Chapter 33

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Matsuri gasped and sat up as she coughed. She breathed heavily as she ended up having a bad dream. The door opened and Mitsuko came in to check up on her
Oh great...she's here
Matsuri just wiped her mouth and saw no blood and sighed in relief
"Are you feeling okay?" Mitsuko asked
"H-huh? Yeah I'm fine" Matsuri said and hid the blanket that had some blood in it. She tried to get up but felt pain in her chest
"D-damnit..." Matsuri said and trembled as she panted. Mitsuko came up behind her and sat on her bed as she wrapped her arms around her from behind. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed deeply
Wh-what the hell is she doing?
Mitsuko held her closely and placed her head near her neck
Sh-shit! Why is she close to my neck!?
Matsuri shivered feeling Mitsuko's hot breath against her neck and blushed even more
"Uhm...Mitsuko onee-chan?" Matsuri asked
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"Wh-why are you holding me?" Matsuri asked
"Because I would always hold you like this when you were a kid. It's been so long. Even if you have're still so small and cute" Mitsuko said and held her a bit tightly
"Y-yeah but you don't h-have to treat me like a kid" Matsuri said
" you really like Harumi?" Mitsuko asked
"H-huh?" Matsuri asked
"You heard me..." Mitsuko said
"W-well sorta...but I uh..." Matsuri paused and remembered what Mitsuko said
"I mean the first one I guess it was okay but now? A little girl? You've gone too far"
First one? Did she used to date someone else?
"Did Harumin date anyone else?" Matsuri asked
"Huh? Oh...yeah she used to when she was 16. We ended up finding out and she was in big trouble..." Mitsuko said
"Did her father want to beat her up?" Matsuri asked
"He wanted to kick her out of the family but thanks to me...I saved her..." Mitsuko said
"But you two don't seem so close or have a good sister relationship thing going on" Matsuri said
"That's because Harumi keeps her distance with me. I don't understand why but she avoids me..." Mitsuko said
"Have you ever told her you love her or that she's important to you?" Matsuri asked. Mitsuko sighed deeply and messed with Matsuri's hair
"Let's forget about this" Mitsuko said. Matsuri just looked down and tried to think of something
"Hm? Have you ever fallen in love?" Matsuri asked
"No..." Mitsuko said
"Wow seriously?" Matsuri asked
"N-not really. There was this girl who was my best friend but...she moved away" Mitsuko said
"Hm? What about guys? Do they roam around you?" Matsuri asked
"Heh guys are pathetic to me. They're even terrified to come up and talk to me" Mitsuko said
"So does Harumin get all the guys?" Matsuri asked
"Pretty much when we're together" Mitsuko said
"Then those guys are assholes since they don't see how hot and sexy you are. Even if you do look scary and intimidating I find that extremely sexy" Matsuri said as she blushed. Mitsuko blushed and grabbed Matsuri pinning her down on the bed
"M-mitsuko onee-chan?" Matsuri asked as she trembled a bit. Mitsuko leaned forward and rubbed her lips using her thumb. Matsuri trembled and felt like she was caught by a predator
"You find me hot?" Mitsuko asked
"U-uhm...I-I uh..." Matsuri stuttered and mumbled as she didn't know how to speak. It was like she lost her voice or something like that. Mitsuko leaned a bit closer towards her lips until Matsuri's phone rung
Hallelujah! Thank god! I am saved!
Matsuri immediately pulled away and grabbed her phone
"Eh? What's up with these messages?" Matsuri asked seeing a bunch of her friends sending messages. Matsuri opened it then her eyes widen
"Wh-what?" Matsuri asked as she trembled almost dropping her phone
"What is it Matsuri?" Mitsuko asked. Matsuri teared up and clenched her fists tightly as she threw her phone
"What the hell!? Is that bitch a slut or something!?" Matsuri exclaimed. Mitsuko stood up not understanding what was going on and walked up to the phone and picked it up. Her eyes widen seeing a picture of Harumin and Mei kissing each other
What the hell Harumi!? Didn't we say not to do such things in public!? Now you're back with that Aihara!? should I explain this to father...?
Mitsuko heard some soft sobs and turned to look at Matsuri who seemed broken and extremely sad
Right now...what's most important is to comfort her
Mitsuko walked up to her and put her phone down. She sat in bed and cupped her cheeks wiping her tears away
"Don't cry hurts me to see you like this" Mitsuko said
"Wh-who or wh-why is she w-with her?" Matsuri asked between sobs. Mitsuko leaned in and blushed
"Forget her..." Mitsuko whispered before crashing her lips against hers. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed deeply. Mitsuko climbed on top of her as she pinned her down on the bed. Matsuri trembled and she slowly melted into the kiss. Mitsuko held her in place and kept kissing her this is extremely body won't stop. I don't get why I'm so attached to her...
Mitsuko licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which Matsuri allowed. Matsuri opened her mouth slightly and Mitsuko shoved her tongue inside her mouth. Matsuri's body trembled as her moist tongue made contact with Mitsuko's tongue. Mitsuko wrapped her tongue around hers and sucked on it gently. Matsuri let out soft moans and trembled feeling Mitsuko's touch. Mitsuko shoved her tongue deeper touching her throat and not letting Matsuri breathe. They kissed for about 2 minutes until Matsuri grabbed her shoulders and tried pushing her off. Mitsuko broke the kiss and Matsuri gasped for air. She panted heavily with drool dripping from the side of her mouth. Mitsuko caressed her cheek softly and smiled a bit
"You're my little sister...which means you're only mine" Mitsuko whispered. Matsuri was still panting heavily trying to catch her breath
H-holy fuck...what just happened?

