Chapter 13

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Veronica's POV
I really liked Betty. It has been a few months since I came to terms with it. I told Betty, and we kissed.

It's been pretty awkward with me and Betty. We mainly just tag along with Jughead and Sugar, who are officially dating.

But, here I am driving to meet just Betty over something quote unquote 'urgent'.

I walking into Pops, which is empty besides Betty. Betty sees me and gets up. She walks towards me and next thing I know we are kissing.

"We need to talk." Betty says dragging me to our booth.
Me and Betty talked and are now officially dating. We decided not to post anything, but to actually say it.

We were hanging out with the other four later, so we'd tell them then.

We went to the Pembrook, so we could tell my parents. My mom  loves Betty, so she'll be accepting. But I'm not so sure about my dad.

We stepped out of my car and walked into the Pembrook. I intertwined me and Betty's fingers a smiled at her.

Betty blushed and looked away. I kissed her cheek before going upstairs to my parents.

My mom was sitting on the couch, and I couldn't find my dad. "Mom. I have something to tell you," I said.

My mom looked at me, then Betty, then our hands. "I called it. Alice owes me 10 dollars," My mom said.

I smiled and laughed. My mom walked over and hugged us. "Betty, break her heart, you're in trouble. You too Veronica. Betty is nice girl, break her heart you're grounded for 10 years," My mom said.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around Betty's shoulder. We talked to my mom about how it happened and joked around until my dad got home.

"Daddy. I have something to tell you," I said standing up. Betty stood up with me.

"Betty isn't just my friend anymore. She's my, girlfriend. I'm, gay..." I said intertwining my fingers with Betty's.

I was nervous, but Betty gave me strength. I looked at my dad and he was not happy. His hands were in fists and his face was bright red.

"Hiram." My mom warned standing up and walking to me and Betty. My dad took a step towards us.

"Get out. Both of you. NOW!" My dad yelled at me and Betty. My mom stepped in.

"Do not yell at our daughter and her girlfriend. If anyone needs to leave, it's you," My mom said.

My dad looked between me and my mom before storming out of the Pembrook.

As soon as he left I started sobbing. I fell to the floor and held myself. Betty sat down beside me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'll give you guys some space." My mom said walking away. Betty sat stroking my hair comforting me.

We sat in silence until I stopped crying. "Can we go to pops?" I asked breaking the silence. Betty nodded.

"Mom. We're going to pops!" I said yelling to my mom before leaving. We walked out to Betty's car sitting in silence.

We walked in and saw Cheryl and Toni. They waved us over so we followed. We sat down across from them.

I was still upset, so I put my head on Betty's shoulder. Betty wrapped her arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

Betty gave Cheryl and Toni a look as to not say anything about what we are doing. "We're dating," I said.

Cheryl and Toni slightly smiled. I felt a tear run down my face as I stuffed my face into Betty's neck.

"It's okay, Roni. You'll be okay." Betty said while rubbing my shoulder.

I could tell Cheryl and Toni were confused. "Her dad is not accepting at all. Luckily her mom is," Betty said.

Cheryl and Toni said nothing. I heard the bell of pops and turned to see who it was. It was Jughead and Sugar.

They saw my tear covered face and hurried over. Betty explained what happened while I looked out the window.

 Betty explained what happened while I looked out the window

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We sat in pops and talked until it was late. They got me cheered up. I decided to stay at Betty's. We went to her house, luckily her mom was sleeping, or else they'd be in massive trouble.

We went upstairs and quickly fell asleep.

Just a bit of a filler. Anyway Happy Holigays

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