Chapter 28

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"Hey I'm very sorry for ruining our hangout" Yuzu said and sighed deeply
"No no it's fine" Phila said
"But if it weren't for me none of this would've happened..." Yuzu said
"No it's not your fault Yuzuko. None if this is your fault" Shai said
"But if I only listened to you...none of this would've happened to us. I should've listened to were right all along. I'm just a fucking idiot..." Yuzu said
"Yuzuko just stop please. I know you may think this is your fault but none of this is your fault" Shai said. Yuzu just looked down and sighed. Shai looked at her and sat up from the bed
"Yuzuko...?" Shai asked
"What?" Yuzu asked
"Back there at the said your teacher kissed you right?" Shai asked
"Y-yeah" Yuzu said as she blushed a bit
"Then you were upset when you saw her kiss someone else?" Shai asked
"Yes..." Yuzu said
"Do you know who kissed her?" Shai asked
"It was the tornado hair woman...I met her before on the streets. She said her name was Himeko" Yuzu said
"Himeko huh? Thanks for telling me" Shai said
"What do you plan on doing?" Yuzu asked
"I'm going to have a word with her..." Shai said
"H-huh? No Shai there is no need to speak with her" Yuzu said
"This is her fault...and your teacher as well" Shai said
"Shai...I know you're looking out for me but you don't have to do that" Yuzu said
"Nonsense besides you got in trouble when you confronted Riana for hurting me so it's my turn to repay the favor. I'll have a word with her and find out why she did it" Shai said
"I think I might know...she's just jealous" Yuzu said
"Of you?" Shai asked
"Yes...she said she was childhood friends with Mei" Yuzu said
"Oh...I see now. So...what will you do about your teacher?" Shai asked
"I don't know...but I'll think of something" Yuzu said and sighed deeply
"Also sorry for ruining our little hang out day" Yuzu said
"It's fine Yuzu-chan. We can hang out next week" Phila said. The door opened and the nurse walked in
"Yuzuko and Shai Okogi they're here to take you home" The nurse said
"Eh? Take us home?" Yuzu asked
"My parents..." Shai mumbled before standing up from her bed
"Oh that's right. Wanna stay at my place?" Yuzu asked
"Nah I have business to take care of" Shai said
"Shai don't think about going over there" Yuzu said
"I have no other choice. I want to talk to her. I mean I know her mother so I guess it'll be fine" Shai said. The nurse handed them their clothes and they changed to their clothes in the bathroom
"I guess this is goodbye hehe" Shai said
"We'll see each other on Monday" Yuzu said as she waved goodbye at her. Shai and Yuzu walked down the hallway but Yuzu stopped
"Wait I have to say goodbye to grandma!" Yuzu said and left heading the other way with Shai following her from behind. Yuzu arrived at the door and knocked on it
"Come in" Her grandmother spoke. Yuzu opened the door and walked inside with Shai
"Hi girls" Their grandmother said as she smiled
"Hey grandma" Shai said
"Hi grandma. How are you feeling today?" Yuzu asked
"I feel a bit better now. I might get home tomorrow morning" Her grandmother said
"That's awesome! Oh I also have this job at a cafe" Yuzu said
"That's wonderful but please be careful when you go out there alone" Her grandmother said
"Sure" Yuzu said. Their grandmother smiled and looked at Shai
"Shai you feeling alright?" Her grandmother asked
"Not really...I still hate my parents" Shai said
"Come here" Her grandmother said opening her arms. Shai walked up to her then hugged her. Her grandmother hugged her back as she stroked her hair softly. Shai held her tightly and trembled
"I don't understand why mother would lie...she should've just left me then if she was scared of me and father" Shai mumbled
"Don't say that Shai. It'll be okay. I will have a word with her once I get out tomorrow morning. Right now just try to at least speak with her. Your mother feels terribly upset for what she said and did..." Her grandmother
"I don't think I'll ever forgive her. She doesn't understand me or father...the only person that I know who understands is that woman father used to love..." Shai said
"Is it that Momokino woman?" Her grandmother asked
"Yeah...she helped father when he needed someone the most and she was there for him. No wonder he fell for her..." Shai said and 0ulled away from the hug. Her grandmother held her hand stroking it softly
"Just try and forgive her. You and your mother need some mother daughter bonding...." Her grandmother said
" that will ever happen..." Shai said looking away
"Just try okay?" Her grandmother asked
"Yeah...I'll try" Shai said
"Good. Now you girls better head home and rest" Her grandmother said
"Of course. Bye grandma" Yuzu said and kissed her forehead softly
"Bye grandma" Shai said and kissed her cheek
"Bye girls. Be careful out there and don't go out at night. Also Yuzu...don't you ever go out and drink again. Understand?" Her grandmother asked in a very serious tone
"Y-yes grandmother. I'm very sorry for doing that" Yuzu said as she bowed down
"Good and I hope you understand. Don't scare me like that. You know it's dangerous to go out there especially when you're drunk" Her grandmother said
"Yes grandma" Yuzu said
"Alright now you kids better get home,c Her grandmother said
"Yes grandma" The two girls said as they said goodbye once again before walking out the door. They both walked down the hallways and Shai's parents were waiting for them
"Ah hey Shai and Yuzu. Are you both ready?" Kallen asked
"Yes auntie" Yuzu said and smiled
"Yeah..." Shai mumbled avoiding eye contact. Kallen's expression soften and looked down. Yuzu just stood there feeling awkward and all that
"A-anyways I think it's time to go now" Shai's step father said. They all got out of the hospital and entered the car. Kallen drove all the way to the apartment and dropped of Yuzu
"Bye Yuzuko" Shai said
"Bye Shai. Bye uncle and auntie. Thanks for the ride" Yuzu said as she smiled and waved at them
"Bye Yuzu. Hope you have a wonderful day. Also if anything goes wrong just give us a call" Kallen said
"Sure auntie" Yuzu said and walked away heading to the apartment. Shai watched her leave and her step father drove off heading back home. Shai kept looking out the window and let out a sigh
Forgive them? Fuck that...they are just assholes. Why should I even fuckin forgive them? They're the ones who started with that shit anyways...
"Shai do you want to go somewhere? We can all go and pick up some food or something" Kallen said
"No...I don't want to go anywhere" Shai said
"Shai listen to your mother" Her step father said. Shai gritted her teeth and grabbed the handle
"Shai don't!" Kallen exclaimed locking the doors but Shai unlocked it then opened it as she jumped out the car. She stood up and walked down the streets. Her step dad stopped the car as Kallen got out the car and chased after her daughter
"Shai! Shai come back!" Kallen said and grabbed her wrist. Shai looked the other way avoiding her mother's eyes
"Please Shai...I want to make it up to you" Kallen said. Shai growled and turned around to look at her
"Shut up! I told you I will never forgive you! Just go fuck with that asshole and leave me behind! You've done that ever since you've met him! You abandoned me and left me for him! You never cared or loved me! Only that woman was able to show me those affections! She was like my real mother! She found me and took me in! She did that with father too! That's why I'm grateful that she found him! If she hadn't helped him out back there then I wouldn't have had an amazing dad!" Shai shouted as tears were rolling down her cheeks. Kallen teared up and reached up touching her cheek but Shai slapped her hand away
"Don't fuckin touch me! I'm not your fuckin daughter!" Shai shouted and ran away
"W-wait! Shai! Please stop!" Kallen shouted as she cried and fell on her knees
"D-don't leave..." Kallen mumbled
"Why do you keep seeing her!?" Kallen exclaimed
"I only see her because we're friends" Shailung said
"Friends!? You're my boyfriend! You're suppose to stay with me instead of going with her!" Kallen said
"Shut up already! I don't want to argue or talk about this" Shailung said
"You still like her...don't you?" Kallen asked as she glared at him. Shailung looked at her and sighed as he turned around to leave heading to the door
"What do you think you're doing!?" Kallen exclaimed as she ran up to him grabbing his wrist
"Let me go" Shailung said
"Are you going to see her?!" Kallen exclaimed
"I only want to see her and ask her something" Shailung said
"She has a fuckin husband! So stop seeing her!" Kallen shouted
"I can't!" Shailung shouted back
"Why not!? Is it because you still love her!? You have me already!? I love you! She would never love you back!" Kallen shouted. Shailung had tears rolling down his cheeks and glared at Kallen
"Shut up! She loves me! Celeste was the only one who came and saved me even though she didn't knew me! She wanted to help me out and Inwill forever be grateful! You don't understand what I've been through! The only one who does understand is Celeste! So just fuckin shut up and let me see her! I want to repay her the favor for rescuing me! I owe her! I'll safe her life one day too..." Shailung said as more tears kept rolling down his cheeks. Shailung just turned around and opened the door as she walked out the house. Kallen stood there as tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on her knees
"D-don't leave..." Kallen mumbled
End Of Flashback
She's just like her father...a murder...