"Anyways how is it with you and that teacher?" Shai asked
"Well...I guess it's okay until you interrupted us" Yuzu said
"Hehe sorry but I just needed to talk to you" Shai said
"It's fine but...about that woman. I feel like we should tell this to Mei" Yuzu said
"Huh? Why?" Shai asked
"Because Mei knows her and she could probably teach her a lesson for sexually assaulting a young girl. She'll definitely go to jail" Yuzu said
"I don't want her to go to jail" Shai said
"Oh...right. You enjoyed the way she touched you..." Yuzu said
"E-eh!? No!" Shai exclaimed as her face redden
"Then why is your face so red?" Yuzu asked with a smirk
"Sh-shut up!" Shai said and covered her face
"Are you intrested in her?" Yuzu asked
"Yes-I mean no!" Shai exclaimed and groaned. Yuzu just sighed and patted her head softly. Shai whined softly and lifted her head up
"Hey it okay to like someone like an adult?" Shai asked
"Well...I mean I know it's bad but I guess it's not completely bad" Yuzu said and smiled
"You seem to be pretty happy with her" Shai said and chuckled softly
"Yeah...and even though I don't know many things about her...I can't help but feel some connection with her. Something attracts me to her..." Yuzu said and sighed deeply. She looked down and clenched her chest tightly
"I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy as long as she makes you happy then I'm happy" Shai said
"Hehe yeah" Yuzu said
"How's your wound?" Shai asked
"It's fine. Kinda hurts a bit but not that much anymore. And you? You had bullets inside you" Yuzu said
"Hehe yeah but it wasn't that bad unlike you and Matsuri. Hm? Do you think Matsuri's doing okay?" Shai asked
"Well...I guess I could call her. She's probably with her sisters" Yuzu said as she went to her room then grabbed her phone. She opened it then and went through her contacts finding Matsuri's phone number. She dialed her number and waited
"H-haaah...Y-yuzu-chan?" Matsuri asked breathing a bit hard
"Huh? Matsuri? Hey why are you breathing like that?" Yuzu asked
"It's n-nothing. What do you want?" Matsuri asked
"Well I only called to check up on you and see how you're doing" Yuzu said
"I'm doing fine so there you got my answer" Matsuri said and let out a soft moan
"Huh? What the hell was that?" Yuzu asked
"N-nothing just something I-I guess" Matsuri said
"And what is that something?" Yuzu asked
"It's nothing really. I-it was Mitsuko onee-chan" Matsuri said nervously
"Well I guess and what about the other one?" Yuzu asked
"Huh? The other one?" Matsuri asked
"There was another one remember?" Yuzu asked
" mean her. Yeah she left to meet up with someone..." Matsuri said as her tone sadden a bit
"Hey...what happened? You sound sad..." Yuzu said
"Huh? Nah I'm fine" Matsuri said
"You sure? Do you want me to come over at your place? We can talk about it" Yuzu said
"No no it's fine. Really it is" Matsuri said
"You sure?" Yuzu asked
"Jeez Yuzu-chan you always worry too much. I'm fine okay?" Matsuri asked
"Alright if you say so but remember that I'm always here for you just in case if you need me" Yuzu said
"Hehe yeah well then goodbye" Matsuri said and hanged up
"Bye..." Yuzu mumbled and put her phone down. She walked out the room and Shai was sitting down on the couch
"Hey Shai?" Yuzu asked. Shai didn't reply since she was spacing out. Yuzu tilted her head and walked up to her then tapped her head
"Earth to Shai" Yuzu said. Shai blinked and looked up at Yuzu
"O-oh hey Yuzuko" Shai said
"What's wrong? What were you thinking?" Yuzu asked
"I-I wasn't thinking of nothing.." Shai said
"Were you thinking of that woman?" Yuzu asked
"Wh-what!? No!" Shai exclaimed and shook her head as she blushed deeply
"Haha! I'm just joking!" Yuzu said and laughed. Shai just pouted and looked away
"Don't joke like that alright?" Shai asked
"Hehe yeah yeah alright" Yuzu said and smiled
"So how's Matsuri doing?" Shai asked
"Well she said she's doing alright but I can't help but feel like there's something wrong" Yuzu said
"Huh? Something wrong?" Shai asked
"Yeah I mean...when she answered she was sorta breathing a bit heavy then there was that other wierd noise she made" Yuzu said
"Is she alone?" Shai asked
"I don't think so since her older sister is with her but I guess the other sister isn't there" Yuzu said
"Oh then I guess she's okay" Shai said
"Yeah I hope..." Yuzu said
"And I hope Matsuri is having fun with her sisters" Shai said
"Matsuri is definitely getting along with her sisters" Yuzu said
"Wanna go out for a bit?" Shai asked
"Sure" Yuzu said as she smiled softly
Maybe I'll get to see Mei...

Himeko was taking a sip of her tea while thinking about what she'd done to the young girl. She blushed a bit and a smirk formed on her lips
"That bitch sure is fun to play with. Her reactions were so cute and adorable" Himeko said and giggled. She put her cup down on the small table and sat up straight. She looked at her phone and grabbed it as she wanted to know what Mei was doing. She looked at a notification and checked the news. Her eyes widen and trembled as she ended up seeing a picture of Mei and Harumin kissing!? Himeko stood up clenching her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
Is Meimei seriously back with that big tits woman!?

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