Chapter 5

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Yuzu and Shai were in the house preparing dinner for their grandmother who was coming home
"Is the table ready yet?" Yuzu asked
"Almost done" Shai said as she was close to finish. Yuzu put the last finishing touches in her dish then smiled
"There all finished" Yuzu said to herself. The doorbell rung and Shai answered it
"Hi grandma" Shai said
"Oh my dear Shai! It's such a surprise to see you here! Where's my lovely daughter? Is she busy?" Her grandmother asked
"Yeah. Mom is pretty busy now..." Shai said
"Awww such a shame. Please tell her to come visit me soon..." Her grandmother said
"Sure granny" Shai said and kissed her forehead softly
"Thanks for visiting me" Her grandmother said and looked at the table
"Oh it's so beautiful. My lovely granddaughters have done an amazing job" Their granny said smiling
"Thanks grandma but it was Yuzuko's idea" Shai said. Yuzu just smiled softly and hugged her grandmother
"Now let's wash up and eat this delicious meal" Her grandmother said
"Yes grandma" Yuzu said smiling softly. The girls washed themselves up and headed to their seats. Their grandmother came in and sat down. Once they got themselves ready they prayed and ate the food
"Amazing Yuzuko! Your cooking skills are awesome!" Shai said loving the food and devouring it
"Hehe thanks to grandma. This is all her special recipes" Yuzu said
"Oh Yuzu but your cooking skills have improved so much. I can tell that this food is far more better than mine" Her grandmother said and smiled
"Awwww thanks" Yuzu said and ate. She felt her heartache remembering the first time she tried to cook. She gripped the fork tightly and gulped as she tried to hold her tears back
"Mama! I wanna help you cook!" Yuzu said jumping up and down as she tried to reach the pan
"Sure thing Yuzu. Just be careful. Don't get close to the stove" Ume said as she grabbed the pan and placed it on top of the stove. Yuzu went to the cabinet to grab some ingredients for the recipe. She put the ingredients beside the stove and watched her mother prepare her favorite recipe
"Yuzu mind staying back. I don't want the oil to touch you" Ume said
"Okay mama and may pour in the ingredients?" Yuzu asked
"Of course" Ume said. Yuzu stepped back and the oil jumped a bit as Ume began to cook. Yuzu walked up next to her mom and looked at the stove then grabbed one of the ingredients
"Now?" Yuzu asked
"Yes but be careful" Ume said
"Yes mama" Yuzu said and began to put in the ingredients
"I wanna mix it" Yuzu said trying to grab the spoon from her mother
"Careful though" Ume said and allowed her daughter to mix the ingredients in. Yuzu nodded and began mix the ingredients. Suddenly the phone rang and Ume went over to answer it
"Hello?" She answered
"Is this Mrs. Okogi?" The man asked
"Ah yes that's-Yuzuko!" Ume exclaimed hanging up and ran up to her daughter who burned herself with the stove
"Waaaaah!" Yuzu cried and Ume held her as she poured cold water on her burnt skin
"Yuzuko I told you to be careful. You didn't get any oil on you did you?" Ume asked. Yuzu just whimpered and shook her head. After getting Yuzu's burn taken care of she sat down on the table eating ice cream. Ume ruffled her hair and kissed her head softly
"Once you're all grown up I'll teach you how to cook" Ume said and smiled softly. Yuzu looked at her mother and smiled softly
"Okay mama! I wanna cook just like you and help you out" Yuzu said
"Do you want to be a chef when you grow up?" Ume asked
"Yeah!" Yuzu said as she got off her chair and jumped dropping a bit of ice cream
"Oops...I'll clean it mama" Yuzu said and tried to reach the paper towels. Ume just giggled and grabbed some
"Here" Ume said
"Thanks mama!" Yuzu said and began to clean her mess she made
"I did!" Yuzu said
"Good job Yuzu" Ume said patting her head softly. Yuzu just smiled brightly and giggled
End Of Flashback
"Yuzuko you alright?" Shai asked. Yuzu gasped and looked around
"Yuzu did something happen?" Her grandmother asked
"O-oh no. It's nothing. I'm fine" Yuzu said forcing a fake smile
"Okay" Her grandmother said. Shai looked at her and noticed her smile was completely fake
Of course you're not fine...
