Chapter 13

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The sun came up as morning came in. The sunlight lit up the dark and cold room. The young woman opened her eyes and sat up stretching her arms. She sighed deeply and looked up at the ceiling
Time for another day...hopefully she doesn't ask about what happened back there
Mei stood up and got herself ready to head to the Academy. She blushed as she remembered the young blonde girl. A small smile formed in her lips but jumped as she heard the door knock
"Mei are you getting ready?" Her grandfather asked
"Yes grandfather" Mei said
"Good. We'll be heading to the Academy immediately. I hope those students are well behaved" Her grandfather said and left. Mei finished getting herself ready then walked out of her room. She saw her grandfather downstairs in his suit talking to the driver
"I'm ready grandfather" Mei said
"Great. Now let's go" Her grandfather said. Mei walked downstairs and headed to the car with her grandfather. She looked out the window and blushed a bit as she thought of Yuzu again
Ugh...what's wrong with me? That kiss....why did I even kiss her? That was so stupid and weird....
"Mei are you okay?" Her grandfather asked
"Y-yes grandfather" Mei said as she looked at him. Her grandfather nodded and the driver took them to the Academy. Once they got there the two of them got out of the car and the students who were there early trembled slightly. They all avoided eye contact and walked inside the Academy while the Chairman and his granddaughter were in the front entrance. Mei kept looking at the students trying to look for the blonde haired girl. She looked around and sighed deeply until someone caught her eye. She saw the white haired girl and walked up to her
"Okogi-san" Mei said. Shai stopped and turned to look at the woman
"Oh morning Ms. Aihara. What can I help you with?" Shai asked as she bowed down
"Your cousin..." Mei said
"Eh?" Shai asked
"Your cousin Yuzuko Okogi. Where is she? Is she absent?" Mei asked
"H-huh? Uhm...well she told me last night she might not come to school because grandma collapsed during her work. She got taken to the hospital and Yuzuko was worried sick about her that she stayed with her so I'm not sure if she is coming to school today" Shai said
"Oh...I see. Thank you Okogi-san" Mei said and left the young girl. Shai looked at the teacher a bit confused and shrugged then headed to the Academy
Why was she asking about her? Was she worried about her? Her expression though...once I told her about Yuzuko not coming to school...she was upset. Hmm? That's odd...
"Ay! If it isn't my favorite buddy!" Riana said and wrapped an arm around Shai. Shai jumped a bit and trembled as Riana held her. Riana looked at her and smiled brightly
"Hey wanna join me during lunch?" Riana asked
"U-uhm...well I-I uh I'm u-uh-"
"Come on Shai. We're friends right girls?" Riana asked as her other friends came in tagging along. Shai gulped and trembled even more as she began to tear up
I-I'm so dead!
"Morning Shai-chan!" Phila said as she came in
"Huh? Shai is this your new friend or something?" Riana asked with a smirk
"'s no one" Shai said and looked at Phila then mumbled
"Leave me" She mumbled. Phila just stepped back and the girls took Shai inside the Academy
"Yo Phila. What happened?" Kenia asked as she walked up to her
"I don't know...Shai seemed scared around those girls. Something's wrong..." Phila said
"Oh it's that bitch again. Riana..." Kenia said
"Riana?" Phila asked
"Yeah I've heard a couple things about her" Kenia said. Phila looked at the group of girls and clenched her fists tightly
Shai's in trouble...

"Yeah yeah I'm getting ready!" Harumin shouted at her sister as she was getting herself ready
"This is what happens when you wake up late" Mitsuko said. Harumin just hurried to get herself and ran out of her room. She headed downstairs then went straight for the door and went inside her car. She drove away heading to the middle school and got out being greeted by students mostly male students
"Morning sensei!"
"You look beautiful today!"
"Ms. Taniguchi you're amazing!"
"Wow! Your hair is so pretty!"
"You're my favorite teacher!"
Harumin just smiled at the students and greeted them all
"Everyone back off!" Hunton said as he walked up to them. The students just glared at him and ignored him turning their attention to the beautiful woman. Hunton just gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly as Harumin left with a whole bunch of students crowding her
"Haha I guess you lost all respect from everyone. No one follows you nor listen to your stupid orders" Allison said and laughed
"You stupid bitch..." Hunton growled
"Do you regret breaking up with me?" Allison asked
"No...I'm not giving up. Not until I make her completely mine" Hunton said as he looked at Harumin then blushed. His eyes widen and turned around to see Matsuri. Matsuri had the bandages and the eye patch
Hm? She must've been beaten up. By who though?
