Chapter 8

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Matsuri's gang were in the cafeteria and decided to call her to check up on her
"Hi Matsuri" Lina said
"Huh? Lina? What the hell do you want now?" Matsuri asked
"Did I wake you up or something?" Lina asked
"Yeah...kinda..." Matsuri said and groaned
"So's your day? Is it fun staying home?" Lina asked
"Not really...but...uh...I did get a call from my sensei" Matsuri said as she blushed a bit
"What!? You got a call from Miss Taniguchi!?" Lina exclaimed
"Wait! She got a call from her!?" Sakira exclaimed
"How did she get her number!? Give it to me!" Brono shouted
"Can you guys shut up!" Lina shouted shutting both of them up
"Jeez you guys are so fuckin loud" Matsuri said
"Hey so what did the teacher tell you? Also how did you get her number?" Lina asked
"W-well I mean I asked her for her number then...she just gave it to me. She just called to just tell me that she's heading to my place after school" Matsuri said
"What!? No way! Seriously!?" Lina exclaimed
"What happened? What did she say?" Sakira asked
"Are they going to have sex or something?" Brono asked
"Shut up and especially you perverted asshole" Lina said as she glared at him. Suddenly her phone started ringing and saw it was a call from Asher and Furto
"Hey Matsuri I'm hanging up. The guys want to video chat with us" Lina said
"Alright" Matsuri said and hanged up. Lina called the gang creating a group video chat
"Motherfuckers! How are my babies?" Asher asked
"Hey Asher" Lina said
"Asher! Furto! Hi!" Sakira said getting close to the phone
"Hi everyone" Furto said
"Hey guys" Matsuri said
"Huh? My baby Mats is home?" Asher asked
"Can you shut up and stop calling me that?" Matsuri asked
"Hehe sorry" Asher said
"She says she's sick" Lina said
"She doesn't look sick to me" Furto said
"Nor sounds sick" Asher said
"Matsuri you sure you're not skipping class?" Sakira asked
"No I'm not" Matsuri said
"Wait! Matsuri! How the hell did you get the teacher's number and what did she tell you during your call?! Are you going to have sex with her!?" Brono shouted getting closer to Lina
"Get off Brono!" Lina shouted pushing him back
"Woah! My baby Mats is having her first time with a teacher!?" Asher exclaimed
"Wait you are!?" Brono exclaimed
"Can you two shut up! No I'm not going to have sex with her! I accidentally asked for her number and she gave it to me then called me to tell me she's coming to my place after school! There happy!?" Matsuri shouted as her face was completely red
" Matsuri how you've been?" Furto asked
"I'm doing fine..." Matsuri groaned and buried her face on the blankets
"Are you sure you're not having trouble with your parents? You usually tell us about those uhm...problems" Sakira said. Matsuri gripped the blankets tightly and forced a smile
"I-I'm fine. I guess I'm lucky hehe" Matsuri said. Lina's expression soften knowing that Matsuri was lying. Her eyes widen noticing something
" that a bruise on your face?" Lina asked
"What? Are you seeing things again Lina?" Matsuri asked
"No really you have something on your cheek" Asher said
"Yeah I see it too" Furto said
"Are you really sure you're okay?" Lina asked
"Yes! I'm fine okay? Stop worrying about me. I'm not a baby" Matsuri said. Lina just nodded and sighed
You're not doing fine at all. I can tell...your eyes are filled with pain
"Hey you brats...I have a couple of questions to ask you" The big jock Hunton said as he stood beside their table glaring at them
"What the hell do you want?" Lina asked
"Hehe hey asshole I guess you're not the hottest guy anymore since that sexy teacher didn't fall for you" Brono said and chuckled softly. Hunton just gritted his teeth then grabbed Brono's collar shirt
"Listen up bitch. I'm going to win her and she's going to be mine. Also I couldn't help but overhear something about her and that Mizusawa..." Hunton growled
"Jeez calm down man" Brono said smiling nervously
"Just leave him alone asshole" Lina said glaring at him. Hunton just smirked and let go of him
" where's that gay little bitch at? I heard she has Harumi's class" Hunton said