After finishing dinner the girls helped out and cleaned up the table and dishes. Shai looked at the time and sighed deeply
"Well I have to go now" Shai said smiling softly
"Awww so soon?" Her grandmother asked
"My father is probably home already..." Shai said
"Oh I see. Well I hope you visit me again and this time bring your mother with you" Her grandmother said
"Sure grandma" Shai said and kissed her grandmother's cheek. She walked up to the door and took one last look at Yuzu. Yuzu just looked at her with her dull expression and dull green eyes. Shai gripped the doorknob tightly and walked out shutting the door behind her. She walked out the apartment and headed to her home. She walked down the streets and looked down feeling upset heading home. Why? All because of her step father. Her real father died when she was a kid. Shai was the only one who saw the murder and she didn't get why her father had to die...especially right in front of her eyes. She's always had nightmares about this fellow man who murdered her father. She stopped by her place and walked in then noticed the smell of pure alcohol
He's drunk again...
Shai walked by the living room and to her room. She clenched her fists tightly hearing her step father mumble shit in the kitchen
"Ugh...why the hell isn't she home?!" Her step father shouted. Shai stopped and looked at him with pure cold and icy blue eyes
"What?" Shai asked
"Is that how you treat your daddy? Show me some respect" Her step father said
"You're not my father" Shai said
"Where's your mother? Is she with some bastard?" He asked
"She's at work. She's working late" Shai said
"Oh working late? Is she out with her coworkers and doing shit again?" He asked. Shai just glared at him and ran upstairs
"Hey! Kid get back here!" He shouted as he ran up chasing her. Shai got in her room then locked it. Her step father began kicking the door and tried breaking the lock that was replaced since he broke one before. Shai trembled and immediately went to her drawer to pull out a knife. She trembled as the banging got louder
"You bitch! I'm glad your father's dead! Mommy isn't here to safe you no more! So behave and be a good little girl for Daddy!" He shouted trying to break the door until the doorbell rang and he stopped
"Damnit! Who is it!?" He shouted going downstairs. Shai dropped the knife and fell on her knees crying softly as she was scared as hell. She curled herself up into a ball and cried in the corner. She was suffering from all this pain. Of course she didn't tell no one about this. She kept this all to herself and stayed quiet. After a few minutes she stood up and wiped her tears. She sat down on her bed and looked at her nightstand then pulled out a picture of her father. She teared up and began to sob again. She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth. She held the picture tightly and cried loudly
"Papa! Why!? Why did that Momokino kill you?! You didn't do anything wrong!?" Shai shouted as she cried

Morning came and the day seemed a bit dull with all the cloudy and foggy weather. Yuzu's alarm came on and she turned it off with a slam. She sat up with her messy fucked up hair and rubbed her eyes. She groaned and plopped back on the bed
Ugh!!!!! Schoooooollllll!