Matsuri just walked with Sakira and Lina to school
"Matsuri you should've told us sooner about this..." Lina said
"Yeah you could've gotten seriously hurt or killed" Sakira said
"It's fine. It doesn't matter anymore. Besides I live with my grandparents now" Matsuri said and smiled
"You're really lucky that her family actually gave you and your grandparents a new place to stay" Lina said
"Yeah...hehe and I'm really happy that I met Mama again. Sadly I couldn't stay with her longer..." Matsuri said mumbling the last part
"Hey! Gay bitch!" Hunton shouted as he called her. Matsuri just groaned and looked at him
"What the hell do you want bastard?" Matsuri asked
"I came to fuckin talk to private" Hunton said
"Yo! Hello! What's going on here?" Brono asked as he walked in interrupting them
"Get the hell out of here asshole" Hunton growled
"Uhm..did something happen?" Brono asked
"No...nothing happen. It's just this bastard is being an ass. Let's go" Matsuri said as she headed to the school with the rest. Hunton growled and grabbed Matsuri's hoodie yanking her back then threw her on the ground and kicked her hard across her face. Matsuri looked down and lifted her head up
"Matsuri!" Lina exclaimed running up to Matsuri
"You jerk!" Sakira shouted and ran up to Matsuri
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Brono shouted as he tried punching Hunton but he grabbed his fist then kicked the side of his stomach hard. Brono groaned in pain and fell down trembling
"U-ugh...bastard...y-you..." Brono groaned and held his side tightly
"Hunton Taki! Detention!" Harumin said sternly as she glared at him and other teachers came out seeing the scene. Hunton turned to look at her then licked his lips as he walked past her
"Yes ma'am..." He mumbled as a smirk formed on his lips then left. Brono laid down there hoping to get Harumin's attention but instead she ended up going with Matsuri which was disappointing for him
"Matsuri are you okay? Do you need me to take you to the hospital or something?" Harumin asked as she cupped her cheeks softly and stroked her hair softly. Matsuri looked at her and blushed deeply Morning up with her beautiful hazel eyes
Sh-she's so pretty...
Matsuri's eyes widen and looked away pulling away from Harumin then felt her heart pound loudly
D-damnit! These feelings again! Ugghhh! Stop! Please!
"Matsuri are you okay? Do you feel sick?" Harumin asked getting closer that Matsuri felt her hot breath. Matsuri gulped and nodded
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Th-thanks" Matsuri said. Harumin stood back up and helped Matsuri get back up. Matsuri blushed feeling her warm hands and looked away
"Y-yeah thanks" Matsuri said. Harumin just smiled and patted her head softly
"Alright. Let's head to class" Harumin said as she smiled. Matsuri replied to her with a nod and Harumin walked away. Brono was taken to the nurse by other teachers and her two friends walked up to her
"You okay Matsuri?" Lina asked
"H-huh? Y-yeah I'm fine" Matsuri said
"Hehe seems like someone is in love" Sakira said
"Sh-shut up! I'm not in love!" Matsuri said as her face turned completely red. Lina and Sakira only laughed as they teased Matsuri. Matsuri just kept blushing and headed straight to her class
I-in love? Can I really love with my teacher?
Matsuri shook her head as she was getting rid of those thoughts
Nonsense! I'm not in love!