"Matsuri is sick" Sakira said
" she's sick now eh? Hehe...then why did I heard something about her having her number? Or when you guys said that she called her?" Hunton asked
"Mind your own business asshole and leave us alone" Lina said
"Hehe I like you a lot. You know that right?" Hunton asked as he placed his hand against her cheek. Lina growled and slapped his hand away
"Don't fuckin touch me" Lina growled
"Does she have her number?" Hunton asked
"Why do you care?" Lina asked
"Because that slutty sensei is mine. Many guys have been drooling over her but I'm the one and only right man for her. Hehe...I'm so ready to make her all mine but...that gay little bitch is standing in my way" Hunton said
"Just leave Matsuri alone" Lina said
"Hunton!" A girl shouted in the cafeteria. Hunton groaned and turned around glaring at the hottest cheerleader
"Ugh this bitch again..." He mumbled looking away and walked away
"Hey! Hunton come back here!" She said grabbing his wrist
"Let go of me Allison" Hunton said sternly as he glared at her
"Ugh! Did you really have to leave me for that bitch who doesn't give a fuck about you!?" Allison exclaimed
"She's the hottest bitch around and you're just a slutty bitch who sleeps around with any hot guy you lay eyes on" Hunton said
"Tck! But I loved you! You were the first one I truly loved!" Allison shouted
"Shut up bitch. You're so damn loud..." Hunton said
"You asshole...are looks all you care about!?" Allison exclaimed
"Hey! I'm not the only one who cares about looks! You too care about looks as well!" Hunton said and got out of her grip
"Don't make me post that image of you back in looked like a big fat ass little bitch" Hunton mumbled as he looked at her and laughed softly then walked away. Allison clenched her fists tightly and growled
"You son of a bitch! You'll pay for this!" Allison shouted and glared at the small gang. They just looked away and she stomped out of the cafeteria. It was a bit quiet but everyone began to talk. Mostly about what just happened between the popular couple
"Damn what the fuck is going on in our school?" Matsuri asked
"Just some trouble between Hunton and Allison" Brono said
"Those two really weren't meant for each other" Sakira said
"I don't get why they even dated" Lina said
"Wow a bunch of shit just happened at our middle school. I wish we could go back. High school seems a bit boring without my children especially my favorite one" Asher said
"Let me guess Matsuri?" Lina asked
"My baby Mats!" Asher said
"Shut up!" Matsuri shouted
"Hehe Matsuri will you stop shouting?" Lina said
"Well can Asher just shut the fuck up?" Matsuri asked
"Awww but it's adorable" Asher said
"Just stop teasing Matsuri" Furto said
"Hehe fine. So how are you girls doing with the perverted asshole?" Asher asked
"I'm not a pervert" Brono said
"Pfft! Yeah right! You talk about that teacher every single god damn day! She barely pays any attention to you" Lina said
"You mean to anyone" Sakira said
"What makes you say that?" Brono asked
"Just look" Sakira said pointing at the teacher. Mostly the male students and teachers were following her wanting to talk to her but Harumin ignored them. Harumin just walked away but some guys blocked her path. Harumin just glared at them and walked away pushing the teachers aside
"She seems in a bad mood" Lina said
"Well she's being surrounded by perverted assholes who just want her for her body" Sakira said
"Poor her" Lina said
"That's why I'm going to safe her from those bastards" Brono said as he stood up and left
"Haha! Good luck!" Lina said. Matsuri heard the whole conversation and clenched her fists tightly. She didn't understood what she felt inside but her heart ache. Just imagining about other assholes around her made her feel angry for some reason. Matsuri just shook her head and sighed
"Matsuri-chan you alright?" Lina asked