"Yuzu! Time to get up now!" Her grandmother called. Yuzu sighed deeply and stood up
"Yes grandma" Yuzu said and got everything she needed. She grabbed her clothes and began to put them on. She looked at herself in the mirror then walked to the bathroom to get herself ready. Once she did her hair and brushed her teeth she went down the stairs to eat her breakfast
"How did you sleep?" Her grandmother asked
"I slept fine I guess..." Yuzu said and ate
"What's wrong?" Her grandmother asked
"Nothing" Yuzu said
"Yuzu I know you. Are you upset that your cousin left? You seemed very happy being with her last night" Her grandmother said
"It's not that..." Yuzu said
"Then what is it?" Her grandmother asked. Yuzu justed gritted her teeth and slammed her hands on the table
"It's none of your business! Just shut up and stop asking me questions! I don't know okay!? I don't know!" Yuzu shouted and left grabbing her bag then left shutting the door hard behind her. She walked out of the apartment with a furious expression. She kicked the ground and looked down. She gripped her bag tightly and her lips trembled as she realized what she'd done. She teared up and her tears rolled down her cheeks falling to the ground. When her tear touched the ground she felt a raindrop on top of her head. Suddenly the one single raindrop turned into millions of raindrops. Yuzu pressed her lips together trying to hold in her tears but failed miserably and cried in the rain
"Haha! Okogi-san is that you?" Someone asked. Yuzu clenched her fists tightly knowing who it was and wiped her tears trying to stop crying
"Haha! Look girls! It's the crybaby bitch!" Riana said calling her gang. The other girls came in holding their umbrellas. Yuzu just looked down trying to ignoring them then walked away
"Hey! Okogi-san where do you think you're going?" Riana asked grabbing her shoulder and pulled her back to them
"What's with the long face bitch? Were you crying?" Riana asked and grabbed Yuzu's chin lifting her head up
"What an ugly bitch. Hehe...does the baby wanna cry?" Riana asked
"Just leave me alone..." Yuzu mumbled
"Huh? What was that? Did you say something ugly bitch?" Riana asked and pushed her making her fall in a puddle. Yuzu just dropped her bag then looked down. Suddenly a car pulled over and someone got out
"You girls are in big trouble. Now leave her alone" A stern and cold voice said. The girls backed up and ran away from the woman. Yuzu kept looking down and just decided to be in the ground
" leave me alone..." Yuzu said. Mei looked at her and walked up to her reaching her hand out
"Let me-"
"Just leave me alone!" Yuzu shouted as she slapped her hand away then stood up
"Okogi I'm only tryi-"
"I don't need no one's help! I'm fi-" Yuzu's eyes widen as she felt a pair of warm arms around her and a warm body against hers. She blushed deeply and felt her heart beat quicken. Mei held her closely and blushed
"Yuzu...I hate seeing you like this. I want to help you. Please let me help you..." Mei said. Yuzu just teared up and hugged Mei back burying her head on her chest. Mei held her and cupped her cheek looking at her teary emerald eyes. Yuzu blushed making eye contact with Mei's beautiful lavender eyes then blushed
"Let me take you home" Mei said pulling away
"H-huh? But what about school?" Yuzu asked
"I won't mark you absent. I'll call in a substitute for them" Mei said then took Yuzu's hand and opened the door
"S-sensei are you sure?" Yuzu asked
"Call me Mei and yes I'm sure. I don't want you to catch a cold" Mei said. Yuzu nodded and got inside the passenger's seat beside the driver's seat. Mei got inside and drove off with Yuzu. She pulled out her phone and dialed her friend
"Himeko?" Mei asked
"Ah Meimei what a surprise. Do you need anything?" Himeko asked
"I need you to take care of my class. Can you do that for me please?" Mei asked
"Of course Mei. I would do anything for you" Himeko said and blushed
"Thanks Himeko" Mei said
"No problem Meimei. What are friends for" Himeko said
"Alright. Thank you. Talk to you later" Mei said and hanged up then put her phone down
"Before I forget Yuzu may I ask if you have any relatives nearby?" Mei asked
"Huh? Why?" Yuzu asked
"Well there is this girl and her grades don't seem that bad. I know the Academy is for very extreme good students so I decided to give her a chance. Her name had something to do with Okogi so I thought she was a relative" Mei said
"Um...was it Shai Okogi?" Yuzu asked
"So you know her?" Mei asked
"Yeah...she's my cousin" Yuzu said looking out the window
"Well it seems you won't be so lonely in the Academy no more" Mei said
"Yeah I guess..." Yuzu mumbled still looking away. She clenched her chest tightly and gritted her teeth
What the hell is this feeling?

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