Shai wiped her tears as she kept running. She panted heavily taking a short break from running then looked up. She clenched her fists tightly and punched the brick wall hard
"Sensei kissed me when she saved me...but...then I saw her kissing this other woman...she had tornado hair"
So...that tornado woman made Yuzuko feel upset...time to pay her a short visit
Shai walked across the streets and passed by other houses. She remembered that night where the Momokino mansion was and she arrived in a while. Shai stood in front of the gates and walked inside
This is the place...
Shai walked up to the front steps and ringed the doorbell. She felt her heart beat fast and loudly which made her feel strange
Maybe I'm just sick or some shit...
The door opened seeing the maid
"Oh hello young lady. Do you need something?" The maid asked
"Yes...I must speak with Himeko Momokino" Shai said
"Understood" The maid said and walked inside calling Himeko. Himeko came with her little puffy dresses and looked at the girl standing in front of her door
"Leave" Himeko said
"Hey! Why did you kiss that woman?" Shai asked
"I said leave" Himeko said
"Answer the god damn question!" Shai shouted
"Security!" Himeko shouted. Suddenly two muscular bodyguards walked up to the front door and glared at Shai
"Leave kid" They said sternly. Shai looked down and a smirk formed on her lips once she lifted her head up
"Time to fight..." Shai mumbled as her body was moving on it's own again and punched the two of them hard on the stomach. Himeko's eyes widen watching how a young girl was able to defeat two strong bodyguards in one blow. Shai stood on top of their bodies and glared at Himeko
"I just want you to answer a couple of questions...please..." Shai said walked up to her then fell on her knees since that punch made her lose energy. Himeko just glared at her and sighed
"Very well...if you really want to know then I'll tell you" Himeko said

Yuzu groaned as she plopped down on the couch
"Haaaaah...finally back home" Yuzu said and closed her eyes
I can finally rest...that hospital bed felt like shit
Ding Dong
Yuzu opened her eyes and groaned as she stood up. She whined as she began to walk to the door
"Ugh whoever it is can you please just lea-" Yuzu paused as she open the door. Her face redden and her heart began to beat loudly and fast. The black haired woman with beautiful lavender eyes stood in front of her door
Wh-what is she doing in here!? Why is she here?! How!? Why!? Aaaaaah! What's wrong with my heart!?
"Yuzu..." Mei spoke which made Yuzu's heart skip a beat
"M-mei..." Yuzu mumbled

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