bring Yuzu back!" Mei shouted and teared up
" really do care for that delinquent. Hm...I hope she dies" Her grandfather said. Mei's eyes widen and trembled. She gritted her teeth and growled
"Listen you old were the reason why she left you and you had to kill her just because she didn't want to go back with you. It's all your god damn fault" Mei said
"And? What else? Is that all you have to say?" Her grandfather asked
"You took her away..." Mei said and cried a bit
"Why not add someone else in this game...?" Her grandfather asked
"Game? You think this is a damn game! You bastard!" Mei shouted
"Hehe...would you rather save Harumi?" Her grandfather asked. Mei's eyes widen and felt her heart stop
"Please...don't..." Mei mumbled
"Hm? Why not? It would be fun seeing the two people you love die am I right?" Her grandfather asked
"You're messed up..." Mei said
"Yeah guess you're right..." Her grandfather said
"Please let go of Yuzu...please..." Mei pleaded
"Sorry but like I said...I had nothing to do with it" Her grandfather said
"Don't believe me? Then why don't you come back home and we'll talk about this peacefully..." Her grandfather said and hanged up. Mei put her phone down with tears rolling down her cheeks. She clenched her fists tightly and growled
That old man! He has her captured! He will pay one day! I need help...
While Mei was calling for help her father Sho was outside sitting on top of the roof. He sighed deeply and stood up
"Sorry Mei...but I'm doing this for your own protection. Yuzuko Okogi is very dangerous...I don't want to lose I lost your mother..." Sho whispered and vanished

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