Chapter 12

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Shai stood up from the ground and began to head home but stopped seeing a man at the entrance of the cemetery. She trembled and stepped back slightly
"Good afternoon young lady. I'm no danger so please don't run or cry. I just came to have a small talk with you" He said
"H-how can I trust you?" Shai asked
"Trust me young lady. I came to talk about Shailung...your father" He said
"Y-you knew him?" Shai asked
"Of course I did. He was like my brother" He said
"W-well can I trust you? Just because you said that you knew my father doesn't mean that's true. Where's your proof?" Shai asked
"Hehe well yes. You're right. I don't have proof but at least listen. Don't worry I'm not going to touch you or hurt you. I'll just stay in this spot during our small talk. How does that sound?" He asked
"F-fine..." Shai said
"Wonderful. Now from where should I start? I guess you saw your father's I right?" He asked
"Y-yeah..." Shai said and looked down as those memories came flooding back to that day
"Did you know your father planned to die?" He asked. Shai's eyes widen and she looked at the guy with a shocked face
"W-wait...wh-what? H-he...wanted to die?" Shai asked
"Yes. I mean after all those crimes he'd done...I guess he was going to die either way" He said
"Cr-crimes?" Shai asked
"Hm? Oh you didn't know? Wait...yeah he never told you. You were just a kid back then" He said
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Shai asked
"You're father was a complete psycho. He killed many people by torturing them first. He would strangle, cut, rip, and pull their insides out" He said. Shai trembled and stepped back feeling scared
"! That's not my father!" Shai said as tears built up in her eyes
"Listen what I'm saying. Everything may seem crazy and unbelievable but that was his true self. He may had some mental issues but still...that was his true side and what he enjoyed the most to do" He said. Shai's lips trembled as tears began to roll down her cheeks
N-no way! Th-that's not true! Papa would never do that! He's wrong! He's lying!
"Th-that's not true...papa would never do that" Shai said as her voice cracked
"I know the truth hurts's the truth" He said
"Wh-why did you end up dying? Why did he want to die? What for?" Shai asked as she looked down
"Your father died because he said he was going to come back reborn and I guess I know what he meant by that..." He said
"What?" Shai asked. The man just reached inside his jacket and pulled out a pocket knife then threw it near Shai making it land in front of her feet. Shai looked down and reached down grabbing the pocket knife
"Wh-what's this?" Shai asked
"Shailung's pocket knife..." He said
"Wh-why would I want this?" Shai asked
"It's your father's. His precious treasure. It's still sharp. You can even cut your finger if you run your finger on it" He said. Shai held the pocket knife and clenched it tightly
"Why would I need this for? And what did you mean by my father being reborn?" Shai asked
"I guess your father wants you to lead his gang..." He said
"H-his gang?" Shai asked
"Yes...he was our leader" He said
"N-no...I don't...want this.." Shai said
"But...our gang needs a leader and you're the only one who can take his spot. I've been the leader of that gang but I'm not as good as he was..." He said
"Why would I want to join a gang who only kills for fun and hurts people? I'm not like papa..." Shai said
"But you do look like him...and act like him" He said
"Heh...I'm not a psychopath" Shai said
"No not that...I'm talking about his childhood. He acted exactly like you...he cried and he was weak" He said
"Really?" Shai asked
"Do you know his childhood story?" He asked and Shai replied by shaking her head
"Well...he had a pretty rough childhood. His mother abandoned him and stayed with his father. His father never liked him and always beated him up. He even made him live inside a cage like an animal and fed him with dog food...but one bloody night..." He said
Shailung was inside a cage with dull blue eyes. His body seemed weak and skinny that you could see his bones. He bumped his head against the cage while humming a lullaby. His father came back as he opened the door from the basement and walked inside
"Dinner time you little ass..." His father said as he threw some rotten food in his cage. Shailung just looked up at his father and smiled
"Hi papa..." He mumbled. His father just glared at him and kicked his cage hard
"Don't call me papa. I'm not your damn father..." He said. Shailung looked down as tears built up in his eyes. His father just looked down at him and turned to leave
"Papa...why do you hate me?" Shailung asked. His father stopped and turned around to glare at him
"You little bitch...I told you to kot call me papa!" His father shouted as he kicked the cage hard pushing it back. Shailung just kept looking down and his father opened the cage grabbing him then threw him out of the cage making him hit against the cold floor. Shailung groaned and tried standing up but he trembled since he usually never walks
"Come on! Stand up and fight like a man!" His father said and punched him. Shailung fell back and held his side. He coughed and trembled as he tried getting back up. His father grabbed him and punched him again. Shailung just laughed as tears rolled down his cheeks
"Hahahahaha!" Shailung laughed and his father threw him on the ground hard. Shailung just laid down there and groaned in pain
"I'm just gonna let you rot here..." He said and headed upstairs. Shailung just stood up slightly and smiled
"Papa...can we play?" He asked
"For the last time you little bitch I'm-Gaaaaah!" Shailung stabbed his side and held onto him tightly then moved the knife around him making his cut deeper and wider
"Y-you bitch!" He shouted and grabbed him as he tried pulling him away. Shailung bit his wrist hard while shoving his hand inside the wound and grabbed any organ. His father coughed blood and stumbled backwards then fell down groaning in pain. He loosened his grip on Shailung then he began stabbing him killing him. Screams and cries were heard from the man as his son ripped out his flesh and pulls his inside out. Blood stained his entire body and face
Shailung only laughed at his father seeing him dead and stood up panting heavily
"That was fun...right papa?" Shailung asked and smiled. He sat down and licked his hands that were covered in blood
"Papa this blood taste wierd" Shailung said and grabbed a piece of flesh then ate his flesh
" taste odd papa" Shailung said and stood back up staring upstairs
"Hahaha! I wanna play outside papa! Can I?" Shailung asked as he turned around looking at his dead. He smiled and headed upstairs with his bloody stained clothes and face
"Thanks papa!" He laughed as he left
End Of Flashback
"That was his story...I guess you could go crazy if you were trapped in the dark inside a cage" He said. Shai stood there trembling and shaking. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks and cried a bit
"I know it hurts but...yeah. Anyways...I only came to say that" He said
"I-is there anything el-else I should know about?" Shai asked
"No...I've already said enough about him but there is something else...your mother wasn't the first person he fell in love with..." He said
"E-eh?" Shai asked
"He wanted that woman...sadly she ended up getting pregnant and gave up. Luckily he found another woman which was your mother..." He said
"Wh-what? But...wh-who? Who?" Shai asked
"Why not ask your little teacher?" He asked
"W-wait! How on earth do you know I was with her? A-are you stalking me?" Shai asked
"You could say that but I only wanted to talk. Don't worry I won't stalk you no more. I just came for a nice talk" He said. Shai just looked at the pocket knife and gulped
"S-so...about my father having his gang...why do you want me to be leader?" Shai asked
"Heh...not only do you look like him. You also act like him..." The man said
"I don't act crazy or kill anyone..." Shai said
"Let me ask you something kid...haven't you ever had that urge to just rip someone's throat and kill them? Don't you hate someone?" He asked. Shai just stayed silent and looked down at the pocket knife
"Anyways...I'll be going. I have to head back now. It was a pleasure to meet you kid. I only wanted to let you know about your father. I hope you join the gang soon...Shai" He said as he turned to leave Shai. Shai stood there and looked at her father's tombstone. Tears rolled down her cheeks and walked away heading towards home
"Let me ask you something kid...haven't you ever had that urge to just rip someone's throat and kill them? Don't you hate someone?"
Shai clenched her fists tightly remembering that question and stopped as she looked down
Do I...really want to...kill him?

