Chapter 17

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Cheryl's POV
The past two months have been awesome. We moved into our house, and it's been great, except for Veronica has awful timing.

Toni has made me extremely comfortable, and I've gotten over the almost rape attempt. Me and Toni have our own room, and the walls are pretty sound proof.

Whenever me and Toni try to do anything Veronica bursts in. For example, yesterday...

Me and Toni were on our bed, taking... okay ripping our clothes off, when all of a sudden...

"CHERYL! TONI! I need help." Veronica bursts in our room yelling. We immediately pull the cover over ourselves so she doesn't see anything.

"Oh shit. Sorry." Veronica says leaving. And the mood is ruined.

And that brings us to now.

"Okay Veronica. We have to make some rules." I say. Me, Toni and Veronica are sitting in the living room. Sugar, Betty and Jughead went to go and get us pops.

"If the door is closed, you knock. You only enter if we say so." Toni says, wrapping her arm around me.

Both me and Toni are getting extremely frustrated with Veronica, because she screams. Loudly. And if she can do stuff we should be able to.

Veronica nods. Then Betty, Sugar and Jughead walk in. "FOOD!" I yell jumping up. I hear Toni laugh from behind me.

I turn around. "What I'm hungry." I say grabbing food. I hear Toni murmur something about me eating her.

"Toni if she ate you that'd be cannibalism." Betty says. I laugh.

"Glad I'm not the only y one that heard her." I say sitting down. Toni sits beside me. We eat our food before going to our room. We don't close the door, but instead I just face plant into the bed.

I feel someone fall beside me. I lift my head up. "Hi." I say to Toni. I give her a quick peck on the lips before adjusting myself.

"You're pretty." I say. Toni laughs. I play with her hair.

"I liked your hair better when it was still pink." I say. She let it go back it it's bleached blonde a while ago, but I liked it as pink.

"Maybe I'll dye it back." Toni said. I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Cuddle." I say burying myself under that blankets. Toni laughs.

Toni lays flat on her back and puts her arm out. I go under her arm and wrap my arms around her middle, laying sideways.

I bury my head in the side of her neck. "I love you." I say. It sounds muffled when I have my face in her neck.

"I love you too." Toni says kissing the top of my head.

Not long after I fall asleep. Once I wake up, I demand Toni let's me take her picture. Once I do I hang it up behind the bed.

A little while after we both fall asleep

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A little while after we both fall asleep.

I love Toni Topaz with my whole heart.

Whoa another post. Yeah it's to make up for the fact I won't be posting in a bit. I have a bunch of ideas and I'm trying to work it out so there will be a sequel I can use them in. I'll try to post once a week and once of the weekend. That's all. Byeeeeee

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