Chapter 6

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Shai whined as she held the umbrella. She walked down the wet sidewalk and kept whining non stop
"Unbelievable...did they really take me in the Academy? Why? Did Yuzu have something to do with this? My grades aren't that great. And what's worse is that it's raining..." Shai said and groaned. She stopped by a street and looked up ahead seeing the Academy and the other girls. She stood there and gripped the umbrella tightly
Why am I so nervous? Why should I be nervous? Yuzuko is in here. Everything should be fine...right? Yeah not maybe. Calm down it's okay. Yeah everything will-
Shai jumped hearing a car then got out of the way. She stood there and watched the car go stop by the Academy
"Thanks father for stopping me off" A short woman said with two twin ringlets. Which seemed odd for Shai. Shai stood there watching the woman walk inside the Academy. Suddenly the fancy car drove away but before leaving he stopped by near Shai. Shai stood there and the window went down revealing a man with black hair and dark violet eyes
"Hey kid. Next time be more-geh!" The man's eyes widen seeing the white haired girl. Shai's eyes widen and she recognized the man. The man just drove away putting the window back on and kept driving. The man parked some place and stopped to think
Th-that girl...she looked exactly like him. That psychopathic bastard...Shailung Okogi...
"You crazy bastard! Leave my family alone!" The man shouted as he punched him hard. The psychopathic bastard laughed at the pain and punched him back. The man fell and clenched his fists tightly
"You know Mr. Momokino...I really had fun playing around with your family. Also congrats on that pathetic princess bitch! Haha!" He laughed psychotically. Mr. Momokino stood up and pulled out his gun shooting him
"Don't you dare call my princess a bitch! Leave them alone! Die you bastard!" Mr. Momokino shouted as he shot him with many bullets. Shailung just laughed and stepped back getting close to the edge of the building. He looked behind the Momokino man and noticed his daughter. He just smiled and felt the edge. He looked back and laughed softly
" bastard...your crazy bastard..." Mr. Momokino growled holding the gun aiming at him. He placed his finger on the trigger and glared at him
"Go ahead and kill me! Hahahaha!" Shailung laughed
"Don't worry I'll definitely kill you..." Mr. Momokino said sternly
"Heh...sometimes I wonder if your wife even loves you. It was kinda fun messing with her" Shailung laughed
"You crazy bastard! Go to hell!" He shouted pulling the trigger and shot him. Shailung laughed and jumped off from the building
"This isn't over yet Damon Momokino! I will come back! Hahahaha!" Shailung laughed as he fell to his death. Damon looked down at his dead body and gripped the gun tightly
"Finally...he's dead" Damon mumbled
End Of Flashback
He never mentioned he had a child. Could it really be true? What he said? No...that's impossible. I must keep a look out for that girl...she might possible be planning something...something far more dangerous than her father

Shai walked inside the Academy and walked down the hallways. She gulped and trembled a bit just like on her first day in school
"Have you seen Yuzu Okogi?" Someone asked. Shai lifted her head and heard a girl
"Hey you" Shai said
"U-uh excuse me?" The girl asked
"Yuzu Okogi. Is she not here?" Shai asked
"N-no. I didn't see her. Do you know her?" The girl asked
"I'm her cousin. Shai Okogi" Shai said smiling softly
"Oh well it's a pleasure to meet you Okogi-san. I'm Phila Vrigl" Phila said
"You can just call me Shai and it's a pleasure to meet you too Phila" Shai said
"So do you have any idea why Yuzu is not here?" Phila asked
"No. I mean...there could be a reason why she isn't here but I'm not so sure" Shai said
"Awwww is that who I think it is?" Riana asked and walked up to Shai. Shai froze and kept looking away but the girl grabbed her making her turn around
"Haha! Oh my goodness! Shai it's been so long. You know I bumped into Yuzu earlier. Oh poor her..." Riana said. Shai's eyes widen and grabbed Riana
"What the hell did you do to her?" Shai asked as she glared at her
"Oh so brave. You really don't care if you get beaten up by me" Riana giggled
"Just tell me where Yuzu is!" Shai shouted
"Hey! You two break it up!" A woman said sternly
"Ugh...Miss Eyebrows..." Riana mumbled. Shai let go of Riana and she walked away. Riana turned around and smirked. Shai clenched her fists tightly and looked down
"You okay?" The woman said placing her hand on her shoulder. Shai lifted her head up and blushed deeply as she meet with the woman's dark violet eyes
"U-um...yeah" Shai said and stared at her hair then out of nowhere she began to touched it. Himeko jumped a bit blushing slightly
"Wh-what are you doing?" Himeko asked
"Is it natural?" Shai asked
"Yes it it now if you don't mind can you stop touching my hair?" Himeko asked
"A-ah! I'm sorry sensei!" Shai said and bowed down as he face was still flustered
"It's fine. Now head to class before you're late" Himeko said
"Y-yes ma'am" Shai said and walked away. She looked at her hand that touched her hair and blushed
Her hair felt soft and being close to her...she smells nice
"Shai! Wait up!" Phila said running up to her
"No running!" Himeko said
"Sorry ma'am!" Phila said and groaned
"Sorry for leaving you back there" Shai said
"What was that all about?" Phila asked
"What do you mean?" Shai asked
"What I mean is that you were acting all wierd and strange back there with her" Phila said
"Oh with the teacher? I wasn't wierd or strange...right?" Shai asked
"You asking me? You were definitely acting wierd. Your face was all read when you looked at her and it still is" Phila said
"I-it is? Oh hehe" Shai said nervously
"You were blushing in front of a teacher. Wait...does that mean" Phila paused and stared at Shai oddly
"What are you thinking?" Shai asked. Suddenly Phila made a disgusted look and Shai gasped realizing what she was thinking
"No no no! It's not like that! I do not!" Shai said
"You're in love with a teacher!" Phila exclaimed
"Sh-shut up! No I'm not I just...I just blush easily okay!?" Shai exclaimed and rubbed her head
"But why her? Maybe someone better" Phila said
"Let's not talk about this and no I'm not intrested in her" Shai said
"Are you sure? I mean back there you seemed come in love with her" Phila said
"Yes I'm sure" Shai said
"Are you gay?" Phila asked
"G-gay? No of course not" Shai said
"But why did you blush in front of a teacher? Especially a woman" Phila said
"Like I said...I blush easily" Shai said
"At least pick someone better. Miss Momokino is sometimes a bitch to be honest" Phila said. Shai's eyes widen and stop
"M-momokino?" Shai asked
"Huh? Why surprised? She is a Momokino afterall. Most of these students here are from rich families. The most known ones are Momokino, Taniguchi, and the highest and richest of them all the Aihara" Phila said and looked at Shai
"Shai are you feeling okay?" Phila asked
"I-I need to use the bathroom!" Shai said and ran away heading to the bathroom. Phila stood there watching her leave
Huh? Was it something I said?
Shai got inside and went to the wink to splash some water on her face. She panted softly and lifted her head up
M-momokino...she's a Momokino. That the car. I-it was him...the one who murdered father. Wait a minute...she came from that car and seemed to thank that man. Th-that man and her...could he be...her father? Does he even know me? No...right? Ugh...I don't know any more...
She looked at herself and clenched her fists tightly
"Don't worry father...I'll avenge you" Shai whispered

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