Chapter 15

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Toni's POV
It's been two weeks since New Years. It was awesome. We all stayed over at Veronica's and it was fun.

Tomorrow is me and Cheryl's anniversary. I'm nervous but excited. I'm giving her a promise ring.

The snake represents me, and the Ruby represents Cheryl

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The snake represents me, and the Ruby represents Cheryl.

My plan is for her to go on a scavenger hunt to get to me. We will meet at our spot, and I'll give her to ring. Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Sugar, Hermione and Alice are helping.

-Next Day-

Cheryl slept over and Veronica's last night, so I had time to set things up. She got home earlier than expected, so I told her I had a Serpent thing.

I went to all the places and got everyone where they needed to be. I sent Veronica a message signalling to start.

Cheryl's POV
Toni said she has a Serpent thing, but I wish she didn't. It's our 11 month anniversary, and I want to give her a necklace. It's like a promise ring but a necklace.

It's mainly pink Topaz

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It's mainly pink Topaz. Pink for her hair and well Topaz because she's Toni Topaz.

I look at the ring and I hear a knock at the door. I put to necklace in my pocket and go to the door.

Veronica's standing there. "Get your jacket Bombshell. We're going on a trip." Veronica said.

I went and got my jacket. Veronica led me to her car. When we got in she handed me a card. I opened it.

Dear Cheryl,
You are being brought to where we first met. I didn't know then, but I fell in love with you there.
Your TT

I instantly knew where we going. The place the drag race was held. When we got there, Toni wasn't there, but Betty is.

"Hi Cheryl." Betty said handing me a card.

Next you will be brought where you all but subtlety stared at me on stage.

I was confused. I got into the car again. We arrived at Pickens Park and I remember where I fell in love with Toni. She was protesting Pickens Day.

I walk over the stage and Jughead hands me a card. 

Next you will be brought to the place you rejected a friend you needed.

I got in the car confused. We arrived outside of Riverdale High, and I remembered what happened laughing to myself.

Sugar handed me a card, smiling.

Cheryl Bombshell,
I bet you're glad I didn't keep my sapphic serpent hands off you. You will now be brought to where you warmed up to me.

Stepping in the car, I knew where we were going. We arrived at the Bijou, were we watched Love, Simon.

Alice Cooper stood there. "She went all out." Alice said handing me her card. That she did, I though to myself.

You're almost done. Just one more place until you find me. You will now be brought to where you opened up, and came out, to me.
Love, Toni. (Get the reference?)

I laughed at the last bit. I got in the car excited. We arrived at Pops, and Hermione was there.

She handed me and strawberry milkshake, to go, and a card. I sippers my milkshake, and read the card.

You're almost to me. I figured you'd be thirsty, so I got you a drink. Anyways hurry I miss you.

I smiled at her. I got in the car and we arrived at me and Toni's spot. I smiled seeing her sitting there.

I walked over to her and gave her a passionate kiss. "I love you so much TT." I said hugging her.

I let go and sat down on our blanket. "How much work was this? You got Alice and Hermione involved!" I said. Toni laughed.

"I've been planning since before New Years." She said. She passed me some of the food we had.

We ate, occasionally getting in short food fights.  At the end Toni stood up.

"Cheryl Majorie Blossom, it's been almost a year, and you've made me the happiest person alive." She said. She got on one knee.

I put my hands over my mouth. "Don't sorry I'm not proposing. We're to young for that shit." Toni said making me laugh.

"Cheryl, will you take this promise ring. It holds the promise I will never ever hurt you and that I'll love you forever." Toni said pulling out a ring.

I nodded and hugged her. She handed me the ring and I put it on. "I uh got you something too." I said.

I pulled the necklace out of my pocket. "It's not as good as anything you did but-" "I love it Cheryl. Thank you." Toni cut me off kissing my forehead.

I helped her put it on. "Now it's late, let's go home." I said. We stood up and held hands walking over to Toni's motorcycle.

We got home and both fell asleep as soon as we laid down on the bed. I'm in love with Toni Topaz, and she's in love with me.

Sorry for not updating lately. I'm still not in the best mental spot. I hope this makes up for it. It's just them being cute. Okay bye.

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