Chapter 60

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After everything was planned, everyone went their separate ways. Mei heading back to the mansion to speak with her father about her behavior. Yuzu in her apartment crying trying so hard not to hurt herself. Harumin and Matsuri heading to their place. Himeko going back to her mansion. Then finally...Shai going to her place. Shai kept looking down as she felt terrible for leaving Yuzu like that but she knew that Yuzu needed some time alone. Shai clenched her fists tightly and trembled a bit
Calm down Shai...everything will be okay. Yeah everything will be okay tomorrow. You'll see...everything will be alright
She stopped as she lifted her head seeing a car. A fancy car nearby her place
Huh? Who's car is this? Why is it here? Is it perhaps Celeste? No...her car looked way different
Shai walked up to the car and checked it out. She realized that the details in the car were way different than Celeste's car. Shai looked at the door and trembled sensing a bad feeling
This isn't good...not good at all
Shai walked up to the front door and walked inside.
"Like I said I won't allow you to take her away from me" Kallen said
"But maybe allowing Shai to leave and live with them will give her a better life" Her husband said
"I won't just give her to you like that" Kallen said. Shai just stood there and looked at them. The old Higashi turned around and saw the young girl
"Ah it's you. My beloved granddaughter" Mrs. Higashi said and smiled softly. Shai glared at her and gritted her teeth
"Why are you here?" Shai asked
"I came here for you Shai" Mrs. Higashi said and stood up. Shai stood there and watched her grandmother come up to her. Her grandmother reached her hand out and touched her cheek. Shai kept glaring at her with her crystal blue eyes. Mrs. Higashi just looked at her and smiled
She looks so much like him. Even though I left him at a really young age I can still see him in her...
"Come on sweetie. Is that really the way to treat your grandmother?" Her grandmother asked
"I don't get why you came here to see me...but whatever the reason it is...I don't care so leave me be" Shai said
"Oh Shai I came because you're the next heir to our Higashi family. Isn't that great? You'll finally be able to live like the rich and fancy people" Mrs. Higashi said. Shai just glared at her and looked away
"I'm not intrested..." Shai said
"Shai the Higashi family need an heir. I already had someone in mind but sadly...they were murdered. Hm...I wonder who could've killed a young man..." Mrs. Higashi said and glared at Shai a bit then smirked. Shai stared at her trembling a bit
Does she know it was me? No way...I didn't leave any evidence right? I did leave blood stains but that was his blood not mine. I didn't leave foot prints or finger prints nor did I leave my weapon. Wait...did the dog tell her something like that?
" about we speak for a moment outside? In private..." Her grandmother said. Shai looked at her and nodded. They both walked out of the house and stood outside the door
"I guess you're scared that I know..." Her grandmother said
"How did you know or how did you find out? Did someone tell you?" Shai asked
"My dogs were the ones that found out. They smelled your scent..." She said
"How on earth do they know me? I never had a pet dog in my entire life" Shai said
"Those dogs knew Shailung at a very young age so I believe since you look a lot like must smell like him" She said
" want me to inherit the Higashi family?" Shai asked
"Yes" Her grandmother said
"What if I don't?" Shai asked. Her grandmother looked at her and laughed softly
"Do you really want to know what happens?" Her grandmother asked with a smirk
"What's with that look?" Shai asked
"That Himeko woman...are you intrested in her?" Her grandmother asked. Shai's eyes widen and clenched her fists tightly
She knows about that too?! How!?
"So what about it?" Shai asked
"Hehe...just like Shailung. He never accepted to be in our family. He rather live like a peasant than a a high class person. How disappointing..." Her grandmother said
"So what if he didn't want to be in your family? He rather help others" Shai said
"More like he rather be stuck with a pedophile" Her grandmother said
"Celeste isn't like that! She's a very caring and kind person!" Shai said
"So you know about his love life? Hm? Guess Kallen wasn't good enough for him. He just used her to create you..." Her grandmother said. Shai looked down and clenched her fists tightly as she gritted her teeth
"No...he isn't like that..." Shai growled
"You sure about that?" Her grandmother asked
"Yes. Father was never like that. I know it. He's a sweet and kind man who cares about others and his family" Shai said
"Whatever enough about him. Now back to our topic. If you don't accept then I guess you could have fun being sentenced for life in prison..." Her grandmother said
"Wh-what? wouldn't..." Shai said
"Hehe...I can and I will. Don't be pathetic like Shailung. I did gave him a chance to live with me as long as he followed by the rules...but...he decided to stay in the graveyard and live like a stray dog. What ashame...he could've had all the glory and fortune but all he ever wanted was to find the love of his stupid" Her grandmother said
"Shailung you're a Higashi. You have my blood running through your veins. You're the next heir to the family" His mother said and glared at him. Shailung was a teenage young boy. He had old dirty clothes and dirty hair. He held his weapon that he sharpen for his entire life
"Are you really going to be living like this? Out here on the streets eating trash? Being a good for nothing piece of trash..." His mother said. Shailung just looked at his mother and growled aggressively
"All you'll ever do is just fuckin tell me what to do and who to marry. I want to be free and live my own god damn life! So leave me here! I rather live like a stray dog then be living with you under your stupid rules! I won't be forced to do something I don't want to do! So get the hell out of my life!" Shailung shouted. His mother just glared at him and turned to leave in the car
"What a disappointment to the family. I hope you die alone..." His mother said and walked to the car. Shailung just glared at her and growled
'Whatever you I want to become a fancy rich guy...I want to live free and live my own life'
End Of Flashback
"I guess you both are similar..." Her grandmother and walked to her car passing Shai
"I'll let you think about it for today. You better have an answer by tomorrow morning... " Her grandmother said and was about to enter the car
"Hey wait! If I accept to be the next heir...does that mean I can...I can..." Shai mumbled and looked down
"Can what?" Her grandmother asked
"Can I...marry H-himeko?" Shai asked as she blushed deeply. Her grandmother looked at her and laughed
"Getting married with that woman? Are you crazy or something? Haha! Oh you're so funny" Her grandmother said
"H-huh? What? B-but you were making him marry her. Wh-why can't I marry her?" Shai asked
"Why? Hahaha because you're a girl and she's a girl too. Do you know what that will do to our reputation?" Her grandmother asked
"B-but...but why?" Shai asked
"Forget it Shai. You won't marry her nor will we be with the Momokinos. There is someone else in mind. Now that you got your answer...please think about it. I hope you choose the right answer..." Her grandmother said and walked to her car getting in. Shai stood there and the car drove away. Shai gritted her teeth and growled
Seriously? Is this bitch serious?! Ugh! I think I know why father hates her...

