Chapter 15

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Matsuri couldn't stop blushing as she kept staring at her sexy teacher. She looked down at her paperwork and doodled on her paper for a bit. She gripped the pencil tightly and looked up seeing her teacher looking at her laptop. Harumin noticed Matsuri and looked at her which made Matsuri to immediately look down at her paper again
Shit! She saw me stare at her!
Harumin just smiled and stood up from her desk then walked up to Matsuri's seat. Matsuri's heart raced and her face redden
Shit! Shit! Shit! Why is she walking up to me!?
Suddenly Matsuri's eyes widen as she felt her hot breath against her ear making her tremble and bite her bottom lip. Matsuri moved her eyes slightly to the side and blushed even more as she saw her big boobs. She moved her eyes back to her work and tried working with Harumin close to her side. Some students just pulled their phones out and began taking pics of Harumin's ass since she was bending over to see Matsuri's work. Of course Harumin wasn't stupid and stood up straight again then glared at her students
"Every phone confiscated. Now give them to me" Harumin said sternly as she walked up to the students to take their phones away. The students groaned as they handed Harumin their phones. Matsuri felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out to check but Harumin walked in front of her
"Mizusawa...your phone. Now" Harumin said sternly
"B-but sensei-"
"No buts. Every phone is confiscated thanks to them" Harumin said as she glared at the main students. The other students began to murmur things about them since they were pissed off. Matsuri just held her phone and stared at Harumin. Harumin just leaned close towards her just a few inches apart. Matsuri gulped and trembled as she stared at her beautiful hazel eyes then looked at her beautiful soft lips.
Shit! Why is she so close to me?! If this keeps up I'm gonna end up wanting to kiss her! Wait! I want to kiss her!?
Matsuri leaned in slightly but the door opened and Harumin pulled away. Matsuri just let out a low growl and groaned
"Morning Ms. Taniguchi. I just c-came in to y-you know say hi" A man said as he blushed deeply
"Hm? Do you have trouble with your class again?" Harumin asked
"U-uhm yeah so if y-you want can you help me?" The man asked
"Sure" Harumin said as she smiled and turned around to her class
"I'll be back in a minute. Matsuri you're in charge for now" Harumin said and walked out with the other teacher. Matsuri nodded as she blushed
"Hey Mizusawa! What's up with you and the teacher?"
"Yeah! Why does the teacher always talk to you and be with you more?"
"I'm so jealous! What did you do to have her?"
Matsuri just ignored them and tried focusing on her work. Prisma just smirked and stood up from her seat walking up to Matsuri
"Hey little gay bitch. I bet you're intrested in that teacher" Prisma said and giggled. Matsuri just glared at her and sighed
"What is it now...?" Matsuri asked
"Just came to say hi" Prisma giggled
"Shut up" Matsuri said. Prisma just glared at her and grabbed her by her hair. Matsuri growled and glared at her
"Hehe you're so cute" Prisma giggled and heard the door open which made her let go of Matsuri
"Ray-san what are you doing?" Harumin asked
"Oh sensei I only came to ask Matsuri if she knew the answer to this question" Prisma said
"Very well" Harumin said. Prisma just smiled and headed back to her seat. Matsuri just looked down at her paperwork and tried to focus. Harumin just smiled and walked up to her again. Matsuri blushed deeply and gulped
Shit! Not again!

After school Matsuri got out of her class. Her heart was beating fast and her face was completely red. She clenched her chest tightly and groaned
Calm down Matsuri...ugh...what the hell is happening to me?