Matsuri headed straight to her classroom and met with Harumin again earning a warm and beautiful smile from her that made her blush once again
Yep...I'm in love

"Bring us some snacks bitch" Riana said and Shai immediately ran through the hallways as she went to the vending machines to get their snacks. She ran full speed and arrived at the vending machines then quickly put in the coins and grabbed the snacks
"Shai?" Her eyes widen and turned around seeing Phila. Phila looked at Shai and tilted her head
"What are you doing?" Phila asked
"J-just getting some snacks" Shai said nervously and took the snacks
"Wait Shai is it that girl again?" Phila asked
"No time to explain. I have to go. Bye!" Shai said and ran away with the snacks. She headed back to the spot and ran going back to Riana and her small gang. Once she arrived she accidentally tripped dropping the snacks. Shai groaned and panted as she was trying to catch her breathe
"Wow you came just in time but what's this? Haha! Did you seriously just tripped on air or some shit?" Riana asked and walked up to Shai kicking the side of her stomach. Shai trembled as she held her side then cried
"Pl-please...let me g-go" Shai cried
"Awwwww is the little baby crying?" Riana asked. Shai cried softly and was heard by Phila who was following her. Phila's eyes widen seeing Shai on the floor with the bullies surrounding her
"You're a little baby bitch. You know that?" Riana asked. Shai just cried quietly and looked to her side and noticed Phila. Shai's eyes widen and mumbled
"Go away" Shai mumbled mouthing out the words so Phila could leave. Riana grabbed Shai and made her stand up
"Hey Shai stop with that hideous looking crying face. Hehe just smile you bitch" Riana said and slapped Shai hard across the face making her fall
"Wow can't even handle such a simple slap? Bitch get back up here" Riana said as she grabbed Shai again. Phila clenched her fists tightly as she couldn't stand it no more then walked up to them
"Leave Shai alone!" Phila shouted. Riana turned around and laughed
"Haha! Shai I thought you said she wasn't your friend. What is she doing here? Hmm?" Riana asked
"To protect her from you bitches!" Phila said
"Awwwwww so adorable. Shai you finally made a friend. I thought you were a pathetic bitch" Riana said and smiled
"Come on Shai. Let's go and tell the teacher" Phila said grabbing Shai
"Ha! You snitch!" Riana said and grabbed Phila then punched her knocking her down
"Pathetic weakling" Riana said and laughed along with her friends. Shai looked down at Phila and looked away
"Hey Shai. If you do this one favor I won't ever bother you or bully you or bully your cousin" Riana said and giggled
"Wh-what is it?" Shai asked
"Beat this bitch up" Riana said
"H-huh? What?" Shai asked
"Don't be stupid. You heard me. Beat her up" Riana said as she grabbed her aggressively by her hair. Shai just stared at her and looked back at Phila who groaned in pain. Riana smirked and let go of her hair
"It's a simple task. All you have to do is beat her up and we won't bother you and your cousin anymore. Sounds like a great deal right?" Riana asked
"Y-yeah" Shai said and looked at Phila. She clenched her fists tightly and looked at Riana
"Go on. We don't have all day" Riana said
Shai just looked at Phila and trembled
Should I really beat her up? came to help me even though I told her to leave. Why on earth would she do that? I barely knew her and she tried to save me...I owe her one would ever want to get near this bitch but Phila showed bravery and tried to save me...I can't do this
"No..." Shai said
"What was that?" Riana asked
" I said no. I'm not going to beat her up. You're the bitch here and a huge slut. I had enough of you bullying me and hurting me" Shai said. The gang looked surprised but Riana laughed
"Haha! Shai are you feeling okay? Because I know the real you would never say such things" Riana said
"You heard me! You're a damn slutty bitch you enjoys to be fucked by guys! I had enough of your shit! I'm not going to be your damn slave no more or ever!" Shai shouted loudly which caught the attention of students and teachers. Riana glared at her and grabbed her by the throat pinning her against the wall
"Listen you little pathetic bitch. I only gave you one job to do and it was to beat this bitch up. If you'd only done that then you could've lived a peaceful life but'll feel pure hell" Riana said and raised her fist as she was about to punch her. Shai's eyes widen and felt this sensation run through her body then grabbed her fist blocking her punch. Riana's eyes widen surprised on how strong was Shai. Shai lifted her leg and kicked her then looked down as she felt this urge to rip their heads off. She trembled and slowly lifted her head revealing her blue dull eyes then an insane smile formed on her lips
"Haha! Payback time!" Shai said running up to Riana then punched her face hard
"Gaaaah! Get her!" Riana said and the gang ran up to her to grab her but Shai ran up to them jumping towards them kicking them in the face and punching them hard. She even grabbed someone's arm and threw them to the ground hard.
"Hahaha! Who's the pathetic bitch now?" Shai laughed and kicked them hard knocking them down. The girls looked up and trembled feeling fear from Shai's eyes and her smile. Shai was about to attack them again until...
"Hey! You brats!" A teacher said and headed towards them. Shai just helped Phila up and left with her while the gang just groaned from all the beating of the young girl. Riana clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
That bitch will pay!

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