"Y-yeah I just...I'm just hungry" Matsuri said as she hanged up. She sat up then stood up. She opened the door and stepped out quietly then headed downstairs seeing her mother passed out on the couch. She looked at the kitchen and took quiet steps heading to the fridge. She opened it and saw a couple of leftovers and decided to eat it. She grabbed the plate carefully and quietly not wanting to wake her mother up or else she'll get beaten again. She put it on the microwave and began to heat it up. She gulped and decided to grab a knife just in case anything happened. She waited for the food to heat up and gasped hearing someone come out of the bathroom
"Hey Jinai. I'm hungry" A naked man said walking downstairs. Matsuri just looked away and waited for her food to be done. Suddenly the man stopped and looked at the young girl
"Jinai! Woman who the hell is that?" The man shouted waking up Jinai. Jinai groaned and sat up
"Babe shut up and let me sleep" Jinai said
"Can you explain to me why is that brat here?! I thought you were single!" He said
"B-babe! I don't know what you're talking about! That's not my child!" Jinai exclaimed
"Not your child!? That kid looks like you! I'm out of here" The man said grabbing his clothes
"N-no! Babe please! Just listen to me! We can work this out!" Jinai pleaded as she grabbed his arm
"Ugh! Get off me you slut! I should've known" He said pushing her off of him. Matsuri grabbed her food and didn't care if her hand was burning. All she wanted was to head to her safe zone before getting beaten up again by her mother. Jinai growled and chased after the brat grabbing her shoulder
"You little brat!" Jinai shouted
"Leave me alone!" Matsuri shouted and dropped the plate
"Look at this mess! You worthless bitch! I wish you were dead!" Jinai shouted and kicked Matsuri then grabbed her by the hair and pushed her face on the ground that had broke glass pieces and the extremely hot food. Matsuri cried and shouted in pain as her face felt the hot burning food. She tried getting up but her mother held her down
"Die! Die you bitch!" Jinai shouted bang her head on the hard floor filled with broken glass. Matsuri grabbed a big piece of glass and managed to cut her mother's arm then stood up running to her room and locked the door. She cried loudly as she was bleeding and burning at the same time. Jinai stood up panting heavily and clenched her fists tightly. Meanwhile the man who witnessed everything just walked away leaving that crazy bitch and her poor daughter alone
"That's none of my business anyways..." He mumbled before walking out. Matsuri just covered her face and cried as her tears mixed in with her blood as she had small cuts on her face
Why!? Why do I have to suffer like this!? I want to be with my real Mama! The first person who truly cared for me!

After school Shai waited for Yuzu. She sighed and leaned against the wall. She stared outside seeing the cloudy sky making everything seem dull
"Hey Shai" Yuzu said
"Ah Yuzuko! Finally it took you forever to come out here" Shai said
"Hehe sorry I was just busy talking to my teacher" Yuzu said as she walked
"Hm? Hey Yuzuko...about that teacher. Do her?" Shai asked. Yuzu's eyes widen and her face redden a bit
"H-huh!? Wait like!? Uhm no! Well I mean I do she's great and cool! She's pretty too! I meant uh...she's pretty great okay? Hehe" Yuzu said. Shai looked at her and thought for a moment
"Yuzuko...I have a feeling that you're acting a bit different around that teacher" Shai said
"H-huh? What do you mean?" Yuzu asked
"You stutter and blush a lot. You usually don't act like that..." Shai said
"Is there something wrong with that?" Yuzu asked
"Wh-what!? No no! I mean...I just find it a bit odd that's all. Actually this is good but...I just find it a bit odd that's all" Shai said
"Anyways...are you doing anything this afternoon?" Yuzu asked
"Y-yeah...I'm going to the library. What about you?" Shai asked
"I'm heading over to Matsuri's place. I have to check up on her. I'm worried..." Yuzu said
"Go ahead. I have to go anyways. See ya tomorrow I guess" Shai said
"Okay. Bye Shai" Yuzu said and left running
"Bye Yuzuko" Shai said smiling softly and sighed
Hm? No one has ever made Yuzu blush, stutter, or smile...I guess that teacher is special to her somehow

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