Chapter 1

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Cheryl's POV
I sat with the rest of the gang at pops. Veronica and Jughead sat beside each other, Toni sitting by the window, me beside Toni and Betty on the other side of me. Toni and I were holding hands under the table as we all talked.

"B, you've barely talked the whole time we've been here. What's up?" Veronica said looking at Betty. "Oh um I'm just, thinking about this person." Betty didn't make eye contact with Veronica. Betty likes Veronica, but I'm the only one she had told.

"Ooh who?" Veronica was interested in everyone's love lives. "I-its doesn't matter. I'll say eventually." Betty said still looking down. Jughead threw a fry at Toni, who was looking out the window.

"Tiny. What's up with you? You've seemed zoned out literally all day." Jughead questioned. "Just thinking about stuff." Toni continued to look out the window as she said that. "Mysterious much?" Veronica and Toni were the closest out of the five of us. I had no doubt she knew.

Betty's phones started ringing so she walked away to take the call. I rested my head on Toni's shoulder, because there weren't many people in pops. Toni looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Jug, that was mom. Her and Fp want us home. Dunno why. They just want us home." Betty said when she came back. "Ok. See you guys later." Betty and Jughead left.

"Cher, when are you gonna come out? You and Toni have been a thing for like three months. Nobody bullied Betty when she came out. And you will have people to protect you if you do." Veronica always pestered me to come out. I feel like it would give her satisfaction because she's gay or something.

"I have said it before and will say it again. When I'm ready." I heard Toni scoff but she continued to look out the window. "Have something to say TT?" I looked at Toni. "I do actually. You say you aren't ready, and I get that, but your ready enough to date me?" Toni looked at me with pain in her eyes. Toni looked at the time and got up.

"I gotta go to work. I'll text you later V. And I'll see you at the usual place tonight Cher." Toni said as she walked away. "I feel bad for her." Veronica said as Toni walked away. "And why is that V?" I looked at Veronica confused.

"Toni has come out. I highly doubt she wants to hide a relationship. Especially with you." I looked at Veronica. I had never thought of it like that."I-i gotta go. I'll see you later Ron." I said before I left.
{456 words}

that was chapter 1. I know it's not the best but it's my first time writing fanfic. I'll try to make the chapters a bit longer. Leave some suggestions to help make it better. Ok bye.

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