Chapter 18

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Toni's POV
I've told Veronica and Betty about my plan to propose to Cheryl. I only told Betty because I asked Veronica if I could practice it with her, and I don't want Betty to think I'm proposing to her girlfriend.

Cheryl is at Thistlehouse visiting Nana Rose, and Jughead and Sugar aren't home. Me and Veronica are going to practice the proposal.

I walk out into the living room to get Veronica and find her and Betty sucking face. "GROSS! STOP! MY EYES BURN!" I yell.

The separate and laugh. I roll my eyes. "Betty, mind if I steal your girlfriend and propose to her?" I ask.

Betty rolls her eyes. "As long as she doesn't say yes." Betty says kissing Veronica's cheek. Veronica kisses her quickly before walking to me.

I walk to my bathroom with Veronica following right behind me. We walk into my room and I turn to Veronica.

"Okay so we're gonna practice like it's the real thing. So pretend that you're Cheryl." I say to Veronica as I get the ring.

I walk over to Veronica and get on one knee. We both laugh before I start.

"Cheryl Majorie Blossom, the past to years we've been together have been the best two years of my life. Before we met I didn't believe in love at first sight or any of that, but when I first saw you it was love at first sight. I knew right away we are soulmates. When you pushed me away in the bathroom that day, I knew I couldn't stop trying to be your friend. When you got sent to that awful place, I didn't sleep until I found you. And I'm sure now I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So... will you marry me?" I say.

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear a familiar voice say. Shit.

Ooh plot twist. You can probably guess who said that at the end. Anyway, the next chapter will be out soon, probably either tomorrow or the day after. That's all. Bi, I mean bye.

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