Mei was sitting on the couch with her father and grandfather sitting across from her in the couch as well
"So you accept to do this?" Sho asked
"Yes father. I'll accept this opportunity to be with someone I've love for a while now" Mei said. Sho stared at her for a moment and nodded
"I see. So you still love that Taniguchi?" Sho asked
"Yes" Mei lied
"That's wonderful. We'll plan the wedding for the entire week. On Saturday you'll get married" Sho said
"Thank you father" Mei said and forced a smile
"Your welcome Mei. I'm just glad I can get to see you again. I'm really sorry for leaving you back there. I know I was a horrible father. I'm extremely sorry Mei. I understand I understand if you still hate me. I deserve it..." Sho said. Mei stood up and went up to her father hugging him
"'s okay. I'm really sorry...I shouldn't have acted like that. I should've been much nicer to you and be happy that you're back" Mei said. Sho teared up and hugged his daughter back. Mei teared up but not because she missed her father but because she missed Yuzu. Sho stroked her hair softly and smiled a bit
"I'm just glad we're okay. I want you to be happy with her. No matter what...I'll always be proud of you" Sho said and Mei pulled away from the hug. Sho wiped her tears and caressed her cheek softly. Mei smiled and kissed her father's forehead softly. Sho smiled and stood up from his couch the patted her head softly like she were a little kid. Suddenly the phone rang and Sho walked over to pick it up
"Ah...sir. Yes I'm on my way" Sho said and hanged up. He sighed and looked at Mei
"I have to go for a bit. It's just my boss calling me. I'll be right back Mei. We'll talk about your marriage tonight" Sho said
"Yes father" Mei said. Sho said goodbye to his family and walked out of the house. He walked down the streets and headed to an alley. His eyes glowed as he created a portal. He looked around and jumped inside the portal. He ended up in a dark and shadowy place. He walked through a hall and headed to the place where his boss called him. Sho kneeled down on one knee and bowed down to his boss
" daughter has accepted to marry the Taniguchi. By the end of this week she'll get married" Sho said. The man looked at him and smirked evily
"Hehehe...perfect. Good job Sho Aihara. Finally...not only will we break one heart but two. Hahahaha!" The man laughed
"N-now that I have helped you out...will you kill that Okogi?" Sho asked
"Not only will we kill Yuzuko but we will kill her grandmother, Kallen, and Shai. They're the only Okogis left in this world..." The man said
"Yes sir. I will do my best to eliminate them" Sho said
"Perfect Sho. Now go and start making the plans" The man said. Sho nodded and stood back up. He opened the portal and walked inside teleporting back to his place
"Is he still following your orders?" A woman asked as she smirked
"Hehe that asshole is such a dumbass. He still believes you're dead" The man said and chuckled softly
"That means he still loves me. How sweet" The woman said and giggled softly
"I guess so...but he's really annoying. I don't know why you ended up with someone like him..." The man said
"At least he still loves me and that's all that matters to me" The woman said
"And your daughter?" The man asked
"Hah...Mei would probably be surprised to see me but I can tell that she's turning into me. We both desire to be needed..." The woman said
"And do you really believe your daughter will kill someone?" The man asked
"Of course I do. Mei will be accepting her true self in no time..." The woman said
"You know and I really make a great team. Are you excited to see your daughter?" The man asked
"Of course I am but I'm very excited to see Mei suffer and cry like she did back when she was a stupid little kid..." Alyssa said and smirked as her beautiful lavender eyes glowed
Oh Mei...can't wait to meet you again

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