Chapter 9

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Cheryl's POV

Everyday after school I brought Toni her homework. I would stay with her until visiting hours were done and then I left. On the weekend they let me sleep over. Toni ended up needing to stay for longer than a week.

She stayed for a month, which completely sucked. I got to the hospital after school and the doctors told us that she could come home tomorrow, which was Saturday.

"So babe, what are we gonna do tomorrow once you get out of this, hell hole?" I asked her.

"Spend the whole day with you and only you." Toni said. I smiled. I leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. We sat and talked for a bit until two boys I don't know walked in.

"Hey Tiny. Sorry today is the only day we've visited. We've been busy with serpent stuff." The taller boy said. They walked over and hugged Toni.

"Hi. I'm Sweet Pea and this is my boyfriend, Fangs. You must be Cheryl. Tiny has told us about you." Sweet Pea said. I smiled. Toni rolled her eyes at the nickname.

"It's good you visited today. I'm getting out tomorrow." Toni said. I laid my head on her shoulder.

Sweet Pea and Fangs stayed for awhile just talking to me and Toni. The doctor came in when visitation hours were done and Sweet Pea and Fangs left. Since Toni was leaving tomorrow, they let me stay.

Me and Toni fell asleep not long after. We woke  up and started packing Toni's stuff together. The doctor came in and told us to just check out.

Me and Toni walked out of the hospital hand in hand. We got to the parking lot and saw Reggie standing against my car. "What do you want Reginald?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood for Reggie and his bullshit.

"I want to apologize. For everything. I was way out of line. You were right about what you said Cheryl, about me doing it because I am gay, and you guys are out and proud and I hate that I'm not." Reggie said. I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Okay well obviously we aren't going to forgive you. You shot Toni." I replied putting my arm around Toni.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm just asking that you don't hate me." He said. I looked at Toni.

"One one condition. Leave me and Cheryl the fuck alone." The shorter girl said. Reggie just nodded.

"Well I'll let you guys go. Again, I'm really really sorry." And with that Reggie walked away.

"Well that was unexpected." I said as Toni and I got in the car. "Yeah." Toni nodded.

I put one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Toni's hand. I kissed her temple before driving.
Im not going to put how many words are in the chapter, just cuz it's unnecessary. Anyway this was just a bit of filler since I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy lately so I can't post as much. Anyway, that's all for now. Peace.

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