Himeko returned home and sighed as she headed to the door. She opened it and was greeted by her little cute dog
"Awwww hi Pucchi" Himeko said and carried her pet dog. Pucchi barked and licked her hand. Himeko smiled but soon her father walked in with her fiance
"Good afternoon...father" Himeko said as she petted Pucchi
"'re late" Her father said sternly
"Forgive me father" Himeko said as she bowed down
"It's fine. Now please have a seat" Her father said. Himeko sat down with her pet dog while he fiance sat down next to her and her father sat down across from them. After having a talk with each other her fiance left and her father seemed furious
"What was that?" He asked
"What was what?" Himeko asked
"The way you acted in front of him" He said
"What about my behavior?" Himeko asked
"Tck...Himeko what's gotten into you?" He asked
"It's nothing. I'm not a kid anymore..." Himeko said and stood up as she held her pet dog then walked away
"Himeko...first explain to me who the hell were you with? You're not seeing anyone else. Are you?" He asked
"Ugh of course not. I was helping out a student" Himeko said
"Since when did you enjoy helping out students? You never enjoyed being a teacher" He said
"I only helped her just so she could stop crying" Himeko said
"I still believe you're seeing someone else. You better not end up like Hojo's daughter..." He said. Himeko just rolled her eyes and headed upstairs
"I only helped out the student you were about to run over this morning" Himeko said. Damon's eyes widen and froze in place
The girl...from this morning? Is she talking about that girl who looks exactly like him?
"I-I see..." He said and headed to the kitchen. Himeko just headed to her room with her little pet dog. Damon just sat down in a chair and sighed. He tried to calm himself down and heard the door open revealing his beautiful wife who looked mostly like her daughter Himeko. She had long curly hair and beautiful dark violet eyes
"Hi honey. How was your day?" She asked as she walked inside and closed the door
"Hey sweetie. Heh...not so good actually. I had a little argument with Himeko and had to deal with her fiance as well" He said as he groaned a bit
"Well hopefully everything is taken care of with her and her fiance" His wife said. Damon looked at her and sighed deeply
"Dear...uhm...there is something that happened this morning" Damon said
"Hm? What is it dear?" His wife asked
"It's about...Shailung" Damon said and his wife trembled hearing that name
"Wh-what? But Shailung d-died years ago. Wh-what are you saying?" She asked
"What I'm saying is...he has a daughter" Damon said
"W-wait...a daughter?" She asked
"Yes...and they look identical. I bet they also act the same. Himeko told me she was helping her out with her work" Damon said
"You don't think...his daughter is planning anything. Do you?" She asked
"I'm not sure...but I feel like...she is planning something far more worse than he father. That's why I'll be sending out men to check up on her and also on Himeko to protect her from another psychopathic bitch..." Damon said

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