Chapter 46

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Mitsuko wore a hoodie to hide herself from the people. She was heading to a place where she didn't want people to start rumors. Especially after the incident which she hoped that people forget about since it wasn't 'true'. Anyways she was going to visit a friend of hers that she hasn't seen in a long time. She stopped by an alley and walked in. She passed by a couple of guys and she glared at them. The guys looked down and Mitsuko stopped by a door. She knocked on it and the door opened slightly
"Hehe...I recognize that glare anywhere. Welcome back...Mitsuko Taniguchi" A woman said opening the door for her and smiled
"Hey Khyra" Mitsuko said
"Wanna drink?" Khyra asked
"Yes" Mitsuko said
"Well then come on in" Khyra said and allowed her inside. Mitsuko walked inside and removed the hoodie
"Take a seat please" Khyra said and walked to the wine cabinet that held the drinks. She grabbed some wine glasses and grabbed some wine. She walked back to Mitsuko who was sitting down and took a seat across from her
"So you've been lately? I mean you usually don't come here so often. I guess there is a reason for you to come here. You just want to run away from your problems am I right?" Khyra asked as she served her some wine
"Shut up" Mitsuko said
"Pfft...typical Mitsuko always keeping things to herself. So how's your day been?" Khyra asked
"Fine..." Mitsuko said and took a sip
"Fine? Is that all you have to say? Come on I'm right here. You can tell me anything" Khyra said
"No..." Mitsuko said
"Jeez whatever. Like I care anyways..." Khyra said and drinked her wine. Khyra groaned a bit and looked at Mitsuko
"Is it about your father?" Khyra asked
"No..." Mitsuko said
"Wow can't you at least say it in a full sentence?" Khyra asked. Mitsuko just looked down at her wine and sighed
"Can you at least pretend that I'm Maruta?" Khyra asked. Mitsuko just shot a glare at her which made her shut up immediately. Mitsuko took a sip of her wine until it was empty
"Refill?" Khyra asked
"Yes please..." Mitsuko said
"Why of course. Drink all you want" Khyra said as she refilled her glass
"Thanks..." Mitsuko said and took a sip of it. Khyra looked at her and chuckled softly
"So it true you fucked Matsuri?" Khyra asked. Mitsuko's eyes widen and looked up at her
"Y-you know?" Mitsuko asked
"So it is true? Ha! I never thought you'd actually have the guts to fuck a 14 year old or a little girl actually. Hehe Matsuri must've had the time of her life" Khyra said and looked at her wine
"How the hell do you know her name?" Mitsuko asked
"Hm? Matsuri? Hehe she's one or my customers" Khyra said
"One of your customers?" Mitsuko asked
"I still remember the first time she visited. She was only 10" Khyra said
"And you allowed her in your store?" Mitsuko asked
"Yep. Besides her cousins took her to this place" Khyra said and giggled softly
"Her cousins? Do they have red hair and the other blue hair?" Mitsuko asked
"Huh? You know her cousins?" Khyra asked
"We bumped into them" Mitsuko said
"Ah okay. Anyways that was Matsuri's first visit. Nitski and Juhin are my two favorite customers. They come to my sex store just for fun. Heh they do enjoy buying a bunch of toys" Khyra said and giggled softly. Mitsuko looked down and gripped her glass
"What kind of cousins are those? Matsuri shouldn't learn those things" Mitsuko said
"Hmm...yeah I guess but Matsuri did enjoy being here. She's a real little devil" Khyra giggled
"She isn't a bad kid" Mitsuko said
"Yeah right. You haven't seen what Matsuri's made of. Piss her off and she'll beat you" Khyra said and lifted her glass. She looked at Mitsuko and giggled softly
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"Oh nothing really...just couldn't help but stare at you. You remind me so much about her..." Khyra said and took a sip of her wine
"Of who?" Mitsuko asked
"Matsuri-chan" Khyra said and giggled
"What the hell are you talking about?" Mitsuko asked
"That you act like Matsuri or well...I guess you were like Matsuri when you were younger" Khyra said
"What are you talking about?" Mitsuko asked
" were so into video games remember? You were a bit shy was really cute. I wonder how someone so cute and adorable like you turned out to be a sexy hot woman. You were so cute and small but now you're a sexy bitch who can make any dick hard. Hm? I somehow think you can turn girls gay for you..." Khyra said and smirked. Mitsuko just glared at her and kept drinking
"You and Matsuri have gone through the same pain. People rejecting you and hurting you. Making you believe that you're such a failure and that you don't belong in this world. You're just a sad little piece of shit..." Khyra said. Mitsuko just gritted her teeth and growled
"Shut the fuck up!" Mitsuko said raising her voice
"Sorry...I'll shut up about it" Khyra said looking away
"Good" Mitsuko said and drinked
"How's your sister Harumi?" Khyra asked. Mitsuko just looked down and sighed deeply. Khyra looked at her and noticed the look in her eyes
Even if she doesn't get along with her sister...I can tell she still loves her and cares for her deeply
"So you two still don't get along?" Khyra asked
"Yeah..." Mitsuko said
"Can't you two just talk about it?" Khyra asked
"No...I can't..." Mitsuko said and gripped her glass hard
"H-hey just calm down or else you'll break it" Khyra said
"Then shut the fuck up and stop getting into people's business" Mitsuko hissed
"Ugh whatever..." Khyra said. The bell rung and Khyra stood up
"Thank goodness a customer" Khyra said and opened the door entering in the store
"Aye! My two customers!" Khyra said
"Hey Khyra!" Nitski said and smiled
"Hey sexy" Juhin said and smirked
"What would you like today?" Khyra asked
"Hmm? Well I need some new collars with a chain leash. Maybe a vibrator or two. Also some handcuffs" Nitski said
"Oooh~ An orgy?" Khyra asked
"You know it!" Nitski said
"And what about you Juhin?" Khyra asked
"Hm? Do you have any rope?" Juhin asked
"Heh is it for your boyfriend or something?" Khyra asked
"Obviously" Juhin said
"Alright let me get your things" Khyra said and walked out of the register then went to get their toys
"Hey where's Matsuri? I was expecting her to be here with you guys" Khyra said
"Hehe Matsuri is enjoying herself with her new sexy sisters" Nitski said
"Oh? Hehe no wonder. I guess Matsuri is not a virgin anymore" Khyra said
"She grows up so fast. I'm so happy for her. Maybe they'll find Matsuri's sensitive spot" Nitski said
"Sensitive spot?" Khyra asked
"She has a sensitive ass" Nitski said
"Eh? Sensitive ass? Pfft! Haha!" Khyra laughed
"It's true! Haha!" Nitski laughed
"And how do you know that? I wonder if you're into your cousin" Khyra said
"Well I will admit she is cute and all but nah I'm not into incest relationships" Nitski said
"Then how on earth do you know she has a sensitive butt?" Khyra asked
"Let's just leave it at that" Nitski said
"Nitski was teaching Matsuri about sex" Juhin said
"N-no I wasn't!" Nitski exclaimed
"You were. You two were in the room and you taught Matsuri a few things" Juhin said
"Hehe so you're not into incest relationships?" Khyra asked
"Oh shut up. I was only teaching her about groping" Nitski said. Suddenly the door opened and Mitsuko walked out
"E-eh!? Taniguchi!?" Nitski exclaimed
"Oh shit..." Juhin mumbled
"Oh uhm...hehe guess you already know each other" Khyra said. Mitsuko walked up to them and looked down at them with a glare which made them tremble
"Are you the ones teaching Matsuri those things?" Mitsuko asked
"Hehehe well I mean Matsuri is old enough isn't she?" Nitski asked
"What kind of cousin are you?" Mitsuko asked
"Hehehe...and you? I guess the rumors about you fucking her is true isn't it?" Nitski asked and smirked. Mitsuko glared at her and grabbed her by her collar shirt
"Shut the fuck up you little bitch" Mitsuko said. Nitski just giggled a bit and nodded
"Okay" Nitski said. Mitsuko let go of her and walked away
"See ya later Khyra..." Mitsuko said putting her hood back on. Nitski watched her leave and chuckled softly
That slut is something...

