Chapter 10

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Toni's POV
It has been a few months since the Reggie incident. We have forgiven him, and he even got a boyfriend.

It was coming up on me and Cheryl's 7 month anniversary. I was planning on taking her out to a nice dinner.

The final bell rang signalling school was finished for the week. I walked outside to my motorcycle and waited for Cheryl.

She came out and I gave her a long kiss. "Mhm hey babe." She said as she unconnected our lips.

"Hey love." I said handing Cheryl her red helmet. It took awhile for her to get used to my motorcycle, but now she loved it.

I put on my helmet and got on my motorcycle, it's black with a Serpent logo on the side.

I drove her to her awful house with her awful mother and she got off. She took of her helmet and handed it to me.

I took off mine giving her a quick peck, about to put it back on. She grabbed my arm.

"Stay, please. I don't want to be alone with my mother." Cheryl said. Her mother has gotten worse since finding out about us, which was a month ago.

Yesterday she came to school with a black eye from her mother. "Of course baby. I'm not gonna leave you alone with... that." I said. Cheryl let out a small laugh.

I got of my motorcycle and grabbed Cheryl's hand, intertwining our fingers. I brought our hands up to my mouth and kissed her hand. I looked at Cheryl and her face was as red as her hair.

We walked into her house and her nana rose was sitting on the couch. Nana rose is very accepting of us.

She smiled at us as we walked to her bedroom. We didn't see Penelope (Penelopenis) so that was good.

We sat down on Cheryl's bed. We took out our homework and worked on it together. We heard someone walking towards the room and looked at each other.

Penelope busted into the room, looking angry. "Er, hello Miss Blossom." I said. My arm was wrapped around Cheryl's shoulders.

Penelope looked out our shoulders and scoffed. "Hello Deviant. Deviant Serpent." Penelope said spitting.

I stood up. "Ma'am, I'm gonna need to ask you to leave Cheryl's room." I said calmly.

All of a sudden I felt a slap across my face. I heard Cheryl gasp. "I'm going to need to ask you to leave my house, slut." The awful woman said.

Cheryl stood up looking at my face. Penelope pushes her to the floor. "It should've been you. Not Jason." Penelopenis said.

A switch just went off in my head, and I was pissed. I took my knife out of my pocket and held it up.

"Leave me and Cheryl THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed. Penelope looked scared before leaving the room.

I put my knife away and helped Cheryl stand up. "Pack a bag, Cher. You're coming to stay with me for a bit." I said.

Cheryl smiled, still obviously scared, and packed her bag. We climbed out the window and got on my motorcycle.

As we rode away we heard penelopuke yelling at us. We rode to the south side and stopped at Sunnyside trailer park. My trailer was just inside, so we just walked my bike to it.

I opened the door, revealing a nice looking trailer.

We took off our shoes and walked to my room

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We took off our shoes and walked to my room.

Cheryl put down her bag before climbing onto my bed

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Cheryl put down her bag before climbing onto my bed. I climbed up as well. We laid down and I put my arms around her.

Cheryl started sobbing, and I ran my fingers through her hair. "I hate her." Was all Cheryl said.

"I know baby. I know" I said kissing the top of her head.

Eventually her crying stopped and her breathing slowed, signalling she fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning with the sun shining through my window. Cheryl wasn't awake so I carefully removed my arms from around her and climbed down.

I wrote a letter and put it on my table.

I went to pops to get breakfast. I'll be back soon. Love you, Toni.

I got on my motorcycle and drove to pops. I got our breakfast, and our usual milkshakes. I drove back.

I got home and Cheryl was still asleep. I looked at the time and it was 9:30, so I decided to wake her up.

"Hey baby. Wake up." I whispered in her ear. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles seeing me.

"Hi Toni." She said quietly. We climbed down the bed. "I got food. Get dressed and meet me out there." I said walking away.

A few minutes later Cheryl walked out. "Can I post a picture? You look beautiful." I asked. Cheryl smiled, blushed and nodded.

I grabbed my camera and took a picture.

Cheryl walked towards me and kissed my cheek

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Cheryl walked towards me and kissed my cheek. "I love you, so much T." She said.

I smiled. "I know." I smirked.

"You ass." Cheryl said sitting down.

"What about it? You love it." I winked.

We both burst out into laughter. "Love ya too Cher." I said. I handed her her milkshake and food.

"Thanks Antoinette." Cheryl said smirking.

"Oh that's it. Your gonna die Cheryl Majorie Blossom." I said standing up.

Cheryl stood up and ran. I chased after her. I grabbed her from behind and pinned her to the ground.

"Don't you dare." Cheryl said. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "You have five seconds to run." I stood up.

Cheryl ran into our room. I chased her. She climbed onto the bed, me right behind her.

I grabbed her and started tickling her. She screamed. "AH! TONI TOPAZ YOU BETTER STOP!" She screamed.

"Haha you screamed my name!" I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes.

"It's not like I haven't before." She said winking.

"Whatever you dork. Okay can we watch tv?" I said.

"Sure." We climbed off the bed and started watching Disney movies.

We watched them until we fell asleep. I am so fucking happy.
A bit of penelopuke being a dick, and the rest is just fluffy cute shit. That's all PEACE OUT DORKS!

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