Chapter 24

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"Harumi who is it?" Soha asked as she walked to the door and gasped
"A-aihara-san? Oh what a surprise" Soha said and smiled
"Hi Mrs. Taniguchi" Mei said bowing down
"Please come in" Soha said walking up to the door and opened it so Mei could come in. Harumin's eyes widen and shook her head
No no no no no no! Mother what the hell are you doing!?
"It's fine ma'am. I just needed to have a word with Taniguchi-san" Mei said
"Oh no Mei please come in. I insist" Soha said
"Okay. Thank you ma'am" Mei said as she entered the mansion. Harumin just let out a low growl and looked away. Mei just kept a clam expression and looked down avoiding Harumin's eyes
It's been so long...she still looks beautiful
"Want to join us for dinner?" Soha asked
"M-mom!" Harumin exclaimed
"What's wrong Harumi? Aren't you glad that your old friend is back?" Soha asked. Harumin just rolled her eyes and walked away going back to the dining table
Not if your old friend is your ex...
"Don't mind her Mei but please join us" Soha said
"Sure" Mei said
"Wonderful" Soha said as she smiled. Soha took Mei to the dining table. Mei took a seat next to Soha sitting across from Harumin who sat next to her big sister. Mitsuko looked at Mei giving her a slight glare. Mei looked at her back and just looked away
"What the hell is she doing here?" Mitsuko whispered
"I don't know..." Harumin whispered back
"Did you call her or something?" Mitsuko whispered
"I said I don't know okay? She did sent a message and I ignored it but...I guess she really wants to talk" Harumin whispered. Soha came back serving everyone their meal. Mei was pretty quiet during dinner and kept staring at Harumin. Harumin felt her stare which made her feel uncomfortable
Stop staring you fuckin bitch...
Harumin looked up and her eyes locked with Mei's. Mei stared at her but mostly her lips. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks before she looked away
"P-prez..?" Harumin asked as she stepped back away from Mei and bumped into the wall. Mei leaned forward pinning her against the wall and crashed her lips against hers. Harumin's eyes widen as she blushed deeply feeling her heart pound fast and hard. Mei began loosening her tie dropping it on the floor without breaking the kiss and licked her bottom lip slowly. Harumin slowly melted into the kiss opening her mouth allowing Mei to explore her. Mei slipped her tongue inside her mouth slowly as she began to explore her mouth. Harumin wrapped her arms around Mei pulling her close then played with her tongue. Mei blushed deeply and broke the kiss with a strand of saliva between their lips. They both stared at each other panting softly
End Of Flashback
Mei blushed remembering that kiss and all the sudden it reminded her of...
Her eyes widen as she bit her own tongue and trembled a bit
"So's it been lately?" Soha asked. Mei took a sip of her water and sighed
"It's been fine. I've decided to inherit the Academy" Mei said
"That's great" Soha said as she smiled. Mitsuko and Harumin both just stayed silent since they didn't want to talk with Mei. Mei just looked down at the food and gripped her fork tightly
Her face...her tears...Yuzu...sorry...