Celeste sighed and tried to process the information that they were giving her
"So just wanted to be touched more after getting sexually assaulted?" Celeste asked
"Uhm...well uh...m-maybe?" Shai said unsure and blushed deeply
"Himeko what on earth were you thinking? Were you even thinking?" Celeste asked
"W-well...I mean she was the one who came to me" Himeko said
"B-but you kept touching me" Shai said
"Shut up" Himeko whispered. Celeste just stared at them both and sighed
"This is bad..." Celeste said
"Is it bad to love someone?" Shai asked
"Love?" Celeste asked. Himeko just glared at her which meant shut up or else you die. Shai just looked away as she blushed deeply
Oh fuck I just spilled the beans...damnit why can't I keep my mouth shut? Ugh I'm so stupid...
" like my daughter?" Celeste asked
"U-uhm...well I uh...k-kinda" Shai said
"She confessed last night..." Himeko said which made Shai's face turn completely red. Shai groaned and covered her face. Suddenly the door was knocked
"Celeste have you talked some sense into Himeko?" Damon asked. Shai's eyes widen and trembled
"Shit you need to hide" Celeste whispered
"More like run away" Shai whispered and ran to the window opening it
"H-hey what do you think you're-" The doorknob turned as the door opened and Shai jumped out the window
"What's going on? Why is the window opened?" Damon asked as he walked up to it but saw nothing. He just sighed and closed the window
"Anyways...Himeko have you gotten rid of that nonsense?" Damon asked. Himeko just stood up and walked out the room
"Himeko I am talking to you" Damon said. Himeko just walked to her room and locked the door once she was in
"Himeko open up the god damn door" Damon said sternly. Himeko just ignored him as she sat in bed. Damon just growled and looked away
What a pathetic daughter...Mei Aihara must've given her ideas
"Damon just leave her alone..." Celeste said
"Did you talk some sense into her?" Damon asked
"Yes..." Celeste said
"Good...everything is settled for tomorrow morning" Damon said. Celeste just nodded and smiled a bit. Himeko just heard them and sighed deeply. She looked at the chains and grabbed them
How on earth was she able to get rid of these chains? I know I tied her up very well so there is no way for her to escape...
Meanwhile Shai was running away from the mansion and stopped. She panted heavily and sighed deeply
"Phew...I'm safe. Damn I was this close in getting caught by that asshole. At least I'm safe...I guess..." Shai said and ran her fingers through her hair. She walked away going down the streets and looked down
So she has a fiance? Hmm? Right...Celeste said she had to marry someone for the Momokino family...guess it's Himeko's turn but...I love her. Should I just let these feelings go or...
She stopped and felt this urge inside her slowly build up. Shai blinked a few times before her crystal blue eyes glowed
"H-huh? What?" Shai asked. She looked at a glass window and saw her reflection then saw her eyes. She touched her face and smiled
"Hehehehehehehehe...hahahahaha...hahahaha...hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!" Shai laughed and giggled. People around her just trembled in fear and walked away from her as fast as they could. Shai sighed deeply and giggled
"We just have to get rid of him...right?" Shai giggled

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