Once Matsuri got out of the school building she heard her friend nearby
"Hey Matsuri-chan!" Lina said and walked up next to her
"Hey Lina" Matsuri said
"Hm? You feeling okay? Your face is red" Lina said
"Someone's got a crush" Sakira said and giggled softly
"N-no!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Huh!? Did I just hear Matsuri has a crush!?" Brono exclaimed
"Can you guys shut up!" Matsuri shouted
"Jeez calm down. It was just a joke" Sakira said
"Yeah no need to get worked up over it" Brono said
" was your day with your teacher?" Lina asked
"Pretty good. I didn't get in trouble this time" Matsuri said and pulled out her phone to contact Yuzu
"Hm? Who are you texting?" Lina asked
"Yuzu-chan. I want to hang out with her for a bit and tell her how I'm doing" Matsuri said and her phone vibrated receiving a message from Yuzu
"Oh she's at the cafe" Matsuri said. The small gang walked out of the school building and headed out until a motorcycle pulled up and parked inside the school
"Woah...the fuck?" Lina asked
"Wow...she looks cool. Who is it?" Brono asked
"She looks tall and with a big chest too" Sakira said. Matsuri stood there for a moment staring at the woman in a black leather motorcycle suit. The woman stood up and removed her helmet revealing Mitsuko. Matsuri blushed deeply and gulped. Other students that walked out of the school building were staring at the beautiful woman
"M-mitsuko?" Matsuri asked
"Eh!? Matsuri you know her!?" Lina exclaimed
"Wait! How do you know another sexy woman!?" Brono exclaimed
"Shut up!" Matsuri shouted and began hitting them. Mitsuko turned around where the moise was coming from and saw Matsuri
Oh...that kid again
Mitsuko sighed and headed inside the building looking for her sister. Matsuri was blushing and groaned in frustration
"Whatever..." Matsuri said and looked at the motorcycle. She walked up to it then checked it out
So cool...
"Hm? Hey I don't think you should be touching that" Lina said
"Relax she won't see me" Matsuri said and got on it
"Uhm Matsuri you should get off. I mean what if you break it?" Lina asked
"Yeah you're gonna get a scratch on it" Sakira said
"Nah relax. She's fuckin rich. She can buy herself another one" Matsuri said and checked it out
"This is really cool" Matsuri said and grabbed the helmet then put it on herself
"Vroom vroom!" Matsuri said
"Jeez you're such a kid" Lina said shaking her head. Hunton saw the brat and glared at her
"Hey! Gay bitch!" Hunton shouted. Matsuri stopped and removed the helmet
"What do you want now?" Matsuri asked
"What the hell are you doing? Is this yours?" Hunton asked
"No it's Mitsuko's. Harumi's sister" Matsuri said
"Eh? You know her sister..." Hunton mumbled before grabbing Matsuri's collar shirt and glared at her. Matsuri glared back at him with her eye
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Matsuri asked
"What the hell is wrong with me? Why you gay brat!? Why do they pay attention to you!? I don't get what they see in you!" Hunton shouted catching some of the student's attention. Matsuri glared at him and grabbed his wrist
"Let go bastard. I don't get what's wrong with you but don't fuckin blame me. Besides you broke up with your girlfriend so don't fuckin blame me for losing her or losing your fuckin reputation. Now let me go!" Matsuri shouted as she tried getting off his grip. Hunton growled and raised his fist until
"Hey! Let her go!" A stern voice was heard. The students turned around and trembled as the tall and strict woman came in. Mitsuko's walked up to the two but Hunton let go of her and ran away. Mitsuko sighed and looked at Matsuri who was in her motorcycle. The other students who were her friends trembled a bit. Matsuri just got off and smiled nervously
"U-uhm sorry ma'am" Matsuri said and bowed down. Mitsuko sighed and patted her head softly
"Want to go for a ride?" Mitsuko asked. Matsuri's eyes widen and looked up with a blushing face
"Wh-what? A ride? Y-you mean...I can r-ride with you?" Matsuri asked
"If you want. I can take you back home" Mitsuko said
"N-no thanks. I actually wanna go to the cafe since my friend wants me to meet her there" Matsuri said and was surprised as Mitsuko threw her an extra helmet