Meanwhile the girls were at a bar drinking. Shai was the one who drank less since she was taking care of her cousin. Yuzu just drank and drank not caring at all
"W-wow Yuzu I never thought you were a drinker. Is this really your first time?" Phila asked
"Y-yes..." Yuzu said groaning a bit and gulped down her drink finishing another glass. Matsuri laughed and stared at the glass
"You two need to take it easy" Shai said
"Oh relax Shai. They'll be fine. Come on just drink and have fun" Phila said handing her a drink. Shai took the drink and took a small sip
"Oh come on cuz. Drink it all at once" Yuzu said
"N-no thanks hehe" Shai said
"You have to drink like this" Matsuri said filling her cup then gulped it all down in one gulp. Phila giggled and held onto Yuzu closely. Yuzu just looked at Phila and smiled
"Hehe...thanks for being here" Yuzu said
"I'm glad to be here also...why were you crying? What happened?" Phila asked. Yuzu just groaned and slammed her glass on the table
"Hehehe...Mei left me..." Yuzu said as tears built up in her eyes. Shai's eyes widen and looked at Yuzu
"M-mei? You mean your teacher?" Shai asked
"Sensei kissed me when she saved me...but...then I saw her kissing this other woman...she had tornado hair. Pfft...hahaha...pathetic" Yuzu said
"The teacher kissed you?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah...and I loved it..." Yuzu said and trembled. She trembled and teared up
"Y-yuzuko?" Shai asked
"I-I'm pathetic...I'm such a bitch...I'm terrible...loser...crybaby..." Yuzu mumbled and began to cry. She covered her eyes and sobbed softly. Shai looked down seeing her cousin so upset
"I-I can't...I wish I was dead...I-I wanna fuckin die..." Yuzu said
"Yuzuko don't say that. Stop thinking that way. You are important to us Yuzuko. I don't understand what happened but whatever happened back there we will help you" Shai said
" funny...I wanna die" Yuzu said and cried. Shai just looked down and stood up from her seat
"That's enough for today..." Shai said and grabbed Yuzu helping her stand up. Matsuri whined and stood up trembling a bit walking a bit wobbly
"Hehe...this is fun" Matsuri giggled
"Come on Phila. Let's go back hom" Shai said holding Yuzu closely. Phila nodded and followed the two outside the bar. Matsuri kept wobbling around a bit following them both. Yuzu leaned against Shai groaning and mumbling shit. Shai just sighed deeply and sensed that she was being followed. She stopped and turned to look at a dark alley
"Phila we need to hurry. Grab Matsuri" Shai said
"What's the hurry?" Phila asked as she grabbed Matsuri holding her
"It's not safe out here. It's late" Shai said
"Oh relax nothing bad will happen" Phila said. Suddenly a man came up to them and Shai noticed a gun behind him
"Hey guys" Riana said and smiled. Shai's eyes widen and trembled a bit
"R-riana?" Shai asked
"Hehe have you met my father?" Riana asked
"Your father?" Shai asked
"Mhm" Riana giggled and smirked
"Why are you here? We don't want trouble" Phila said
"Nah I'm only here because of Yuzu. She's the one who started shit with me..." Riana said
"Just leave us alone" Shai said. Suddenly the man punched Shai knocking her down. Shai trembled and looked up glaring at the man
"Rumor says that Shailung has been reborn. You look like him...guess everyone was right. You're the daughter of Shailung" The man said as he glared at her. Shai stood up and glared at him
"Hehehe so you're the bitch that killed my daughter's friends?" The man asked
"Your daughter messed with me" Shai said
"You liar!" Riana said
"You fucked with the wrong people" The man growled as he ran up to her ready to attack but Yuzu blocked his attack then kicked him making him fall back. Yuzu glared at him then looked at Riana
"Get them!" The man shouted as more men ran up to Yuzu. Yuzu trembled as she stood there not able to move. Shai looked up and felt her body move on it's own again as she ran up to the guys kicking them hard. She pulled out her pocket knife and laughed as she cut their necks open. Blood squirted fro. Their necks and they pulled out their guns shooting at the girls. Yuzu ran up to them taking one of their guns and shot at their side. Suddenly Yuzu got stabbed by Riana in her stomach. Yuzu growled and turned around shooting her shoulder then shot her again near her chest. Riana raised her knife wanting to stab her again but Matsuri came in snatching the knife away from her. Riana coughed blood as she got stabbed by the crazy Shai who laughed insanely. Riana's father pulled out his gun and shot twice at Shai but Shai was somehow still standing and ran up to him laughing. The guy trembled in fear and got hit hard on the head that it cracked open. Phila stood there trembling and pulled out her phone contacting the police. Yuzu held her wound trembling and one of the guys grabbed her as they kicked her stomach
"O-onee-chan!" Matsuri shouted and jumped up at then guy grabbing his head and stabbed his neck with the knife she held. The guy just slammed his back against the brick wall trying to get Matsuri off of him then grabbed her throwing her to the concrete ground. Matsuri just stood back up to recover but the guy took a knife and stabbed her chest. Shai ran up to him kicking him then stabbed his neck then stabbed his chest cutting it open. Matsuri laid there with a puddle of blood and Yuzu just fell to the ground as she passed out. Sirens were heard nearby and the guys left. Shai turned to look at the man responsible and tackled him then stabbed his ankle not letting him run away. Shai laughed softly before falling to the ground. Phila stood up and cried as the cops came up and the ambulance came in. Yuzu just trembled as tears rolled down her cheeks. She saw the lights and felt everything go black

In the Taniguchi mansion, Soha started to notice a few things about the girls. She was about to speak up until the phone rang interrupting her
"Excuse me" Soha said as she stood up then walked to the phone
"Hello?" Soha answered
"Ma'am! I-it's me! Mr. Mizusawa! The n-news! You have to check the news! " The old man trembled and teared up
"Wh-what about Matsuri?" Soha asked
"Sh-she's at the hospital wife just...p-passed away..." The old man said and sobbed. Soha's eyes widen and trembled. She walked to the living room and grabbed the remote
"Mother you okay?" Harumin asked noticing her expression. Soha turned on the TV and changed to the news channel
"Tonight was a deadly night for these girls. The girls found on the ground are known as Matsuri Mizusawa, Shai Okogi, Yuzuko Okogi, and Riana Shanti. The one responsible for all of this is Jerrold Shanti" The reporter said. Soha dropped the phone and teared up. Mei stood up and trembled
"Y-yuzu..." Mei mumbled and ran out the mansion heading to her car
"Go to the hospital! Now!" Mei said to her driver as she got in
"Yes ma'am" The driver said and drove away
"Both of you let's go" Soha said grabbing her keys. Mitsuko and Harumin stood up and followed their mother to the car heading to the hospital. The news spread like wildfire as everyone heard the news. Celeste was terrified seeing Shai hurt and decided to go see her. Of course Himeko joined in since she new Mei would be at the hospital because of the blonde delinquent. Everyone seemed to be shocked and scared about the news but one man who was alone in the dark heard the news. He lit a cigarette and smoked. He smirked as he stared at a picture of a young little girl who was smiling with her father and mother. He chuckled softly and grabbed a match. He lit it up then placed the picture towards the fire. The fire caught the picture and it began to burn. The man dropped the picture and laughed
"I warned you Yongi...I told you that I would kill everyone you loved. Sadly I wasn't able to get rid of that stupid kid...but soon...hehehe very soon I'll get rid of your daughter. Haha! I will kill you Yuzuko Okogi! Haha!" The man laughed as the picture completely turned into ashes
Hehehe...I promise to kill that little bitch...

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