"You lucky I have an extra helmet. Get on" Mitsuko said as she got on her motorcycle as she put on a helmet. Matsuri blushed and put the helmet on then got on behind Mitsuko
"Hang on" Mitsuko said. Matsuri blushed deeply and wrapped her arms around her waist underneath her well developed breasts
"Bye Matsuri-chan!" Sakira said
"Ride safely and get home safely!" Lina said
"You're lucky!" Brono said. Matsuri just blushed and held on Mitsuko's waist tightly as she started the motorcycle then drove away heading to the cafe. Matsuri felt the breeze and smiled enjoying the ride. She blushed as she placed her head against her back then heard her heartbeat. Mitsuko blushed a bit but she was thankful she had her helmet that covered her face. She stopped by the cafe and Matsuri got off removing the helmet the smiled innocently
"Thanks Taniguchi-senpai" Matsuri said
"Your welcome Mizusawa. Stay safe" Mitsuko said and drove away as she headed back to her place. She arrived back at the mansion then parked her motorcycle. She removed the helmet and sighed deeply as a car pulled up near the house. She had a stern look as she turned to look at her father as he got out of the car. Hojo had a stern and angry glare
"Mitsuko...please tell me why on earth were you with her?" Hojo asked
"I only gave her a ride" Mitsuko said
" a complete stranger. That brat is a nobody and we should treat them like that" Hojo said. Mitsuko just looked at him and ignored him
"Understood" Mitsuko said as she was heading back inside but stopped once she heard her father speak again
"You don't want to end up disappointing our you?" Hojo asked. Mitsuko turned around to give him a glare and clenched her fists tightly
"No father..." Mitsuko mumbled

Matsuri walked in and saw Yuzu in a uniform
"Eh? Yuzu-chan?" Matsuri asked
"Oh hey Matsuri" Yuzu said and smiled
"Uhm you're working here?" Matsuri asked
"Hehe yep! Isn't that amazing?" Yuzu asked
"Why though? You never mentioned anything about wanting a job" Matsuri said
"Yeah but...grandma collapsed during her job and I guess she overworked herself. She's suck now and I want to help so I started working" Yuzu said
"Huh? You didn't went to school?" Matsuri asked
"No" Yuzu said
"Wow I'm so surprised! Yuzu-chan skipping school for the first time!" Matsuri said
"I'm not skipping school. I'm just working since I have to start helping out grandma..." Yuzu said
"Oh I see" Matsuri said
"And who was that?" Yuzu asked
"Who was who?" Matsuri asked
"That lady in the black motorcycle outfit who brought you here. Do you know her?" Yuzu asked
"Uhm...kinda. She's one of Mama's daughters" Matsuri said
"Oh so now you became one of them?" Yuzu asked
"What do you mean by becoming one of them?" Matsuri asked
"Well are you acting like you're their sister now?" Yuzu asked
"Nah we're just...well kinda and sorta of like friends" Matsuri said
"Kinda?" Yuzu asked
"Hehe yeah" Matsuri said. The door opened and in came the white haired girl
"Oh! Yuzuko! You're here?" Shai asked
"Hey Shai" Yuzu said walking up to her then hugged her
"Hey how's grandma doing?" Shai asked as she hugged back
"Grandma is doing fine. She seems better now this morning" Yuzu said
"That's great news" Shai said as she smiled
"Yuzu-chan who's this?" Matsuri asked
"Huh? Do you not remember my cousin Shai?" Yuzu asked
"Eh? Shai?" Matsuri asked
"Aww this is the little Matsuri. Wow you dyed your hair pink? Heh I guess Yuzuko influenced you to dye your hair as well" Shai said and giggled as she ruffled Matsuri's hair. Matsuri blushed a bit and looked up at her
"Ohhhhh now I remember you. It's been so long!" Matsuri said and hugged her. Shai just laughed softly and hugged her back
"It's great to see you again" Shai said and smiled
"Hey Shai how was school?" Yuzu asked
"Oh about that the Chairman came to visit and his granddaughter was there too. I think you know who she is already since it's your teacher" Shai said
"Oh...hehe you're talking about Mei" Yuzu said and blushed a bit
"And something odd happened..." Shai said
"Hm? Odd? Like what?" Yuzu asked
"Well...uhm...that teaches of yours. She was asking about you and well she seemed really worried and upset" Shai said. Yuzu's eyes widen as her face redden
M-mei...was worried about me!?

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